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AFL - hypocrisy!


Post Whore
So im up late night and watching the AFL footy show as i usally do on a thursday night, waiting for Letterman to come on. Now this code makes no secret of its dislike for league, they stick the boot in at every chance and had no qualms cracking jokes about league and Hoppa in the shows opening

But this week they are having a rivalry week and have paired off Brisbane and Sydney... after soo much bagging and kicking they then had the audacity to use the State Of Origin battles from League to justify the rivialry between Brisbane and Sydney, the footage they used was all footage of QLD V NSW brawls

After using this footage to their own advantage they then went on to say how their code doesnt condone that sort of thing
Now i dont know if its a Channel 9 thing or NRL but either way if they are gonna use our footage how about leaving the kicks at the door.

And the clowns dribbled on for minutes about how they dont condone that sort of thing yet all their justifications for this 'Rivalry' round revolves around a brawl or slapfest of some description...hypocrisy at its best.


AFL's a sport for pseudo-tough guys and closet homosexuals. The next time I see some moron grabbing another guys shirt and then not knowing what to do I'm going to hurt someone.

That being said, that thing they played on the news where the blonde guy hurt his shoulder, and some idiot from the other team repeatedly shoulder charged him while he was trying to walk off the field was typical AFL behaviour.


The reason that they don't condone it is because not one AFL player knows how to throw a punch.


Post Whore
Hurriflatch said:
The reason that they don't condone it is because not one AFL player knows how to throw a punch.

it was strange
in about 20 minutes of footage for these rivalrys, i dont think a punch was thrown, it was all shirt grabing, air swings and slaps... melee central! :roll:


Raider_69 said:
Hurriflatch said:
The reason that they don't condone it is because not one AFL player knows how to throw a punch.

it was strange
in about 20 minutes of footage for these rivalrys, i dont think a punch was thrown, it was all shirt grabing, air swings and slaps... melee central! :roll:

A.K.A Handbags at 10 paces


It is a detestable sport!
What the f**k is up with Victorians and their obsession with this nonsense!
Just two days ago on mX (our city paper, or as some would say, condensed Herald Sun), someone in the letters section had the audacity to say Australian football could've been a worldwide sport had it been conceived in England. :roll:

What an arrogant ignorant imbecile!! Rugby league, rugby union, and cricket were all conceived in England yet NONE of those sports enjoy anywhere near the worldwide acceptance that football received.

It was a response to a letter posted a few days earlier that IIRC said Australian football is an insular sport that nobody else in the world cared about while football is a worldwide sport because it's easier to play and thus much more attractive.


Not one punch was thrown? are you kidding me. Look at the old games and "some" of the new ones. It is a rough game, you may not like it, but its rough.

Saying that, i thought it was a bit wrong them showing the state of origin video (great to see it again though) when its an AFL show, them using league to build up an AFL game.

But who cares really :roll: dont watch the bloody show if ya dont like it, dont watch AFL if you dont like it. not that hard really :roll: :roll: :roll:


I think its a travesty that they compare the lions v swans to State of Origin! Sacrilegious even!

I love it how they can get all excited at watching the great moments of origin, then carry on about how they dont condone the punching. These games are contact sports, sometimes they get heated and a punch is thrown, big deal! Its better then grabbing someones jersey and ripping it off for 10 mins.

I would rather someone punch me, standing up to me in a 1 on 1 contest then cop a cheap shot elbow to the face that happens so offen in AFL.

The Reiwoldt example was a joke, how tough are these guys hitting an injured player... As it was written in the GC Bulletin the other week, you wouldnt have seen it on the league field! Imagine a player hitting lockyer when injured, you better be prepared to cop a nice right hook from Webke, Petro and Co. League, a real mans game

I think the AFL has an inferiority complex, the code and its media are always having a dig at our game, yet the League media just let AFL do its thing :lol: :lol:


Didn't they show a big reel of biffs when they were going on about the carlton v collingwood match?

El Diablo

Post Whore
channel 9 have been using the two faces in the Rugby League Origin shield in promoting this game on TV

Surely they must need permission to promote AFL with part of a RL symbol :evil:


Channel 10 used the "two faces" logo when promoting the Swans v Lions game on 10 in brisbane, sickens me they can compare the two.... Fockers! :evil:

perth sharkie

Thunderstruck said:
What an arrogant ignorant imbecile!! Rugby league, rugby union, and cricket were all conceived in England yet NONE of those sports enjoy anywhere near the worldwide acceptance that football received.

I don't know what you're implying, but association football was also conceived in England in addition to those other sports.
camsmith said:
Not one punch was thrown? are you kidding me. Look at the old games and "some" of the new ones. It is a rough game, you may not like it, but its rough.

Saying that, i thought it was a bit wrong them showing the state of origin video (great to see it again though) when its an AFL show, them using league to build up an AFL game.

But who cares really :roll: dont watch the bloody show if ya dont like it, dont watch AFL if you dont like it. not that hard really :roll: :roll: :roll:

AFL isn't a rough game in the sense you're talking about. It's rough in the "Isn't croquet a shit game to watch" sense.

Melees are priceless though, they're f**king funny stuff.

A bunch of horse's hooves trying desperately to dry their fingernails in each others faces.

"Please Digby, I've just put a coat of Moroccan Sunset on my nails, would you do me the honour..."

Of Course Chance, just a moment whilst I purse my lips seductively and prepare to blow on you....."


Raider_69 said:
And the clowns dribbled on for minutes about how they dont condone that sort of thing yet all their justifications for this 'Rivalry' round revolves around a brawl or slapfest of some description...hypocrisy at its best.

I've noticed a variation this too, when the "International" Rules series is on, there are sometimes complaints from the Irish about the Australians being too rough (Gaelic football appears to have little contact it seems). They then have to suffer similiar abuse about being soft as we've heaped on AR in this thread.

It should be noted too, that the nature of the game (AR) lends itself greatly to cheap shots, you can wander around wherever you like to blindside opponents, the ball is often in the air or on the ground, making it hard to keep an eye on any potential ambushes, and the rules in some circumstances allow you to attack a man not in possession. So unless they keep a tight reign, it could get out of hand rather easily.


camsmith said:
Not one punch was thrown? are you kidding me. Look at the old games and "some" of the new ones. It is a rough game, you may not like it, but its rough.


It's ALL off the @&$* ball!!

What's rough or tough about king-hitting someone from behind while they're in mid-air, looking the other way?? That's not how a MAN fights!...That's how a pussycat ponce fights!!! "Give him a bit of a stiff arm when no-one's looking, then run away....FAST!

We BAN people for cowardly play like that in our game! And rightly so! But if 2 people go toe to toe...maybe take 10 in the bin to cool off, then on we go again!

The toughest AFL player there is, wouldn't last 1 season in Rugby League before he'd be hitting the road back for a calming frothy latte in Lygon St - battered & bruised in body and ego!

Theyre 2 different games...WHY AFL types insist on trying to prove their self-convoluted superiority over Rugby League in such a ridiculous manner, I don't understand! Most of us in NSW don't give a monkeys about AFL - We just think it's all a bit of a joke - them and their 'All Australian' teams - where the only game u get to play is some b@stardised hybrid of AFL and Gaelic footy 3 times a year Vs a visiting Irish team out here on holidays!! LOL :lol: We just enjoy our own game - AFL is just something that happens to other people!
perth sharkie said:
Thunderstruck said:
What an arrogant ignorant imbecile!! Rugby league, rugby union, and cricket were all conceived in England yet NONE of those sports enjoy anywhere near the worldwide acceptance that football received.

I don't know what you're implying, but association football was also conceived in England in addition to those other sports.
I'm not sure what you mean either, I know association football grew out of England. What that letter was saying was that if Australian football was an english game, it may have been as popular as soccer, which is bollocks, and I used the examples of both rugby codes and cricket being english sports yet achieving nowhere near the global popularity of soccer.

My point was the simplicity of soccer is what made it so popular, not its origin.


In AFL they get suspended really easily for throwing punches... so they fight without throwing punches, and it makes them all look like a bunch of sissies......


AFL's a sport for pseudo-tough guys and closet homosexuals. The next time I see some moron grabbing another guys shirt and then not knowing what to do I'm going to hurt someone.

That being said, that thing they played on the news where the blonde guy hurt his shoulder, and some idiot from the other team repeatedly shoulder charged him while he was trying to walk off the field was typical AFL behaviour.

:lol: :lol: