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AFL know-nothings take free shot at league

El Diablo

Post Whore

AFL know-nothings take free shot at league
Article from: The Sunday Mail (Qld)

By Mike Colman

July 19, 2009 12:00am

IT was four years ago. Round 3 of the AFL season and the Lions were playing a televised match against St Kilda.

The Saints' golden boy Nick Riewoldt fell awkwardly and broke his collarbone. As he tried to recover a long way from the ball, Lions players Chris Scott and Mal Michael took turns to shoulder-charge him until the 22-year-old collapsed in agony. He was helped from the field and sat weeping on the sideline.

I wrote a column at the time saying it was a bad look for the AFL. That it was brutal and bullying and thuggery. Those who know a lot more about Australian football than I do -- and that is pretty much everyone who follows it -- suggested I shut up and get back into my tree.

"It's just part of the game," I was told.

Fair enough. If that's what they reckon, I have to believe them. But it was still a bad look for the game.

Just as the closing minutes of Origin III were a bad look for rugby league. If you don't know anything about the game.

I reckon the worst thing to come out of Origin wasn't the sight of Brett White landing one on Steve Price's chin. It wasn't Justin Hodges calling out Trent Barrett or Mick Crocker trying to get his hands on Michael Ennis.

It was the free shot it gave to every know-nothing supporter of other codes who have taken great delight in sinking the boot into rugby league.

At the risk of being labelled a copy-cat, it's just part of the game.

It's not a part that happens every week or even every season. There hasn't been a scene like that for the best part of a decade. But occasionally it happens.

Like in 2005 when Mal Michael and Chris Scott cruelly targeted -- or as Michael put it "tested out" -- Riewoldt's shattered collar-bone.

I read two columns by AFL writers on Friday in which they said incidents such as the toe-to-toe fight between White and Price didn't happen in their game.

They're probably right. When Barry Hall smashed Brent Staker and Ben Rutten he wasn't standing in front of them. They weren't able to protect themselves. They never saw it coming.

Both writers boasted of the way Hall had been forced out of their game earlier this month. Congratulations and welcome to the real world. Rugby league got rid of Les Boyd and Bob Cooper 25 years ago.

One writer said the two minutes at the end of Origin III illustrated why rugby league would never spread outside Queensland and NSW and take root in that civilised haven of brotherly love, Victoria.

That's the same Victoria which was sickened this week by vision of an innocent young man being beaten senseless in a Melbourne fast food outlet.

The other columnist went so far as to use that shocking incident as a means to ask: "Is what we saw in Brisbane on Wednesday night linked to some of the stuff that goes on in our streets?"

It's a fair question, but it would be a lot fairer if he included one-off outbreaks of emotion-charged violence that pop up in other codes, including AFL, as well.

Price and White aren't serial on-field thugs who can't control themselves like Hall, Boyd or Cooper. Price said on Friday it was the first fight he'd had in his 14-year career and, after losing in a KO, his last.

Same with Johnathan Thurston, Sam Thaiday, Trent Waterhouse and Ben Creagh, the players who were sent-off, sin-binned or placed on report during the match. They're not dirty. Just passionate.

It was one of those games where the players wanted to win so much and were so swept away in the emotion and intensity of a brilliant night of football that they reacted like . . . well, like footballers.

Despite what those who are death-riding league might say, what we saw on Wednesday night wasn't a cancer eating away at the code's soul. It wasn't even a pimple.

It was just part of the game.


First Grade
Even Rebecca Wilson wrote an article in today's paper along these same lines.


Had to laugh at Robert Walls comments last night on 3aw "Rugby League is stuffed anyway" and Shane Healy couldn't help himself last night either, wanting to always bring up what happened in SOOIII saying "it was despicable, disgusting and thank goodness afl does not tolerate such gross acts"

The snipes at rugby league since Wednesday night's game have not stopped and some of these journalists/radio commentators only saw the highlights on tv of the Price/White punch up thinking it happened during the whole game:p


They don't get it. Origin was awesome theatre. AFL isn't a game it's a training drill. Netball for men.


Post Whore
Mike Colman has been writing some really good articles lately. I haven't noticed him since I refuse to read News Corp rags but some of his stuff is really good lately.


Had to laugh at Robert Walls comments last night on 3aw "Rugby League is stuffed anyway" and Shane Healy couldn't help himself last night either, wanting to always bring up what happened in SOOIII saying "it was despicable, disgusting and thank goodness afl does not tolerate such gross acts"

The snipes at rugby league since Wednesday night's game have not stopped and some of these journalists/radio commentators only saw the highlights on tv of the Price/White punch up thinking it happened during the whole game:p

While rugby league may sometimes give the appearance of being a caged gorilla, there's little doubt that AFL is hurriedly turning itself into a pet poodle, so determined are they to ensure their code can be patted in complete safety by young kiddies as their fearful mothers watch on.
Say whatever they like, their eyes were all glued to the screen!

Spot on. I can't believe the amount of AFL comment on rugby league this week. It would be the most talked-about sport around the nation by a country mile. The AFL cheerleaders are mesmerised by a fair dinkum stoush. The vitriol and shrillness of their attacks on our great game are in direct proportion to their secret shame at the emasculation of their own inferior game.

Jason Maher

Coleman writing such a good piece is not as surprising as Bourbon Beccy doing so, but it is surprising nonetheless. I think it is high time for a concerted, sustained attack by the League journos to defend our game and lay the boot into the other code wherever possible. Put them on the defensive. The AFL are fighting dirty (even the imbecilic Demetriou has weighed in on Origin), so it's time to give them a few right crosses like White gave Price on Wednesday.

Ronnie Dobbs

Had to laugh at Robert Walls comments last night on 3aw "Rugby League is stuffed anyway" and Shane Healy couldn't help himself last night either, wanting to always bring up what happened in SOOIII saying "it was despicable, disgusting and thank goodness afl does not tolerate such gross acts"

The snipes at rugby league since Wednesday night's game have not stopped and some of these journalists/radio commentators only saw the highlights on tv of the Price/White punch up thinking it happened during the whole game:p

And what the f**k does Robert Walls know about RL? He picked a team of AFL players that he honestly thought would beat an NRL team because of their superior skill level a couple of years ago....Puhhhlease.

AFL people don't understand the game, yet they always talk about it. Why? Hw often do RL commentators talk about AFL? Never. Inferiority complex people. They are threatened and trying to belittle the threat at every opportunity.

In these increasingly politically correct times, Wednesday night was a beacon for old fashioned values of mateship, courage & sticking up for your mates. All very Australian traits I would think. Yet the commentators on the so called Australian game are taking every opportunity to deride it.

How many RL commentators blew up about Barry Hall king hitting Brett Staker? None. Why? Because we don't care.

AFL for some reason feel threatened. They are the number 1 game in the country by numbers. Good on them.

No get back into your miserable little corners you Victorian cretins.

El Diablo

Post Whore
you might see a punch up at League on the field but would you take your kid to a game where he might see this when he goes for a piss?


Sordid sex on website

Matt Doran

May 03, 2007 12:00am

AFL matches, scout halls, hospitals, supermarkets and cinemas are among venues across Melbourne listed on a gay website as hook-up points for sordid sexual encounters.

The Australian Family Association has called on police to stringently monitor the website, which promotes itself as a "neighbourhood cruising guide" and features more than 15,000 public locations in Australia where gay and bisexual men meet regularly for sex.

The Canadian-based website has been known to police for some time, but recent posts about hardcore sex acts in family-orientated venues have prompted fresh calls for it to be banned.

Men have posted messages about sexual liaisons in toilets during AFL football matches at the MCG and Telstra Dome.

Other disturbing meeting points include:

PUBLIC pools: members openly talk about having oral sex and intercourse at swimming pool toilet blocks and in saunas.

MAJOR shopping centres: toilets, cinemas and change rooms at Southland, Knox and Fountain Gate shopping centres are listed as hot spots for gay activity.

AIRPORT lounges: numerous posts list flight departure times and call for men to loiter near public toilets and lounges on the lookout for potential "targets".

A HOSPITAL: toilets at a major Melbourne hospital are listed as a rendezvous point for gay encounters. According to the listing the toilets are frequented by "visitors, nurses and doctors".

Other locations include public parks and gardens, lifesaving club toilets, public libraries and a scout hall.

The site also includes a guide titled "Help In Case You Are Arrested".

Police spokeswoman Cassandra Stone said: "We are aware that these types of places exist and we actively patrol them."

Australian Family Association state secretary Angela Conway said the public domain was not the place for sexual activity.

"This sort of hyper-sexualised culture is just not a good thing for families with young children to have to encounter," Ms Conway said.

"It is disgusting that the community's free use of these facilities is being compromised in this way."


its a good article from Mike and good to see some journos stand up for the game for once.

it amazes me how afl people from their ivory towers look down at RL and always say 'that never happens in our sport'

we've seen the fear they have for the game this week


First Grade
And what the f**k does Robert Walls know about RL? He picked a team of AFL players that he honestly thought would beat an NRL team because of their superior skill level a couple of years ago....Puhhhlease.

AFL people don't understand the game, yet they always talk about it. Why? Hw often do RL commentators talk about AFL? Never. Inferiority complex people. They are threatened and trying to belittle the threat at every opportunity.

In these increasingly politically correct times, Wednesday night was a beacon for old fashioned values of mateship, courage & sticking up for your mates. All very Australian traits I would think. Yet the commentators on the so called Australian game are taking every opportunity to deride it.

How many RL commentators blew up about Barry Hall king hitting Brett Staker? None. Why? Because we don't care.

AFL for some reason feel threatened. They are the number 1 game in the country by numbers. Good on them.
No get back into your miserable little corners you Victorian cretins.

This is exactly the point. Why do they even bother? If anything, they're probably creating people who will actively seek out a League game to see what these idiots are blabbering on about is so bad. It boggles the mind as to why AFL journalists constantly put their opinion in about a sport they actively profess to not properly understand or care about.

Pete Cash

Post Whore
AFL will always have an inferiority complex because the majority of Australians live in Rugby League states.


Post Whore
Can't believe this was written by Coleman, but he has been making it a habit of late. Who cares what some inbred spoon fed Victorians think about the greatest game of all. They have nothing that can match State of Origin, not even close so they have to find a way to tear it down.......

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