As insipid a performance as that was, part of me hopes he doesn’t make changes.
I think most of us agree he doesn’t have a handle on a few things (in our opinions at least). But one thing he’s always had going for him is the strength of his convictions.
If he suddenly makes a bunch of changes after just one round, and a very unusual round at that, then the one redeeming factor he has is gone. And we’re left with both an inexperienced and indecisive coach.
If that’s the case, the year is fked. It may already be, but there’s a chance he’s seeing things we’re not and the players will get better at executing. But if Webster loses his nerve, he’ll lose the squad too and there’s no coming back from that while he’s still there.
I'm not saying he should remain as stubborn as he's always been for the rest of the season. But whatever plan he had for that game, a plan he presumably spent all preseason designing... if he doesn't have the resilience and belief to back it for at least the first 3-4 rounds, we've got bigger problems than just the roster.