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Am I the only one not excited anymore?


I don't know why but I'm just lost that excitement. I think its probably due to the long wait, but I really don't care about any more questions being asked, or any new vids being released. I just want to play the game! Anyway that's my whinge for tonight, im going to bed (wake me up when the game's released)


u know 2 all the ppl that used 2 b at the rleague forums i really do hate being right... if i can recall a huge arguement (started by me) claiming that the game would be slowly pushed back... and unfortunatley it looks like i was right... lets hope they prove me wrong...

but still i have 2 say im unimpressed with the lack of info released and that includes written info about gameplay and all that crap, video's, pics... how long has it been since pics of the nrl side of the game have been released... and also a release date...

i understand muzza wouldnt have anything 2 do with the date being set and a main reason the game would be pushed back would be because of the whole Microsoft v Sony thing (or so i believe) but the most mario could do is tell us if the game has gone gold yet....

okay newayz i have had my say... now its every1 elses turn to tell me to stop being impatient... oh and i will just say this now "thank u mario and sidhe for making this game" by doing that it will hopefully stop you all from whinging that i am not being thankful 2 mario....


yes yes... it is called an opinion eel... u have one... i have one... we all have them...

btw the i love mario disclaimer was actually poking fun at all of the people on this forum who whinge about the biggest load of bullshit not to excuse myself from critisism that is impossible...

newayz as i have alwayz said dont agree with my opinions dismiss them... makes no difference to me....


lol :lol: ... sometimes eel u just have 2 ask urself one simple question "why does this matter to me?" u make what matters to u... so why let urself become so bogged down in arguements which dont do shit....
I am very exited I think a release should have been set by now but I don't really care i'm just happy that before christmas I will be playing a league game on xbox :)!!!!

I really don't know why people expect more info from Sidhe I mean I have known less about many other games released this year, sidhe have released many videos, pics and stacks of the only thing that has been missing is the release date and if they don't know it yet they can't announce it can they....

Bunny Boy

supersoniceagle said:
I don't know why but I'm just lost that excitement. I think its probably due to the long wait, but I really don't care about any more questions being asked, or any new vids being released. I just want to play the game! Anyway that's my whinge for tonight, im going to bed (wake me up when the game's released)

Dude I so know where your coming from.
It was supposed to be released last year and now because such a long wait im losing interest by the day.
Itll be good when I get it, but for now im just not arsed.

Wigan Warrior

Must say,the minute i heard these rumours of it being delayed again i started losing interest.Ill be excited when the game finally drops through the door and its in my hand but ive had my hopes up so many times and the release seemed to be put back every time.First there was last November,fair play that was some kind of misunderstanding,then it went to something like July/August,then September,then October now its looking like November.

I may actually cancel my pre-order with GP store and just wait until the release date is cut and dried and get the game from a UK retailer to save shipping charges.The whole reason i pre-ordered from Gp store was i thought id get it a week or two earlier than anyone in the UK but now the chances of that look slim.



by all means someone can have my excitement if they want. I just cant stand it any more :D

I dont know how ANY of you can say your not excited... ITS LEAGUE AND IT LOOKS SOOOOOOOOO AWESOME !

If Mario came on here now and said it was out tomorow everyone on here would piss their pants right on the spot.

P.S None of you would sleep tonight either :D
I'm losing interest in these forums by the minute, all the Shite that is typed in here no wonder people are losing interest.
How about we just wait til we hear something from HES about a realse date, as was stated before they most likely would love to name a date but can't due to the Sony v Mircosoft thingy.
Anyway just sit back cut the crap and wait for some new info.

Wigan Warrior

Yeah but thats just it Knowsley.The game has been delayed so many times that it now seems like every time we get close it will be delayed further still.Up until now,ive been thinking about it non stop and even dreaming about it but the news that it could well be delayed again is a big turn off.No point getting excited about something you havnt got and dont know when your gonna get it. I realise its probrably not Sidhes fault so im not having a go at them but if someone doesnt go around to Microsoft and Sony with a gun......... :evil:


I think the excitement isn't really gone, it's just the frustration of the wait. Once the game is out and everyone collects their orders and starts playing - the excitement will return. I don't really think we can get that excited with no definate release date anyways. I'm not thinking about it too much at all - just waiting for confirmation of the date at the moment


What is wrong with you people? How could you not be excited about the release of this game? I can't play anything else at the moment, because I know its not Rugby League, and until I play that I wont be happy with anything else. I play Madden, and it just doesn't excite me very much, I played Rugby 2004, and returned it within a week. Nothing else will do until I get Rugby League.

I've never been so excited about a game in my life, really. I don't care what the release date is, I know it'll be out soon, so soon that I can taste it, and every day until then is painful, its like waiting for Christmas or a birthday when your a young fella, and you know you are getting an awesome present, but you have to wait until that day to get it.

If you aren't excited about the release of this game you probably didn't spend the hundreds of hours playing ARL that I did, editing Parramatta in practice mode to make them a decent side, putting my mates together in a practice squad and lining them up against Australia, heck, I even kept bloody scoring statistics in notepad for the games they played! You wouldn't have worn out a gravis gamepad solely playing ARL 96. You wouldn't have gone through ET's Rugby every year updating the teams and stats to the current season, and playing through it, even ten years after its release. You wouldn't have played the Mega Drive ARL to death, even though you knew it was a pile of crap.

You wouldn't have waited for six long years for another league game to get announced, sitting and dreaming about what could be in it, hoping against all hope that with all the AFL, Cricket and Rugby games coming out, somebody would pick up the greatest game of all. I danced around the room cheering when I read in the Sunday Telegraph one morning that a league game was in development, which was rather brave considering I was on a romantic holiday with my then girlfriend at the time. Funnily enough she couldn't understand my excitement.

You probably still don't play the demo, now 10 months old, nearly every day, even though you do the same thing every time. You wouldn't have spent an hour trying to figure out if you could kick 40-20's the other way. You wouldn't have a dual-boot to Windows 95 so you can still play ARL 96. You wouldn't own Super League Pro Rugby, let alone have finished seasons in it, despite how poor the game is. You probably aren't prepared to import Championship Rugby League Manager from the UK, despite knowing how bad it is, just because its rugby league.

Can you see why I'm more excited than ever now? This game isn't just a great version of Rugby League, this is something that I've waited, begged, pleaded and prayed for for seven years now, and its finally within a month of release. It's not a pipe dream, or one small press release, its not a 'fun game with over the should passes and grubber kicks', it is a full on dedication to rugby league, the best of its kind by a long way, and I don't care if Brent Sherwin has black hair, if there is no video ref, if there is a grab and shake tackle, that players can't bounce off the posts or if ESL field markings aren't accurate, I don't give a toss about any of that, because Rugby League is coming in a month now, just one month to go for something that, 18 short months ago, was only a dream.

So needless to say after all that, I'm very, VERY excited. And if you'd have looked forward to this game as much as I have, you'd be excited too.


I think the reason the excitement is gone is because the respect between makers/gamers has gone. there not tellin us anythin, so we're pissed off. which is fair enough. I can near enough guarentee that if we heard some OFFICIAL info tomorrow, the excitement would come back.

on a seperate note...RELEASE THE F-ING GAME, YOUR PISSING ME OFF NOW :shock:


miccle said:
I think the excitement isn't really gone, it's just the frustration of the wait.

yep i agree it's just we think we are losing excitment and interest, i am as most of you are but it's really just frustration. And yes when we hear about the release date and get more videos yatayatayata the excitment will come back and especially when the adds come out.

Tupac Shakur

First Grade
I reckon everyone is losing the excitement of the game being released because there is this forum talking about everything thats in the game and stuff and now everyone knows it's not as exciting as just waiting for it.

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