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Anakin Harrison


ParraDude_Jay said:
Daley said it on Scoreboard, punt Harrison and bring McPherson up. FG experience is priceless and the season is lost for them, so why give game time to someone who won't even be there next year?
Daley is a fool. Why would you punt your best player because he has signed with another club next year? Would Easts punt Cayless for leaving for more cash to the UK next year? No. The kid has the rest of his contract to fulfill. SOuths should allow him to represent them. He is one of their best, why drop him if it isnt form related? Because Daley is a dickhead. And Souths are stupid enough to probably do it.


Why would you punt your best player because he has signed with another club next year? Would Easts punt Cayless for leaving for more cash to the UK next year? No

Broncos dumped Hodges (not saying Souths should dump Harrison, they shouldn't, but other clubs do it)


First Grade
Razor said:
Broncos dumped Hodges (not saying Souths should dump Harrison, they shouldn't, but other clubs do it)

The Hodges and Harrison situations are different.

Hodges was being blooded to replace Sailor the following year, he chose to leave, so we blooded Tate.

Harrison is the best player at Souths.


melon.... said:
Would Easts punt Cayless for leaving for more cash to the UK next year? No.
But I wish they'd drop Crocker for the rest of the season...:(


First Grade
This illustrates the best reason why mid season signings are stupid. Souths players are now leeched of some of the joy they have in watching Ash play for the bunnies.
That's if Souths don't act like fools and punt him to reggies. I can't see McRae doing this, but strange things happen at Redfern HQ.


Who could blame him, playing for the Newtown Jets PL team is about as attractive as South Sydney is to players at the moment.

It will be interesting to see how the Telstra Stadium deal goes given that Souths have lost their best player and not signed anybody of any real quality.


Post Whore
As i said, if souths would like to take the spoon from Newcastle's grasp, by all means send Harrison to Premier League and give a spot to someone who is gonna be there next season. IF they want to stave off the spoon and restore minimal amount of credability then they need Anakin.
Raider_69 said:
As i said, if souths would like to take the spoon from Newcastle's grasp, by all means send Harrison to Premier League and give a spot to someone who is gonna be there next season. IF they want to stave off the spoon and restore minimal amount of credability then they need Anakin.

Go to the dark side Souths .... The dark side



listen everyone is condemning his decision and i am not one bit happy about it but why should he stay somewhere where he is not happy ..? i dont blame him for leaving although i feel like he has stabbed Souths right in the heart and not only that, twisted it around so it hurts more by going to the Roosters .. ill miss Ash and if he had've gone anywhere else i could have, after a little bit of time, even been happy for him, but while hes at the Roosters i can't support him .. he is my favourite player and will continue to BE my favourite player right up until the day he retires but this is absolute devastation .. now i know what the Bulldogs fans felt last year when they lost Pricey :(

Paul Hewson

The worst thing that Ash has done is said that the main reason that he left was because of South's failure to secure big name signings. To me this is a kick in the teeth to the young kids coming through. How are these guys playing next to him going to feel? Yes Ash has been the best player over the last few years. But no one player is bigger that the club.

In the end the big name players don't want to join Souths, but there are kids coming through that want to play for this team more than anything. This is what Souths need more than anything. I just can't wait until we play the Roosters in a few weeks time. There is going to be plenty of feeling in that game.


yeah and i hope we fkn smash em :( we needn't look anywhere but our own backyard imo .. if those big name players dont wanna be part of the revival well then thats their loss they will be sorry .. and the players that do stick around and have faith in themselves and eachother will have more to feel proud of cause they stuck it out through good and bad times ..
Alba said:
listen everyone is condemning his decision and i am not one bit happy about it but why should he stay somewhere where he is not happy ..? i dont blame him for leaving although i feel like he has stabbed Souths right in the heart and not only that, twisted it around so it hurts more by going to the Roosters .. ill miss Ash and if he had've gone anywhere else i could have, after a little bit of time, even been happy for him, but while hes at the Roosters i can't support him .. he is my favourite player and will continue to BE my favourite player right up until the day he retires but this is absolute devastation .. now i know what the Bulldogs fans felt last year when they lost Pricey :(

Well said. Ashley is deffinately the best player for the souths, and too lose him must be devestating. I felt the excat same with Timana and BK, and i still wish we didn't let them go.


First Grade
Lay off the man.

I'm not going to address the 15 year old keyboard heroes as there is no point, but those of you that have to work for a living should know better. How can we criticise Harrison? It was a personal decision he made for his career.

Would any of you turn down a well paid job at a far better company, that gave you more stability, a good lifestyle, and the opportunity for advancement?

What Harrison does with his life is his business.


I wouldn't send him down to PL, but I would ask him/force him to relinquish the captaincy to a player who actually plans to be at the club for the long run (I'd say Sutton).


Lego_Man said:
Lay off the man.

I'm not going to address the 15 year old keyboard heroes as there is no point, but those of you that have to work for a living should know better. How can we criticise Harrison? It was a personal decision he made for his career.

Would any of you turn down a well paid job at a far better company, that gave you more stability, a good lifestyle, and the opportunity for advancement?

What Harrison does with his life is his business.

exactly right thats the example ive been using .. imagine ur a lawyer and it isnt a very successful firm and you're just not happy with it and your whole life begins to suffer because of the issues at work and then a well known firm approaches you for a job and the offer is just too good to pass up? what do u do? go to the better lifestyle and be happy or stay in a job where you just cannot be happy?? as i said earlier i am not at all happy with it but its his decision, we WILL move on from this ..