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americans view on league


Tomahawk said:

I am going to look this up but was told in one of the 1st five Olympics a bunch of blue collor Americans beat the Australians.

No I am not ignorant to the game. Will the American ever have the skill like the Austalians? Probally not, however they can match up physically with any other team in the world in my opinion. Just think about Terrell Owens playing Wing or Ray Lewis playing 2nd row. I think you may be ignorant to American football.

1st off what are you talking about re Olympics?

Secondly if you knew anything about either game you could see that its unfair to compare them against one another. Gridiron requires explosive speed & strength without much endurance,Thats why you have fat slobs as lineman. I think the likes of Lewis & Owens could make excellant League players.With that said Lewis can tackle but do you think he has the hands to catch & pass in traffic. Owens can catch but can he put on a hit.Your 2 examples to get to a level of an Australian team player at their age, no way. Same goes for a League player making the transistion to Gridiron. Todays players are way to small for Gridiron. The player has evolved into a lean fast athlete with plenty of endurance to constantly run around for 80mins with only 1 time out.A top league player has to master all facets of the game-offence & defence. I could not see a Leaguie lining up against an Olando Pace or any other fat ass lineman, they would get crushed.

You are an idiot.


Loser said:
1st off what are you talking about re Olympics?
He would be talking about America winning gold medals in Rugby Union when it was an Olympic sport (in the 20s I think).
At that time gridiron was a lot closer to Rugby than it is now, and the rest of the world was very strictly amatuer, while the Americans were basically semi pro or near fulltime athletes through their college system.


I love rugby league and hate American football. However after living in the good old us of a for a few years I have to tell you that you guys don't have a clue!!

I had the wonderful experience of meeting a bunch of internationals when Oz played the USA in Philly last november. I spoke for a while with Shane, Fitzy, Danny Buderis and a few other guys. Now these guys are big boys, no question. I also recently had the pleasure of being around an NFL golf tournament. The NFL guys are HUGE. Maybe when ozzies see NFL they see the big linemen, taking a hit and then going off for oxygen. That is true, the average lineman is about 300 lbs, or about 135 kgs(?). However if the NFL had a rugby team non of of these linemen would be involved. The guys that would play would be the running backs and the safetys and a whole bunch of guys who are just sick athletes. They would, with training, absolutely kill any NRL team just on pure size and speed. Also one of the most important things in league is getting off the line in defence. The NFL guys do a 4.4 second 40 meter run, or else they are not considered for the NFL, tht means they would hit the offensive line quicker than they have ever been hit before.
Some league is played between the ears but I'm sorry if the NFL decided to play league it would be all over, and please remember I hate the NFL


lloydy please get your hand off it. That's fantastic that these NFL players run a 4.4 over 40 yards, so what? Matt Reick does under that over 40 metres. Now this line speed you speak of, well will these 4.4 supermen be able to sustain this for 80 minutes? This is a fruitless arguement, the simple answer to all this is no NFL player would ever dominate in the NRL, age and experience will always be against them, and the same goes for an NRL player dominating in the NFL.


It is not only ex-Aussie Rules players who try out for NFL. Quite a few years ago a big, fast rugby league centre called Mark Harris went over there for a try-out as a running back, but did not get a contract.

An Australian schoolboy rugby union representative, Colin Scotts, went to university in the States, started playing American football, and ended up playing quite a few years at the top level, as an offensive tackle, if I remember rightly. Pity, if he had not made the grade he would have had a stellar rugby union career.


Staff member
lloydy said:
I love rugby league and hate American football. However after living in the good old us of a for a few years I have to tell you that you guys don't have a clue!!

I had the wonderful experience of meeting a bunch of internationals when Oz played the USA in Philly last november. I spoke for a while with Shane, Fitzy, Danny Buderis and a few other guys. Now these guys are big boys, no question. I also recently had the pleasure of being around an NFL golf tournament. The NFL guys are HUGE. Maybe when ozzies see NFL they see the big linemen, taking a hit and then going off for oxygen. That is true, the average lineman is about 300 lbs, or about 135 kgs(?). However if the NFL had a rugby team non of of these linemen would be involved. The guys that would play would be the running backs and the safetys and a whole bunch of guys who are just sick athletes. They would, with training, absolutely kill any NRL team just on pure size and speed. Also one of the most important things in league is getting off the line in defence. The NFL guys do a 4.4 second 40 meter run, or else they are not considered for the NFL, tht means they would hit the offensive line quicker than they have ever been hit before.
Some league is played between the ears but I'm sorry if the NFL decided to play league it would be all over, and please remember I hate the NFL

Well said again lloydy


Big Bunny said:
As good as the US sporting system is in development sometimes it just can't cut it. I'll give you a good example. At the moment there are over 100 Australians playing in US college basketball. They are there because they offer what a lot of Americans don't and that's mental toughness, an attitude that is selfless rather than selfish and skills both as athletes and as citizens. Whilst American kids are thinking about contracts and how to spend them, Aussie kids are working on their fundamentals. Of my top 10 Aussies in the NCAA, 2 are on all academic All-star teams as well as their divisional All-Star 5's. The AIS is as good if not better than anything available in the US. If a person has the talent then they will be picked up and offered a scholarship to attend.

The big difference between Australia and the US isn't that they do it better, it's that they just do more of it. Here a regular joe footy player isn't offered state of the art facilities and scholarships, but in the US if you've got any amount of talent you'll still get a partial scholarship and utilise state of the art equipment. You'll still be the same average joe you were to begin with though. On a rare occasion someone might benefit from it, but if you weren't good enough to be noticed and driven to the top of the heap on raw talent to begin with then you're not likely to make it by either the US or the Aussie way.

Race has very little to do with why Pacific Islanders are good in sport, or why Koori's or African Americans make up large percentages in the sports they play. It all comes down to who wants it bad enough out of large numbers playing and that being dismissed as a genetic edge. Koori kids all grow up with a ball in their hand, there aren't many other avenues where society expects them to be an even chance at success like football. In any race if a large percentage of people are doing one activity you'll have a smaller percentage that are good at that activity and then only a few among those who will rise to the top of that heap. If as many Caucasian, African or Asian kids spent their free time living and breathing football then they too would boast similar population/participation ratios. Yeah race might then show small differences, but nowhere near what has been suggested on this thread. There's so much bollocks to this kind of sterotyping: Africans don't make good quarterbacks, black guys can't swim, Pacific Islanders are better at rugby, white guys can't jump, all blacks have rhythm, asians are better at math..

bollocks the lot.

If you've got the heart it doesn't matter what shape, size, colour or religion you are. Faster twitch fibres might help as will natural bulk but we're not talking about needing that 0.01 second edge nor are we talking about a naturally big guy running over the opposition when a proper diet and weight regimen can help most people to the same goals. If Australia was flooded with Africans it wouldn't mean diddly squat. England isn't exactly flooded with world class Ellery Hanley and Billy Boston clones now is it?

everything about this post is wrong
pride aside, what makes you think australian athletes are mentally tougher than americans? i cant see any evidence of this in the modern day and age. most young aussies spend their time in their room smoking bongs and listening to rap, im an aussie, and i really hate to say this,. hurts in fact. but no other race in australia are into their marijuana like the caucasian kids. even shows like fat pizza stereotype us that way....what gave them that idea?
basically what im saying is as far as mental toughness goes, there arent alot of ww1 digger types left.

secondly, of course race plays a part. are you trying to tell me its just 'coincidence' that only black people have ran under 10 flat thus far? that no white runners want it as much as blacks? bollocks. Blacks have thicker skin, a more naturally strong physique, scientifically they have longer arms and stronger legs they are natura hunters. whites dont possess this the same way

and you think islanders physiques dont help them in football? you think that the amount of islanders weve seen in the last 10 yrs is just a coincidence?
geez just look at them, there huge, there fast, thats a recipe for rugby success.
YOU also state that its the culture that 'wantas it more' who become successes in sport. this is not true, well it is mentally but socioeconomic conditions play its part, the right training, the right health, the rightr knowledge is what makes the athlete. Aborigines are fast beings, naturally springy. thats why you give an aboriginal room to move he will cut you to pieces-but you dont see the same proportion of tonie carrols compared to nathan merrit.