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Andrew Voss - why?


Sterlo should replace Voss, even though Voss has made the show infinitely more intersting this year. Sterlo can ask the hard questions without coming across as an arrogant bitch who has been exiled to the other side of the strudio while fatty and matty kiss feet. Sterlo played the game well, and his commentating is just as good.
Sterlo > Voss > Fatty + matty


The real issue with the footy show is the horrendous comedy they put on every week.

God-King Dean

I like him.

But what annoys me is not what he asks, it's how he asks. He's says it aggressively, & a lot of the time cuts them off mid-answer.

Just needs to relax, Thursday show ain't the same as the Roast.


First Grade
Why cant he grill the guests on the show?
Makes for interesting viewing, i know id rather him asking the guests the questions he does over M. Johns asking questions that the world knows the answers to.


voss is ok . he doesnt shy away from questions that need answers, he ask these questions cause he knows the audiance likes to hear what the players have to say, keep him he talks footy and not crap


Sterlo should replace Voss, even though Voss has made the show infinitely more intersting this year. Sterlo can ask the hard questions without coming across as an arrogant bitch who has been exiled to the other side of the strudio while fatty and matty kiss feet. Sterlo played the game well, and his commentating is just as good.
Sterlo > Voss > Fatty + matty

Have them both on

Sterlo and Voss are both articulate and can get their point across

Now that Chief is gone they should get rid of Fatty. I dont know why he's on, like Chief he adds nothing


First Grade
Yoy may be correct. But if you look through the Footy Show thread I think you'll find a lot of the people who have watched the show are very criticical of his inclusion. 6 or 7 people in this thread stating he does a good job does not really prove anything. Personally I find the bloke arrogant and overbearing. We need Sterlo back on ASAP. Smart football brain, likeable, and is not afraid to express an opinion.

Those 6 or 7 (and growing by the post) says a lot more than the 2 or 3 saying otherwise. My point is that you are very much in a minority of people who dont like Vossy on the show. People may be critical of some of his methods but overall there are far more people happier now than before when it was Chief


he doesn't have to be but he tries to be and he is about as funny as a lovechild between dane cook and mike goldman, so stop making with the attempted funnies voss and stay with footy


sterlo needs back on the only reason he left is he thought nine were gonna swing the axe, chief was dragging that show down, and unlike voss sterlo is a decorated legend of the game and knows his sh##, i even remember back in they day when sterlo was on it he would be the least kiss-ass of the gang


First Grade
I think Voss is spot on. Yes he asks a lot of the questions in an aggressive manner, but I am sure he, like the majority of normal folk, are sick of hearing the same old horse sh*t being shovelled down our throats by Club officials and the governing body itself.

The way I see it, he is trying to get the hard facts, not the frills around the edges, which we have seen for far too long.


First Grade
So you have to be a 'master of the game' in order to comment and spread your views about on it?

Thats like saying Bruce Macavaney is f**king clueless and should not be able to commentate on AFL, Swimming, The Olympics, and f**k knows what else he does.

Blind Freddy

So you have to be a 'master of the game' in order to comment and spread your views about on it?

Thats like saying Bruce Macavaney is f**king clueless and should not be able to commentate on AFL, Swimming, The Olympics, and f**k knows what else he does.

Spot on,

I don't think Rugby League should stick with "greats" or former players dominating broadcasts asscosiated with the game. Lets be honest the vast majority of players can't string an intelligent sentence together, and the few retired players that barely can have already got a gig on Fox or 9 and we all currently complain at how sh*t they are.

In my opinion Rugby League needs more people like Vossy or folks (male or female) with the same background. People who have a profession in media presentation, that simply just love the sport, know it inside out, and call it like it is with no biased hidden agendas to push.... People who are a good face for the sport and can sell it to the wider audience.


haha looks like i am in the minority! interesting to hear other peoples opinions of why he is a good inclusion

i think sterlo would be great - doesnt need to be an ex-player though, i think the thursday night dream team would be a 4 person team, two on each side:

matty johns (leans towards the comedy, love it or hate it i think this helps rope more people into a thursday night tv show)
sterlo (as the anchor)
ray hadley (anyone but voss!)
sarah murdoch (something a bit different, owns half of half the game anyway, has tv skills and knows her league, ppl can grill her about news ltd involvement haha)

could happily sub matty johns out for andrew (johns) if they wanted to go less comedy and pure footy

i guess it comes down to what you want out of the show - i never really thought the thursday night show could become 100% about footy so i guess i was looking to get something a bit different out of it - i think you need a show that develops "characters" within the game and highlights some peripheral stuff within the rugby league culture that are half positive for a change

ok incoherent ranting over!

Mr Saab

i guess it comes down to what you want out of the show - i never really thought the thursday night show could become 100% about footy so i guess i was looking to get something a bit different out of it - i think you need a show that develops "characters" within the game and highlights some peripheral stuff within the rugby league culture that are half positive for a change

The "comedy" aspect has been done for the past 5 yrs and guess what? It F A I L E D.
The show needs a "Sam Newman" type person who doesnt give a toss what the players think and can ask questions that the soft c**k panel members cannot ask.


The Footy Show is STILL rubbish.

Andrew Voss is full of his own importance. He puts sh!t on everything and everyone. He is not interested in promoting Rugby League, he is interested in promoting Andrew Voss.

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