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Are we fit and fast enough?


exactly Poiner......Benji on a good day is amazing but yeah I totally agree Hodgson was their most consistently dangerous back.

and i think their forwards were roundly under rated for most of the season.

It pisses me off when people claim they won by luck or fluke etc....that team more than proved that they could knock off highly touted opposition teams with bigger names because that team played as a 'team' in every sense of the word and every individual was committed week in and week out until they got what they thoroughly deserved. And sure there is no dispute that at the beginning of the season no one would have looked at their side on paper and said they would be favs to win...but thats the beauty of having a real 'team' as opposed to a bunch of supposedly elite and highly paid individuals. (you all know the teams I mean)

But I totally disagree that Benji Marshall was the single reason for success. that as I have already said is RIDICULOUS.


I think T. Sheens will keep them around the mark.

In fact I think he could keep the RSL touch footy in the NRL 8.


I'd of thought people would of learned not to waste effort and bandwidth on Michelle Leslie after it's last little foray into the Sharks forum

Spend a few minutes reading this loons posts.

Absolute f**kstick

White Poiner

Frenzy. said:
I'd of thought people would of learned not to waste effort and bandwidth on Michelle Leslie after it's last little foray into the Sharks forum

Spend a few minutes reading this loons posts.

Absolute f**kstick

Yes... i agree.

How do you block people again? :)


I hadn't remembered her Frenzy but thats a fair assessment and in future I shall not bother to try and educate the uneducatable!!

Michelle Leslie

awwwwww how hurtful.

what would give any of you morons any cred is lively debate.
But sadly, a lot of the guys in this chatroom are pretty dim.

And Nulla boy, I know a sh1t load more about League than you will ever know so dont be a patsy.

In fact, to settle the argument.....why did the Sharks lose last years semi even though they were the better side??

White Poiner

Michelle Leslie said:
awwwwww how hurtful.

what would give any of you morons any cred is lively debate.
But sadly, a lot of the guys in this chatroom are pretty dim.

And Nulla boy, I know a sh1t load more about League than you will ever know so dont be a patsy.

In fact, to settle the argument.....why did the Sharks lose last years semi even though they were the better side??

Because Covell didnt play halfback?

Because Baz try was actually a foward pass from dummyhalf.

Because you wanted them to lose?


Michelle Leslie said:
awwwwww how hurtful.

what would give any of you morons any cred is lively debate.
But sadly, a lot of the guys in this chatroom are pretty dim.

And Nulla boy, I know a sh1t load more about League than you will ever know so dont be a patsy.

Based on how many seasons of playing senior rugby league? AND OR How many years of watching the game? (Coz Im thinking it cant be many based on the assessment of your posts you couldnt be more than 15 years old)

In fact, to settle the argument.....why did the Sharks lose last years semi even though they were the better side??

Why? I guess you would say "because you didnt have Benji Marshall....Hell whoever had Benji in their team was always going to win...I bet Souths are spewing they didnt have him...imagine their rise from the spoon to premiers if they had him!

This ends all my replies and dealings with you because its an exercise in futility......you are too ignorant to understand the intricacies of the sport.
I say we clone Benji Marshall à la "Boys From Brazil" and every team can have one. That would be fair, cause one player makes up a team, right?

Michelle Leslie

what makes all of your arguments even more ludicrous is the fact that with Andrew Johns in the Newcastle side they won 95% of their games.

And one player doesnt make a difference.


OMG......you are comparing Benji Marshall to Andrew Johns??? THAT is ludicrous!

You might find if you knew anything that the newcastle side was quite void of other playmakers of a decent calibre....UNLIKE the tigers.

But keep going.....you are proving everyone elses point that you are in fact a dim wit

The Popper

Are we fit enough and fast enough? Hope so.
So wot if Galloway says stuff like that. What's he gonna say? Tigers coaching isn't up to scratch? That'd have him in Premier League quick smart. Naturally he'd say positive stuff about those coaching the team where's he's trying to make his mark.
Ignore Michelle Leslie.

When I first read the name it conjured up one thing - DOPE!!!!

And he/she/it has said nothing so far to disprove this.

And Michelle before you go on a rant about what dope is, it is used to describe many and varied ITEMS..................

Now I'm answering......


lmfao @ Michelle Leslie.Your comments regarding the tigers are the funniest I have ever read.As a tigers fan,it seems the only thing you saw of the tigers last year was benji's flick pass to Richards in the GF.Nullajet don't waste your time buddy he/she/it has NFI.

As for Galloway,I'm sure you sharks fans know abit more about the way he plays,but from what i've seen of him last year he seems unfit/lazy and doesn't get involved enough,yet has alot of potential.He can break the line,create some 2nd phase and a pretty good tackling technique.Is that a fair assessment?

I'd expect him to start the year in PL then progress to the 1st grade bench.Though from what I hear Sheens is treating the 1st 4 rounds as trials (for spots) to keep everyone on their toes.


daslacker, you have him summed up fairly well but Ijust think he lacks aggression and is a bit soft. A bloke with his height should be a great assett with being able to get good balls away in tackles but first he has to run with some power. Taking into consideration his age, the potential is huge for him to become a very handy foward but unless he develops a lot more 'want' to have an impact he will not reach the potential.
I was regularly disappointed in his efforts for us but there were glimpses of what he was capable of.........so maybe Sheens will develop those.

Anyway, I hope the Tigers play with that same style and flair as last season they were by far the best team to watch in the comp.


daslacker said:
lmfao @ Michelle Leslie.Your comments regarding the tigers are the funniest I have ever read.As a tigers fan,it seems the only thing you saw of the tigers last year was benji's flick pass to Richards in the GF.Nullajet don't waste your time buddy he/she/it has NFI.

As for Galloway,I'm sure you sharks fans know abit more about the way he plays,but from what i've seen of him last year he seems unfit/lazy and doesn't get involved enough,yet has alot of potential.He can break the line,create some 2nd phase and a pretty good tackling technique.Is that a fair assessment?

I'd expect him to start the year in PL then progress to the 1st grade bench.Though from what I hear Sheens is treating the 1st 4 rounds as trials (for spots) to keep everyone on their toes.

And that would be testimony to the smarts of the man

Take 2 teams. Lets say the Sharks and the Tigers. Then look at 2005

Sheens coached a team to "stay"

Raper coached a team to "sprint"

One of them burnt out early...

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