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Bennett apologises for Darius after monosyballic media conference


Assistant Moderator
Broncodr01d said:
Now we have some of the most self righteous fans here on the forum "defending their man"
LOL. You mean as opposed to the CWA aspirants "defending their gossip columnists."
You'd be a loyal and loving wife Willow ;-)
Sorry Dr01d, but I'm already spoken for.

What we need is a real scandal to get our teeth into. Perhaps a captain who fronts an audience and makes jokes about rape. Can you imagine the outrage?

So far this year, there has been virtually no off field dramas at Saints - not even so much as a player doing push ups in his undies. You call that 'sticking by your man', I call it seeing the facts for what they are. The media hacks and their loyal followers obviously have nothing negative to report about the competition leaders, and it seems to be driving them nuts.

In closing... for Timmah

How to Write a Tabloid Style Article
Tabloids take bits and pieces of stories and focus on the most scandalous, violent or criminal aspects and the burden of truth is much lower than it is in regular journalistic articles.

More (instructions included): http://www.ehow.com/how_2292346_write-tabloid-style-article.html

Plus remember the old adage... there's one born every minute.


Some are defending the childish (nice one Iafeta) display of Darius Boyd :lol: ?? I mean really? If this was Bennett in a Bronco shirt or a Darren Lockyer, a Greg Inglis, a Camerson Smith type player, there would be hell to pay. The usual suspects leading the charge.

Now we have some of the most self righteous fans here on the forum "defending their man" like Katie Milligan did despite knowing her man was in the wrong ... gold.

Put this in the classic threads forum.

For once, I agree with Timmah here.

nonsense. I hate the Dragqueens more than anyone and I think Boyd did nothing wrong and the dickhead journos got what they deserve


Boyd did nothing wrong?

The media get what they deserve more often than not though on this occasion they were doing their job in asking questions about an upcoming game. Nothing sinister. Boyd attended the media scrum, he chose to act like a jerk when all he had to do was his part in promoting the game this Friday night.

Credit to Jamie Soward for stepping up to the plate to cover his little arrogant mate as well the club for the reported inhouse reprimand.

Boyd is guilty as charged as acting like a tool. Same can be said for the self righteous pretending that there is nothing wrong with the actions of their fullback.


Boyd did nothing wrong?

The media get what they deserve more often than not though on this occasion they were doing their job in asking questions about an upcoming game. Nothing sinister. Boyd attended the media scrum, he chose to act like a jerk when all he had to do was his part in promoting the game this Friday night.

Credit to Jamie Soward for stepping up to the plate to cover his little arrogant mate as well the club for the reported inhouse reprimand.

Boyd is guilty as charged as acting like a tool. Same can be said for the self righteous pretending that there is nothing wrong with the actions of their fullback.

call a wah-mbulance. I still don't believe for a second that when a club says "we've had a talk to him" over a nothing incident like this, or willie pissing against a wall, or similar incidents, it actually means "we had a laugh about it"


nonsense. I hate the Dragqueens more than anyone and I think Boyd did nothing wrong and the dickhead journos got what they deserve

I guess people will take sides depending on wether they hate the Dragons or News Ltd journalists more.

Clearly Timmah is driven by his peurile and childish antagonism for the Dragons and you are driven by an understandable derision for a bunch of lying cheating News Ltd hacks who have no business existing outside of their cesspit of iniquity yet holding themselves up to be the arbiters of truth and honesty and all things good.

I know which side I come down on but I'm biased in that I can't hate one side of the argument. Timmah is also biased in that he can't not hate that same one side of the argument.


I guess people will take sides depending on wether they hate the Dragons or News Ltd journalists more.

Clearly Timmah is driven by his peurile and childish antagonism for the Dragons and you are driven by an understandable derision for a bunch of lying cheating News Ltd hacks who have no business existing outside of their cesspit of iniquity yet holding themselves up to be the arbiters of truth and honesty and all things good.

I know which side I come down on but I'm biased in that I can't hate one side of the argument. Timmah is also biased in that he can't not hate that same one side of the argument.

:lol: nice description.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
I guess people will take sides depending on wether they hate the Dragons or News Ltd journalists more.

Clearly Timmah is driven by his peurile and childish antagonism for the Dragons and you are driven by an understandable derision for a bunch of lying cheating News Ltd hacks who have no business existing outside of their cesspit of iniquity yet holding themselves up to be the arbiters of truth and honesty and all things good.

I know which side I come down on but I'm biased in that I can't hate one side of the argument. Timmah is also biased in that he can't not hate that same one side of the argument.

Lots of assumptions in there.

Believe it or not of the 30 games I've attended in 2009, 12 have been Saints games, and in 11 of them I've been cheering for Saints.

As for the subject matter, my thoughts have nothing to do with News Ltd, they can have their cake and whatnot. I simply think Darius could've avoided a media storm by not being a goose. And that term was coined by Wendell and the club with the shirt they made him wear.

Or is that a fabrication too? :roll:


It seems the SMH have got on the bandwagon here too. Suppose they're wrong for commenting on it also...


Boyd's a goose, but Tigers are the real losers

Brad Walter | August 21, 2009


If the Wests Tigers miss out on a $100,000 windfall by failing to fill the Sydney Football Stadium for tonight's game against Parramatta, they have no one to blame but themselves.
With the Tigers having won six consecutive matches and the Eels five in a row, the clash of the NRL's two in-form teams should be the game of the year, but sadly it has become the shame of the year.
In fact, it could be argued that St George Illawarra fullback Darius Boyd has done more to promote his team's match against the Broncos than the Tigers.
Boyd might have been forced to wear a pink ''goose of the week'' T-shirt at training yesterday for his petulant 43-second display when interviewed by reporters after Tuesday's session, but at least he gave people something to talk about.
And his one-word answers were more than Benji Marshall or Jarryd Hayne have said in the lead-up to tonight's other big match. Even attempts to get the pair in a photo together proved too hard this week.
Whether that was the decision of the players, their coaches or other club officials, the NRL has been denied a prime opportunity to generate positive publicity in a season dominated by off-field dramas and scandal.
If the players and clubs want more money from television rights and sponsors, they have to do more to promote the game. Rugby league is supposed to be professional but that means more than just training full-time and getting paid to play.
The Tigers, in particular, should have been doing everything possible this week to ensure that tonight's match was a sell-out.
Instead, the media was denied access to their recovery session on Monday, given four players to interview at training on Tuesday, and coach Tim Sheens and captain Robbie Farah yesterday.
Despite the unavailability of Hayne, it could be argued that the Eels have done more to promote tonight's match than the Tigers, and they don't get a cent of the gate receipts regardless of how many people turn up.
Aside from two open training sessions, the Eels have made other players available to interview, and even sent their chief executive Paul Osborne to Sydney Airport on Wednesday morning to present Danny Green with a Parramatta jersey on his return from his world title win in Mississippi.
After the farce with Boyd on Tuesday, the Dragons yesterday made Wendell Sailor available to the media, and he performed his duties without any fuss for the millions of television viewers and newspaper readers that follow the game.
It's just a pity there aren't more like him.
The article is right on. Blokes like Sailor are marketers dreams (he's learned a lot since the Waratah nightmare), they incense rage on the field but have a good time with the media off it.

For all the people defending Darius as is their right, what on earth do the Dragons or the NRL possibly stand to win from that type of interview? All it is is a lose lose situation. Darius gets made out like a fool by acting the fool and the NRL which has been under media scrutiny for years cops more criticism over something that never should have happened. Thats just dopey. I can only hope Darius didn't actually sit down and think up this media strategy of his, it doesn't augur well for him in the commercial world post football where diplomacy and common sense are required.

Bring on more blokes like your Sailors and your Osbornes of this world who are enjoying their life within football, you can sense they have the dignity to appreciate the position they're in and know the responsibilities that come with it. Its an entertainment, not an edition of Playschool.
Reminds me of Bennett doing the same after the Broncos lost 4/5 (or something like that) to start off season 2007. For a week no one talked about Brisbane's poor form, it was all about Wayne. From memory they won the following game.


It seems the SMH have got on the bandwagon here too. Suppose they're wrong for commenting on it also...


The article is right on. Blokes like Sailor are marketers dreams (he's learned a lot since the Waratah nightmare), they incense rage on the field but have a good time with the media off it.

For all the people defending Darius as is their right, what on earth do the Dragons or the NRL possibly stand to win from that type of interview? All it is is a lose lose situation. Darius gets made out like a fool by acting the fool and the NRL which has been under media scrutiny for years cops more criticism over something that never should have happened. Thats just dopey. I can only hope Darius didn't actually sit down and think up this media strategy of his, it doesn't augur well for him in the commercial world post football where diplomacy and common sense are required.

Bring on more blokes like your Sailors and your Osbornes of this world who are enjoying their life within football, you can sense they have the dignity to appreciate the position they're in and know the responsibilities that come with it. Its an entertainment, not an edition of Playschool.

1000% agree, well said Iafeta.

It probably shouldn't come as no surprise to anyone that the one eyed Dragon supporters are attempting to pass this off as a media driven agenda BS ... we are talking about a rare breed of one eyed fan here :lol: Hell, they won a poll here for that - that must mean something right?

Boyd is guilty of acting the tool. As a leading representative player, he should of known better and again, done his part in helping to promote tonight's game. Is that asking too much? I guess it is for Darius.

Big Pat said:
all this talk has given me a banner idea, the wall by pink boyd.

Good one? :sarcasm:

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