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benefit of the doubt rules doesnt exist.


If the benefit of the doubt rules exists why isn't every "REFS CALL" decision ruled a try. The only reason the ref is supposed to go to the video ref is if he has doubt regarding the try. then after veiwing all possible angles the video ref cant come up with a decision either way he rules "REFS CALL" meaning there is too much doubt to rule either way, therefore by definition of the rule it MUST be awarded a try "benefit of doubt goes to the attacking team".

how can a referee rule otherwise :?:
The rule is just a farce. Always has been. It is rarely used. If there is to be a benefit of the doubt rule i think it should go to the defensive side if anything.

Dr Crane

Live Update Team
I think you shall find that the Refs Call is when there is no evidence showing a result either way. Benefit of the doubt is all well and good, but there is no sense awarding a TRY if you can't reasonably tell if one has been scored.

So to answer your question, i don't know.

^ Pando

How about we ditch the video ref and make every try "ref's call" and then listen to the bitching all week from teams who were denied legitimate tries.

That would be better.....Who'd want to be a ref?...... :?


Staff member
The benefit of the doubt rule does exist:


For some...


Post Whore
Chicken_Hunter said:
The rule is just a farce. Always has been. It is rarely used. If there is to be a benefit of the doubt rule i think it should go to the defensive side if anything.

i agree
you either clearly scored or you didnt
why should a team be punished because the decision isnt 100%
just like in the justice system, defence is innocent of conceeding a try untill proven guilty


Voluntary tackle is gooone too
Did ya see Utai's voluntary tackle against the Storm?

EAch of these rules; BEnefit of Doubt <and> Voluntary tackle have had some absurd, Farcical rulings this year.

Anyone would think the games administration was in such bad shape they'd let a spear tackle off without supsension!!!
whoops :roll: they did

^ Pando

Who was the tool from the Storm who appealed to the ref for a voluntary tackle against El Masri after El Masri had slipped over and he put a hand on him, then tried to push him into touch?


Post Whore
^ Pando said:
Who was the tool from the Storm who appealed to the ref for a voluntary tackle against El Masri after El Masri had slipped over and he put a hand on him, then tried to push him into touch?

IMO the only fool was the ref
the day a hand on the back is a tackle is a sad one in this great sport
going to the skirts it is
**shakes head**


First Grade
That's the way it has always been since the beginning of league! You are the only fool around here... Sorry, I forgot the roosters supporters. According to your logic, Rugby League has never had a good day since its creation. You dont like the rule, then tough luck.

A car doing 60 in a 50 zone gets pulled over... don't you think society should wear skirts? I mean, its only 60kms, it not that fast.

I shake my head at you, because its people like you who don't pay attention on anything good and the game, and always complains how things have changed, when in fact they havent changed at all. Next you are goin to say the high tackle rule is stupid because it is soft!


First Grade
Oh and another thing on the topic... (sorry i was distracted)...

The laws state a try should be awarded even if the referee is in no position to see the grounding of the ball. That's the rule as stupid as it sounds (this rule is from before the video referee).

Raider 69 i can say that your reference to the justice system is ok, but you could also say that the whole innocent until proven guilty could go the other way. You cant prove that they didnt score the try.

Again no real opinion on the topic, ill be a fence-sitter on this one :oops:


I think the amount of penalties and suspensions for high tackles is ridiculous when other tackle of the same standard are let go.

can anyone explain to me how some-one can be suspended for a high tackle or get awarded judiciary points for high tackles when their arms are lower than there shoulders and the opposing player is falling into the tackle due to some-one else going around the legs, all this hapening at an extremely fast pace.

its time for compulsory headgears bring back the big hits, bring back the passion, bring back the rivalry's, bring back the scrum, bring back the images of the gladiator that gave all on the field and didnt look like he is ready for the first tv interview like today, bring back the players that hated losing, BRING BACK THE BIFF

david gallop is softer then peter peters waistline "GET RID OF GALLOP".

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