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AFB requests immediate release on compassionate grounds


Given the way he left Manly, Warriors need completely scrutinise this request. If there’s proof that he’s seeking a compassionate release because he has a sick family member back in Sydney, fine, but anything other than that or significant mental health problems the club need to play hard ball.


Staff member
And so it's started. Other clubs want our players now so all the money goes under the table and the excuses come out. When is a contract not a contract?
This needs to be fought!

If he is desperate to get back let him sit out the length of his contract on the sidelines.

Penrose Warrior

First Grade
I hate this.

I'm a school teacher, and one of the things I hate the most is the lack of accountability with a lot of the younger generation. They want all the accolades, the praise and the good times, without any interest in responsibility, hardship etc. They refuse to face consequences of actions. Not all of them, certainly, but a growing amount.

If you sign a contract - ESPECIALLY IF YOU GOT OUT OF THE LAST ONE ON COMPASSIONATE GROUNDS - you should be forced to stay. Or, you can go and play in Super League.

Here's a recommendation to Cameron George - release AFB, but whatever club takes him, we get to take players. If it's the Dogs, you give us the equivalent players or no deal with you. And as part of his release, there is a no compete clause - he cannot play against us. And actually, he cannot play finals. That's OK, because we've been compassionate, to let him go back home. When you break a contract, there should be repercussions and sacrifices.

We don't just release him and take cap money that we can't spend anyway, because no one is available or wants to come here. You signed in good faith, we took a chance on you and your chequered history, and now you should be forced to repay that good faith, the significant $ you were given and the fact that knowing this now has completely f-ed our plans for 2024 because we have little time to regroup our propping stocks.


And so it's started. Other clubs want our players now so all the money goes under the table and the excuses come out. When is a contract not a contract?
This needs to be fought!

If he is desperate to get back let him sit out the length of his contract on the sidelines.
Has that happened since Gorden Tallis left the Dragons...

I'd imagine the Dragons and Dogs will be after him, but he'll probably end up a Rooster, I'm sure they have room for the highest paid prop in the NRL.

Problem is there will be nobody to replace him, hopefully at worst the club can do a deal - maybe with the Roosters for Leniu and someone else?

I'm not convinced Johnson will go as well again this year, but even if he does I think without AFB we struggle, and the reality is there are a handful, at best (Haas, JFH, Leota, Tino, Bromwich... ), of props of the same quality - and none will be coming to us

Penrose Warrior

First Grade
I feel like this is the most mature, professional decision that can be made. I am sure they've said they'll support him in whatever aspect is required. The comp is based in Sydney and we play there one week out of every 3 most of the time, so he'll have time there. I'm sure he can go in bye weeks, pre-season, whatever it takes.

This is a rare win for signing a contract and sticking with it. Yes I know he signed for 2025 as well, but at least we can plan for life without him.


I reckon this will all go pear shaped and he'll be gone mid season. George and Robinson will talk a big game about how they made him stay and then they compassionately let him go.

Fufu Andronez

First Grade
Why did this whole saga need to be publicised, if all it took was a zoom call to convince him to stick it out another year?

Just do it behind closed doors. Who leaked this shit?


Seriously though this is why we need to develop pur to win players or sign guys with genuine roots in NZ- otherwise we get used for a year or two and bailed on when players feel like they’re in demand and can fetch good $$ back in Aus.
I just looked at the Roosters' squad (well, for last year, I was researching what player might've worn a jersey I have). The vast majority of their players were from Sydney, not even regional NSW (where homesickness can still be acute). There's very little chance they'd lose anyone on compassionate 'homesick' grounds.


...Just do it behind closed doors. Who leaked this shit?
He's in camp with about 18 team-mates. The weather would be quite cold now and they've been mooching around Huddersfield, which is a long way from the off-field excitement of London. My guess is it's one of them.