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Anyone know how the club is travelling?


The reason I ask is that in RLW today it has been reported that Craig Wilson (recruitment), Steve Litvensky <sp> (football manager) and 3 office girls have all been given the heave ho. Not to be replaced.

Reason given - no money


The reason I ask is that in RLW today it has been reported that Craig Wilson (recruitment), Steve Litvensky <sp> (football manager) and 3 office girls have all been given the heave ho. Not to be replaced.

Reason given - no money
lol - only about 85 more sleeps until santa comes

The Dodger

First Grade
maybe they were a waste of space and were only hired due to who they know and not what they know...
The reason I ask is that in RLW today it has been reported that Craig Wilson (recruitment), Steve Litvensky <sp> (football manager) and 3 office girls have all been given the heave ho. Not to be replaced.

Reason given - no money

How is the Club travelling?

Performance and recruitment wise sh!thouse!
Last in First Grade and Under 20's.
We have basically signed a few "promising" young guys, a couple of fringe first graders and once again a few rejects that were not wanted by most other Clubs.


We probably ran most home games at a loss because of poor crowds.
We still haven't got a major sponsor.
And we are looking at making a bit of dough on a rock concert. (Knowing our luck it will piss down that day.)
We haven't heard of any initiatives in taking any games away from Shark Park for a financial windfall apart from the Adelaide experiment again.
The Club is asking it's fans to once again dig deep to buy a plaque for the wall to bail it out of trouble. They might as well be calling it a tombstone!

Just take one look at the playing roster and you can see we are well under our salary cap by quite a bit. As an exercise compare it with say a Club like South Sydney. Look at who they currently have and who they've recruited and it's quite obvious we are operating under two very different set of financials. And they missed out on the 8 this year! Compare our roster to some of the top 4 Clubs and it's even scarier.

The other worrying thing is the turnover of people at the Club. The turnover of board members, administration and players at the Club in the last 3 seasons has been horrendous.

We are the new transit lounge Club in the NRL.

Absolutely no stability and for the best part absolutely no idea about it's future on and off the field.
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gee DS your a negative prick arent you.... stop bagging the club we had a shocking year and many of the negatives were notcaused by the current playing group. Add to that shocking injuries, the need to blood youngens before their time and tough economic times for everyone let alone a club sitting close to the bottom of the ladder all year.

You like 99.9% of us on the forum have no idea about the runnings of the club but find it easy to just bag them on a faceless forum.

its not all doom and gloom. we will come good. We cant get worse IMO.



The wording in the article is "made redundant"

The disaster was building for 8 years. As for the recovery, I think things were always going to get worse before they get better. I am not sure we have peaked in terms of worse yet. Probably the reason we arnt spending our cap and arnt running a reserve grade team next year. However, I am very confident about the future. The changes made this year will be a turning point in the clubs history.

In regard to the retrenchments, also remember that four new roles were advertised on recruitment websites a couple months back. I am sure if you searched around the links they would still be there. Also add the new group CEO role. Dont believe everything you read in the RLW. A big re-structure has occurred across both clubs.

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
Well when the web site can be updated to include some bullshyte message, but all membership packages are for 2009 with no 2010 available, I don't see how anything has changed.

Freakin terrible web site to look at and use, but the worse bit can't even sign up for next year yet.

When was our last game?


Well you havent been paying much attention then if you think nothing has changed.

The 2010 memberships arnt even finalised yet so why would you be able to sign up for them. How many other clubs have their 2010 memberships finalised? The season hasnt even finished.

The whole Sharks Connect thing that has been running is a campaign to get people to register their interest to attract new people for memberships.


First Grade
Probably made redundant as the new CEO will get to headhunt for these or similar positions.
gee DS your a negative prick arent you.... stop bagging the club we had a shocking year and many of the negatives were notcaused by the current playing group. Add to that shocking injuries, the need to blood youngens before their time and tough economic times for everyone let alone a club sitting close to the bottom of the ladder all year.

You like 99.9% of us on the forum have no idea about the runnings of the club but find it easy to just bag them on a faceless forum.

its not all doom and gloom. we will come good. We cant get worse IMO.

You can get as personal as you want sunshine but be prepared to get it back in spades!

Also may I refer to your previous post in this thread "Craig Wilson - recruitment- fail"

Not much positivity there would you say?

I replied to how I think we're traveling.
The last time I checked we still live in a free democratic society that allows all thoughts and opinions with freedom of speech.

If you think we're traveling far better then express it. But I'm afraid I haven't found much positivity about this year and our current predicament going forward. Let's just say I've heard plenty of B.S in the past by the Club and read plenty of B.S by the Club. You do tend to get cynical about the spin that comes out these days.

I know what I've seen on the footy field this year and I know what the crowds and atmosphere has been at the ground this year and it ain't bloody good.

If anyone thinks that things are going to change in any large way next year on the field then they really do have their heads in the clouds. But you sound like you've got yours up your ass!


alan wilson deserves it.... recruitment?


I think you mean Craig Wilson but if it's true then it would be a shame. He will certainly be a big loss. He has recruited some excellent juniors over the years.

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