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Your thoughts please on -

Combining the premier league teams?

Combining the leagues clubs (i.e. Wests Tigers leagues clubs not Balmain or Wests)?

Relocating permanently to Campbeltown (I'm a Balmain boy but maybe we need to create a fortress instead of four home grounds)?

We need to look to the future. In my eyes there are no Wests & Balmain factions we are all Wests Tigers supporters.


PL merging.........wont happen soon, Balmain would but Wests dont and i can respect that.

As for a joint Leagues club, sorry but no chance. The more the better really.

The ground issue............one day it will happen, we'll have one home ground. Its a touchy subject and i dont want to get under anyone's nerves other than to say our long term future is campbelltown. ( this from a balmain fan too)


By having joint Leagues Clubs I meant that they be all called Wests Tigers leagues clubs not Wests or Balmain. I would still want to keep all three.

I think the PL teams will within a few years for monetary reasons and junior development.

One home ground will be quite some time away but is necessary.


Yeah, for the club to maximise its full potential we need to "centralise" things, that includes PL and sadly the one home ground too. I townt happen quickly though.


angeman said:
Your thoughts please on -

Combining the premier league teams?

Combining the leagues clubs (i.e. Wests Tigers leagues clubs not Balmain or Wests)?

Relocating permanently to Campbeltown (I'm a Balmain boy but maybe we need to create a fortress instead of four home grounds)?

We need to look to the future. In my eyes there are no Wests & Balmain factions we are all Wests Tigers supporters.

Agreed on merging PL teams. Will it happen ? ... No. Why ? Because the two factions wont agree on it.

Yes we need a fortress. But unless CS is upgraded for lights and scoreboard it wont happen due to the costs involved. I wonder if other Balmain fans would rather move to CS than play games at TS.

Look into the future ? WT are living in the past. Trying to satisfy both sides of the JV. They will never be successful until they have there own identity.


angeman said:
Your thoughts please on -

Combining the premier league teams?

Combining the leagues clubs (i.e. Wests Tigers leagues clubs not Balmain or Wests)?

Relocating permanently to Campbeltown (I'm a Balmain boy but maybe we need to create a fortress instead of four home grounds)?

We need to look to the future. In my eyes there are no Wests & Balmain factions we are all Wests Tigers supporters.

I feel like I post the same things everyday but here goes..

1. Am undecided on PL merge. See both sides and am still not sure. Glad I don't have to make the decisions.

2. Nice theory. Will never happen.

3. Campbelltown is just as un-profitable as Leichhardt so until it gets a screen and lights it is not the answer either. There is $40k per night game gone. Crowd wise they are getting similar numbers. I don't think people who say Campbelltown is the future have really done their research on this. If they have, please explain. If I had my way it would be 50/50 all the way. I still think we can make a go of both regions with 6 games each but financially that won't happen. It is a MESS that I can't see being solved unless we start pushing for a premiership. Then the bandwagon will be full and will go wherever.


the chances of the local councils spending more cash on either of the grounds is slim, if we leave Leichhardt Oval we might not be able to go back because if you blink there will be townhouses there instead.

merging teams and leagues clubs might work, i dunno, would having two teams increase our depth?


Tigerpete said:
PL merging.........wont happen soon, Balmain would but Wests dont and i can respect that.

As for a joint Leagues club, sorry but no chance. The more the better really.

The ground issue............one day it will happen, we'll have one home ground. Its a touchy subject and i dont want to get under anyone's nerves other than to say our long term future is campbelltown. ( this from a balmain fan too)
i havent yet to be convinced that a permanent move to campbelltown is the way to go, dont tell me its because of the juniors,for the balmain juniors more than match wests,just look at the annual junior challenge cup balmain vs wests from u/13s to u/17s for the last 4 years and tell me whos on top,besides there would be a big void from ultimo to carlingford now thats a big area,this is a jv everything 50/50 please


gr8_1 said:
angeman said:
Your thoughts please on -

Combining the premier league teams?

Combining the leagues clubs (i.e. Wests Tigers leagues clubs not Balmain or Wests)?

Relocating permanently to Campbeltown (I'm a Balmain boy but maybe we need to create a fortress instead of four home grounds)?

We need to look to the future. In my eyes there are no Wests & Balmain factions we are all Wests Tigers supporters.

Agreed on merging PL teams. Will it happen ? ... No. Why ? Because the two factions wont agree on it.

Yes we need a fortress. But unless CS is upgraded for lights and scoreboard it wont happen due to the costs involved. I wonder if other Balmain fans would rather move to CS than play games at TS.

Look into the future ? WT are living in the past. Trying to satisfy both sides of the JV. They will never be successful until they have there own identity.
Was Balmain to the bone mate, and yes, if the WT can't play at Leichardt, i would rather walk over broken glass in barefeet than play at Telstra (unless its the GF). I would accept Campbelltown as our home.


Its funny about the home grounds.
campbelltown council said the wests tigers could use the ground free of charge if they decided to use it full time but the tigers refused the offer.

now if we did decide to use the ground full time i am sure the council would upgrade the lights, but i still reckon they need to upgrade the old stand (the original one) cause it is really starting to show its age!

weren't we rumored to be relocating our training facilities to the gym and oval at UWS Macarthur?

only time will tell i guess and no matter what we say the club will make its own decision ie. home 6 games to be played at hombush next season


the old bbc hardware site right accross the road from campbelltown stadium was also offered to the tigers to have first bid at buying it so that they could set up their administration etc there, but they decided to have their offfices at homebush, another missed oppurtunity.
it's quite a large piece of land and i believe the possiblity of having a gym and pool for training and recovery sessions on the site along with the admin offices was also put forward but the offer wasn't taken up.


from memory the developer that bought the old bbc site has had a change of mind and won't be building units on the site and from what i hear may be up for sale again.it is an ideal spot but i doubt we will do anything about it. Plus where wolud we get the $$$ from........ Meriton maybe?

geez it would bring back memories of when the magpies use to use the old squash courts and swimming pool that use to be next to the old leagues club before they knocked it down


It's now going to be developed into a 7 storey development. It sold for several million more than what it was originally offered for. Could have been a gold mine, but lack of vision again rears its ugly head.


thats what was originally goin to happen, approx 107 units and a pool etc but last i heard (about 1 month ago) that the developer has changed their mind and it'll be up for sale again

unless wests leagues buys it we have no chance


that is news. It wouldn't be cheap now though as it has an approved DA for the development already. Still you do a mixed development with the admin a gym and pool (available for resident use) at the bottom and units above. I wonder if they need an (almost) architect? :lol: :lol: :lol:


haha good idea yappy..
the tigers could put some money into some of the apartments and purchase them so that players could board there with each other.. young up and comers, players coming to the team from interstate can stay there till they find more perminant resident..
tigers looking after their players.. geez that'd be the day


maybe the tigers should approach c'town council and develop a massive football and leagues club. Ala "The Oasis" project!

or maybe not :lol:


haha all legit of course..
they could then change the name of leumeah station to Tiger Town station or something like that haha


yappy said:
that is news. It wouldn't be cheap now though as it has an approved DA for the development already. Still you do a mixed development with the admin a gym and pool (available for resident use) at the bottom and units above. I wonder if they need an (almost) architect? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Isn't the whole point of living in the middle of nowhere so you have space that you cannot afford in the nice parts of Sydney ;-) ? Then why the hell would anyone live in an apartment in Campbelltown?

Anyways, Balmain United Tigers would have been much better than the current arrangement. I do not think Western Suburbs need a mention as they are symbolised by the 'United' :p


yappy said:
that is news. It wouldn't be cheap now though as it has an approved DA for the development already. Still you do a mixed development with the admin a gym and pool (available for resident use) at the bottom and units above. I wonder if they need an (almost) architect? :lol: :lol: :lol:
If they can find one in the area who does'nt keep repeating the same year due to appalling result's they may perhap's use him. :lol: :lol: ;-)