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Bad Crowd Behaviour @ Roosters Game?

Raider Azz

hrundi99 said:
The thing that makes me suspicious is that how many "average fans" know enough about the SGB to name them?
Yeah I know. I just don't want to start any fights with anyone just yet

Steven Gerrard

First Grade

I was abused by a fat roosters fan on sunday. Also the fact that a Roosters fan defaced the Laurie Daley Statue on the weekend, should get a apology from the Roosters club. :evil:

and i'm not kidding....


First Grade
woodgers said:
He said the club had recieved several complaints from Roosters supporters sitting around the bay 54-56 area on Saturday night
That is near the tunnel isn't it. I wouldn't be surprised if it was Hrundi and Bay 56 going at each other :D Either that or Mario wanted another Pie and was calling the kid over.
:lol: :lol: :clap:

Seriously though we were in and around that area and did not see/hear anything ... there was a large contingent on Roosters supporters in the vicinity waving their flags and generally having a good time.

I was bantering with a roosters supporter but it was all in good fun and we shook hands at the end of the game and agreed that the better team won but the the loser put in a better than expected effort ... thats what footiy is all about.


At half time I went to Bay 25 for a quick visit with the Raiders Army. When I was there, there was a woman who complained about the language in the chants due to there being children around. The last time I was in Canberra I sat with the Army and to be honest I did think the swearing was a little inappropriate, but that's probably the prude in me talking.

No that is not being a prude that is showing respect which is a wonderful trait mate. I have been trying to make sure we hold a respectable position at the club by not getting mixed up in anything that could scar the club. You will remember Bay25 telling the lady that her kids were also giving us stick. Although swearing is unacceptable what right does she have asking me to get others to tone it down when she can't control a few kids under 10 years old?

Now I would like to say what I am most annoyed about in this whole situation. Why did the club call you Raiders Rock? If the Operations Manager knew anything about what was going on at HIS club he would have known to call me as I have been the go to man in the Raiders Army. He should know we are the ones that sing at Bruce, why the hell would he blame the SGB? Why? Because the club treats the Raiders Army with no respect whatsoever. The fact that we have raised over $4000 in season ticket revenue that they did not have last year has still gone unthanked. Every time they think of a supporters group to do with the club they immediately think SGB. That is not right at all. My guys turn up every week at Bruce and sing their hearts out for the club to turn around and go "gee that SGB do a great job". Bay25, Thickos, #1 and a few others have been brilliant in getting the differences between the 2 groups sorted out this year and there have been some good times. However we never seem to get any recognition for it at all. The club is run like shyte and nobody really knows what is going on up there. Let's hope this new Marketing Manager has some kind of idea and together these supporter groups could go anywhere. Currrently I am really pissed off that I have put so much time and money into getting this organised, probably twice as much as anyone I know and they still don't give a crap. I am doing their job for them - for free I might add and it gets taken for granted. What would you expect with Furner and Hawkins at the helm?


First Grade
woodgers said:
At half time I went to Bay 25 for a quick visit with the Raiders Army. When I was there, there was a woman who complained about the language in the chants due to there being children around. The last time I was in Canberra I sat with the Army and to be honest I did think the swearing was a little inappropriate, but that's probably the prude in me talking.

No that is not being a prude that is showing respect which is a wonderful trait mate. I have been trying to make sure we hold a respectable position at the club by not getting mixed up in anything that could scar the club. You will remember Bay25 telling the lady that her kids were also giving us stick. Although swearing is unacceptable what right does she have asking me to get others to tone it down when she can't control a few kids under 10 years old?

Now I would like to say what I am most annoyed about in this whole situation. Why did the club call you Raiders Rock? If the Operations Manager knew anything about what was going on at HIS club he would have known to call me as I have been the go to man in the Raiders Army. He should know we are the ones that sing at Bruce, why the hell would he blame the SGB? Why? Because the club treats the Raiders Army with no respect whatsoever. The fact that we have raised over $4000 in season ticket revenue that they did not have last year has still gone unthanked. Every time they think of a supporters group to do with the club they immediately think SGB. That is not right at all. My guys turn up every week at Bruce and sing their hearts out for the club to turn around and go "gee that SGB do a great job". Bay25, Thickos, #1 and a few others have been brilliant in getting the differences between the 2 groups sorted out this year and there have been some good times. However we never seem to get any recognition for it at all. The club is run like shyte and nobody really knows what is going on up there. Let's hope this new Marketing Manager has some kind of idea and together these supporter groups could go anywhere. Currrently I am really pissed off that I have put so much time and money into getting this organised, probably twice as much as anyone I know and they still don't give a crap. I am doing their job for them - for free I might add and it gets taken for granted. What would you expect with Furner and Hawkins at the helm?

Agreed with pretty much everything you have said mate. I think what you wrote should be sent in the direction of Messrs Hawkins and Furner, they need to understand all this, that we have two distinct supporters groups and while we work together we do do things differently.

I too am at a loss why Jason Mathie rang THREE days after the event - is this a delayed reaction or are they just clutching at straws as to who to blame?

Like hrundi said, not surprised if this is a stitch-up job.


First Grade
Assuming the club had been told that the SGB were causing problems, I would guess that they called Raiders Rock because he built up a great rapport with the club when he filmed the SGB Documentary earlier this year.

I do agree with you however that the Raiders Army has yet to receive the recognition that they deserve from the club's management.


First Grade
I can understand your frustration.

What I think needs to happen is that you and some SGB representation have a joint meeting with the new marketing manager and Hawkins (or a representative) in the off-season.

For all intents and purposes, season '05 starts pretty soon (hence the membership reenewal notifications) and the relationship between the club and it's 2 main supporters groups can do with some improvement.

The club has to recognise that crowd numbers are down and that the groups can be allies in the cause.


What I think needs to happen is that you and some SGB representation have a joint meeting with the new marketing manager and Hawkins (or a representative) in the off-season.
The Raiders Army is currently negotiating a time to sit down with the new Marketing Manager next week with changes in place as early as the last home game against Souths. Having said that Hrundi, Myself, Bay25 and RaidersMalt had 3 meetings in the last off season and this is where we are to date (barely better than when we started).


First Grade
What has your approach been?

How do you think they see you guys?

Is there a different way you could approach the discussion which you think may be more beneficial?

Not that I'm implying anything but do you think they see you as a bunch of footy "tragics", rather than "partners" in the good ship Raiders?

You guys do a great job of uniting fellow supporters and Bringing Da Noize and I would hate to see your efforts ultimately wasted and your enthusiasm tempered.


Didnt Finchy give Raiders fans the finger on the weekend? I hope those parents are demanding he apologise as well.


What has your approach been?

How do you think they see you guys?
The approach I thought was fine. Myself and Malt came from work so we were in suit bottoms shirt and tie. As we went on it was less formal but never anything less than a collar so they shouldn't think we are louts.

How do they see us? who knows. The last girl was hopeless so she couldn't have cared less. Although if someone came to my business offering to grow it and wasn't asking for money, just assistance I know I wouldn't treat them with such disrespect. You saw the comments from Hawkins, he barely cares if he gets 2000 or 20 000 people to games so why would his staff?


Not that I'm implying anything but do you think they see you as a bunch of footy "tragics", rather than "partners" in the good ship Raiders?

When we met we certainly tried to get across the point that we could help each other out. She was all smiles and nods, but when it came to action, she went MIA.
Hopefully with a new marketing manager in place and a season under our belt that has shown our commitment, things might change a bit. However I'm not holding my breath.


First Grade
Can we learn anything from other supporters groups who are more in sync with their clubs?

Don't the Dragons army have a strong relationship?

*shudder* The Chookpen? *shudder*

I'm not suggesting we try and be anything other than "ourselves". I just think there may be lessons which can be learned.

Steven Gerrard

First Grade
I think the new guy wants the Army to be sitting in the Bowl instead of the grandstand, and wants as much flags and banners as possible.

I say lets give him what he visions, and if he likes what he sees against Souths, then the help he gives us fans (army/sgb) will probably be more positive than the treatment we were getting before.
An interesting event no doubt. I can't believe that they blame the SGB yet again, after the whole bus thing last year. I would bet that if this did occur, it was someone who is an internet reader. The same coward who last year gave my name to the bus driver after the bus incident :evil:

Disappointing, especially when supporters groups try to build relationships with clubs. I would love to have a word with Mr Mathie on the matter, to assure him that the SGB, and I even think the Army, would not be involved in such incidents. It's not what Raiders fans do.

Also, the only 'colourful language' used by the SGB ever, is the word Bastard, which in it's purest form is no worse than any other word.


Two words come to mind.
"Scape Goat"

Pic the name of a group that you have heard before and blame them.

To be honest I thought we were excellent on the weekend, we never stopped singing and were loud all game, and would love to see that sort of support every week.

Of course the croud gave it to us, they always do, But We have NEVER STARTED putting sh*t on someone, other than those on the field, unless someone in the crowd feels like a hero and wants to have a shot at us. Then it's open season. BUT WE DON'T START IT.

As Ultra said you can't miss us. We have our names all over our shirts(and worn proudly), and one of our most used chants, tells you who we are. So to be quite honest I'd say this whole complaint is a crock of sh*t.

The only time I've heard the name Green Brigade used was early this week by the Roosters. And had it been the Green Brigade ( which don't exsist) it would have been Bay 62. So possibly it was one of Chook Pen that said something. Or just the club jumping to conclusions, that 'A' group was to blame.
And I don't believe it has anything to do with the SGB!

Timbo said:
That area of the ground is where the Raiders Army dwells I believe.
One thanx for droping us in the shit!
Second of all, surely you have seen us on the forums before, surely you have seen us talk about BAY25! Hell I think my name speaks for it's self.

This is not the behaviour we condone or encourage, we may be loud and we do drink at the football, but not to this extent. We have not had one bad comment all year and mostly people are impressed with the level of support. It has only been the Roosters fans this year to complain about swaring not that there was that much (less than I heard at the roosters home ground this year), and as Woodgers said it's ok to tell a supporters group off, but how about keeping your own kids under control!