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Bennetts cop out


I think it's cool that Bennett does what he wants when he wants. Few people have had the level of success he has had to warrant some actions. Besides, the media hates Bennett so no matter what he says he knows he is gonna cop it in the papers the next day so why waste time answering questions.


He's untouchable it seems. Gutless too. Looks like I'm cheering on the kiwi's again next year.


Meanie said:
I didn't say I'd be happy, I said I wouldn't bitch. I liked footy before I ever heard of a messageboard.

And seriously, what can Bennett say? You saw what happened on the football field, the team couldn't hold onto the ball. Simple. Is a clarification of that REALLY that important?

Well he can grow some balls, cop the questions that are still unanswered on the chin and give this disastrous series, from an Aus point of view, some closure.
On one hand we have Bennett pushing this tri nations for all its worth, using the media when it suits him....then when its not going his way, hes not available to the media and fans.
The fans wanna hear something, anything......imo hes just wiped the fans because he hasnt the balls, he feels hes above the game, the media everything.....and without fans, he has no job....there is no game.
He was happy to talk to the media before and during the series, now its been lost, he spits the dummy and runs away and just looks like a sore loser....not very professional, and not the type of attitude this Aussie team needs.
He may be a great (debatable) coach, but hes a very average person in my books. The sooner hes gone from the national position the better.


leaguerules said:
the media r a bunch of A**holes anyway. Who would want to talk to them they would just screw him over in the papers anyway not worth wasting his time. I cant believe the amount a crap league cops by the media.
lol yes and pissing the media off by leaving them waiting without even getting an interview is really going to help.


You can run but you can't hide from your duty

By Phil Gould
December 4, 2005
Page 1 of 2

Escape artist ... Wayne Bennett had no right to dodge the press.

Australian coaches and selectors can no longer treat opposing nations with the contempt they've shown in recent decades. The Tri-Nations series has clearly shown us that.

Picking favourites, players out of form, or those to whom we think we owe something are no longer satisfactory criteria. Australia's selection process ignored much of what happened in the NRL this season.

Having said that, the players we sent to England were experienced professionals and they did have eight weeks together before losing the final.

I know Australia can't be great all the time but we've prided ourselves on being great when it counts. This time we came up horribly short.

I just expected that when the day finally came for our colours to be lowered, it would be a tooth-and-nail struggle to the bitter end against a team that played the perfect game of football to defeat us.

We lost this game for all the wrong reasons. We were humiliated 24-0 by an understrength Kiwi team coached by a novice from the Auckland junior league who had no experience in the NRL.

I don't blame coach Wayne Bennett, but he is far from blameless. I'll be honest in saying I haven't fallen under the "Wayne Bennett is a genius" spell like some people. I've always respected him as a formidable opponent but he's no god.

Australia looked old, tired and bored. They lacked structure in attack. It was the worst defence I've seen from our national team. But the ARL says Bennett is doing a great job and will be reappointed.

I have no problem with that. Perhaps, though, the ARL could explain why the national coach refuses to be interviewed by the game's broadcasting partners and certain sections of the media when every other player and coach in the game freely gives his time to make the game more personal for the fans.

Perhaps the NRL could explain why it tolerates his non-attendance at coaches' meetings to discuss rule interpretations but allows him to criticise these decisions.

The ARL should point out to Bennett that national cricket coach John Buchanan and rugby coach Eddie Jones had the courage to return home from losing tours with the players and face the media. They didn't take the express route to the car park to avoid questions.

As for the ARL explanation that the tour of England effectively ended in Manchester when the group disbanded to go their separate ways - well, this is rubbish.

I'm not sure Bennett's actions can or should be justified, but the ARL has tried to support him with this ridiculous explanation.

If this is an example of the leadership shown on tour, is it any wonder we performed so miserably? It is an example of how Bennett is a law unto himself and the ARL and NRL refuse to pull him into line.

When you tour as a group representing your country, you should leave together and come home together. The ARL has a responsibility for the safety and wellbeing of players. Sure, they are big boys, but the ARL should be responsible for their safe return.

I also think if players were planning holidays in Europe and Mexico after the last game, perhaps this explains where their heads were during the embarrassing loss in the final.

The tour should be made as enjoyable as possible while the troops are in England. But the basic premise of togetherness and unity being an integral part of team building is lost if everyone is looking forward to packing up and going their separate ways when the last game has been played.

Get them home in one piece and then if the players want an overseas holiday they can go where they like.

I am quite sure that if one of the players left behind in England were to disgrace himself by trashing a hotel or assaulting a member of the public, the ARL and NRL would be quick to fine him for breaching the code of conduct.

If the code of conduct applies to players after the camp broke up in Manchester, why don't the obligations of the Australian coach still apply to Bennett - namely meeting the media on his return to this country?

It appears Bennett chooses to ignore a fair bit that goes with being Australian coach. And if he thinks we should learn to tolerate losing, I hope he understands if we choose to ignore him.

Source: The Sun-Herald



Pedantic coach didn't plan on power of the passion
By Andrew Webster
December 4, 2005
Page 1 of 2

On the Sunday before the Tri-Nations final, as the Australian players left their hotel their itinerary for the afternoon was clearly marked on a whiteboard in the foyer.

At 12.30pm, the team bus would take them to a bar in Headingley for a barbecue lunch. At 5.30pm, the bus would return. At 7pm, they were to find their own way to dinner before returning to their rooms.

Spare time has never been so organised.

That night, coach Wayne Bennett waited in the foyer and performed a mental rollcall until all were tucked away in their rooms.

Such behaviour does not surprise from the stone-faced Broncos coach, who has come under unprecedented pressure - for him - since his Kangaroos lost the Tri-Nations final against New Zealand a week ago; the first time an Australian rugby league side has lost a series or tournament in 27 years.

But it's such behaviour that is being floated as one of the reasons for Bennett's alleged fall from grace, first with the Broncos and now the oft-unconquerable Australian team. And it's such behaviour that has critics questioning if the 55-year-old has lost his coaching mojo.

On his return to Australia on Thursday, he comically gave the assembled media at Brisbane airport the slip. Very un-Bennett.

In October he had sacked Kevin Walters, Glenn Lazarus and Gary Belcher from his Broncos coaching staff following another season in which they faded with the big dance looming. He won't say it but Bennett knew it was either him or them.

The ARL and the Broncos management, and Bennett's players for club and country, say he remains the right man for his respective jobs. Apart from a select few, no one will bag him publicly. But behind the scenes, those close to the situation can give some insight into how the mastercoach's aura is starting to dim.

They tell you that Bennett has too much power, as Maroons great Arthur Beetson said in July.

They tell you he is doing too much. At the Broncos, there's a thought that Bennett is labouring with his workload. He is juggling club commitments as Kangaroos coach, Queensland coaching director and a diary full of speaking engagements and charity work.

They tell you he is obsessive. He was hell-bent on filling his players' idle time on tour with golf days and rides in RAF planes and imposed 4am curfews after he had turned in at 10pm.

It's understood that you could count on one hand the number of times the squad tied one on. It may have grated on the Kangaroos, especially the elite players who don't need to be treated like 18-year-olds during schoolies week.

At the end of a long NRL season, they may have felt jaded. One player was heard, just hours before the final, saying: "Just get this game out of the way and then I'm on holidays."

They tell you that Bennett made two key mistakes before the final.

First, he told his players they could go to the London backpackers bar the Church after the final. The excited - and for much of the tour curfew-bound - players had shirts made with the slogan "Champagne Campaign".

Members of the squad's management strongly disagreed with this deal, believing it shifted the side's focus.

Second, many privately believe that Bennett underestimated the Kiwis. He suggested on several occasions that the Kiwis were passion players - and the passion could take them only so far. He believed it would expire in the final. It didn't.

Bennett has an open contract at the Broncos and will have the job as long as he wants. ARL boss Geoff Carr hinted he could be reappointed for next year, perhaps as early as this week.

Maybe they have been following the lead of Yogi Berra, the former US baseball legend and coach of the New York Yankees whose one-liners are among the few things that bring a broad smile to Bennett's face. "Slump? I ain't in no slump. I just ain't hitting."

Source: The Sun-Herald


Green Machine

First Grade
Great work once again from Gould. He again delivered for anyone who has an axe to grind with Super League. I wonder if Phil was upset the his old mate Geoff Carr backed up Bennett on radio mid week and used one of Gus’s quotes on “origin players” and “players who have player origin” that got under his skin so much to justify Bennett’s selection policy. Gould’s spray was as funny as Rebecca’s sh*t sheet in the Telegraph on condemning Bennett.

Best bit was the accompanying piece with his idea of reinstating the Lions and Kangaroo Tours plus a test series during the year against the Kiwis. A great piece for the fans who wear rose coloured glasses.


Bennett gets a lot of respect both as a coach and a bloke, from many of the people that count (particularly north of the Tweed). Even ignoring his almost unparalleled success in the game, I don't think it is fair to rip into him too savagely as though he were just some nuffy.

Having said that tough, I think the bloke has a real problem when it comes to dealing with the media. As the national coach (and as an NRL coach), he has an obligation to step up and face the press, and should have done so. His fronting the media would have meant more publicity for the game, which is always valuable in itself. The fact that the media turned up in numbers indicates the interest that has been generated.

There is no doubt that Carr was grasping at straws when defending Bennett's no-show, but he did the right thing in defending the national coach. Hopefully he will be having a few words to Wayne in private about his responsibilities, which is the correct way to deal with the matter.

As for his coaching credentials, despite his past successes, I think that it is reasonable that there is a bit of a question mark over his head at the moment given recent results, and his decision to sack the rest of the Brisbane coaching staff. He should be willing to respond to questions about his coaching form in a rational manner ... one gets the impression that it is a sensitive issue with him at the mo. In his defence as a coach, although they still have a pretty good stable, Brisbane's playing list is hardly as star-studded as it once was, so I don't think you can sheet home the Bronco's recent lack of success to his coaching alone (although if Walters, Belcher and Lazarus had to cop the blame, it seems reasonable that Bennett be willing to take his medicine too).

The one positive part of the story was that Civoniceva made the effort to front the press, before even seeing his family. That showed real character, which let's face it, is really unusual for a Queenslander. Good on him.


First Grade
We ALL bag the media for what they do, they basically hound league and bash the game when ever they get the chance. Why should we care if a player, coach ignores them?

To read comments like this
the media is NOT over rated
is a joke. I bet the person who said it like everyone else doesn't take the media seriously and knows they like to turn mole hills into mountains when ever they get the chance. I wonder what the media would have expected Bennett to say that he hadn't already said? Did he need to say it in two countires? Did they need to hear it first hand? Didn't they get it the first time? or the the most likely senario where fishing for a story, something they could take out of context and hammer the game again.

People only take the emdia seriously when it suits them, when it's their players, teams or coaches in the spot light suddenly the media has no cred again.


First Grade
Oh and as for Gould, maybe Bennett could have done a Gus and gone off his nut at the media? Gould is nothing more the a f**kwit with an agenda, always has been always will be.


Kiwi said:
We ALL bag the media for what they do, they basically hound league and bash the game when ever they get the chance. Why should we care if a player, coach ignores them?

To read comments like this is a joke. I bet the person who said it like everyone else doesn't take the media seriously and knows they like to turn mole hills into mountains when ever they get the chance. I wonder what the media would have expected Bennett to say that he hadn't already said? Did he need to say it in two countires? Did they need to hear it first hand? Didn't they get it the first time? or the the most likely senario where fishing for a story, something they could take out of context and hammer the game again.

People only take the emdia seriously when it suits them, when it's their players, teams or coaches in the spot light suddenly the media has no cred again.

Take me out of context why dont ya.

You'll see in my further post i was talking about the media as a whole, not just the tabloids.

People only take the emdia seriously when it suits them, when it's their players, teams or coaches in the spot light suddenly the media has no cred again.

And you support whom in the NRL?


First Grade
innsaneink said:
Take me out of context why dont ya.

You'll see in my further post i was talking about the media as a whole, not just the tabloids.

The media as a whole are a joke.

innsaneink said:
And you support whom in the NRL?

The Broncos which has nothing to do with it. I've said this before about the media in relation to other non Bronco related topics.

It's true though, people only take the media seriously when it suits them.


So these websites are a joke, the cannel 9 & Fox coverage of the game is a joke, the magazines etc are a joke eh?
I agree some could be done better, but Im sure youd be one of the first, along with meanie, screaming if suddenly they all disappeared.

Anyway this isnt about the media, its about Bennett and his cowardly running away.

The Broncos which has nothing to do with it. I've said this before about the media in relation to other non Bronco related topics.

Oh ho ho ho.....fancy that, Bennetts mob. Pfft.
No wonder we lost the series, with that pea-heart running the show.

Pig Champion

I believe Bennett should have given some time to the press even if just to ask them why this incident provides more coverage of international rugby league than the games themselves.

Sure Bennett had a responsibility to give some access to the media but it seems to me that every rugby league reporter/columnist has an agenda or axe to grind and that's what their job entails (apologies to Mascord and a few others whose agendas are to the benifit of international rugby league).


innsaneink said:
So these websites are a joke, the cannel 9 & Fox coverage of the game, the magazines etc are a joke eh?
I agree some could be done better, but Im sure youd be one of the first, along with meanie, screaming if suddenly they all disappeared.

Of the game, and of the airport after the game are 2 rather different things. I supported the game before I ever picked up a magazine, I support the game even though I don't have Fox anymore. It's the game that matters, not these little side bitch stories.


Green Machine said:
Best bit was the accompanying piece with his idea of reinstating the Lions and Kangaroo Tours plus a test series during the year against the Kiwis. A great piece for the fans who wear rose coloured glasses.
I agree, that was definitely the best bit. A return to the glory days of packed stadiums for intensely-battled 3 match test series tours every couple of years, giving thousands of Aussie fans the chance to see Lions v Kangaroos at Wembley and thousands of Lions fans the chance to tour Australia with their team every four years all while giving our sport a sensible long term structure.


glockers said:
Anyone who trashes the media is trashing this website since it is a form of media.

Exactly, they also dont see the media as a primary medium in helping the game grow.

Its liek anything, it has its positive and negative side, as does the game, the fans.... everything.

Bennetts supposed to be so passionate about the international game ....but he doesnt wanna help promote it when it doesnt sit well with him.
That to me is a highly hypocritical attitude.....and someone with that type of attitude should not hold such a prestigious position as coach of the Kangaroos.
Hes not bigger than the game.
meanie said:
It's the game that matters, not these little side bitch stories.
You dont seem to realise that the community is growing increasingly info hungry....internet, text updates, interactive TV, ipods, ....we live in a media society today. The media are a BIG part of the game and its growth, wether you like it or not. For every negative story theres a dozen positive and neutral info stories as well.


Bennett should fall on his sword.

In the long run, he'll only be hurting his own reputation.

Green Machine

First Grade
griff said:
I agree, that was definitely the best bit. A return to the glory days of packed stadiums for intensely-battled 3 match test series tours every couple of years, giving thousands of Aussie fans the chance to see Lions v Kangaroos at Wembley and thousands of Lions fans the chance to tour Australia with their team every four years all while giving our sport a sensible long term structure.
Yeah, it would be great wouldn’t it. Wembley is a bit of a problem at the moment with the Multiplex construction issue. It would be interesting how a Kangaroo Tour would be seen by the NRL clubs being away for 2 and half months. It would be interesting who the Kangaroos would play in between Tests with the English clubs being in their off season. The Lions Tour would be great as well considering the Super League would have to suspend their current summer competition whilst their players are in Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea.
I thought a sensible long term structure would be to play the Tri Nations 3 out of 4 years with a world cup in the 4th with the French to be added after the next world cup. I thought it would be sensible to alternate the international series between the Northern and Southern Hemisphere each season so in anyone wants to go to Europe or if the English want to come to Australia, they can plan it 2 years ahead.

Pierced Soul

First Grade
I respect bennett as a coach and you'll notice that players seem keen to play under him. he's been the 'coach you'd like to play under' in RLW for several years in a row. I dont agree with his media ban, and I think that by him speaking he would actually lift the games image as when he does talk he usually makes sense.

personally I'd love to hear his thoughts on things going on and off the field, but he refuses to talk. in saying that hasnt phil gould blacklisted certain journalists?

he places a lot of pressure on himself though, cos the more he keeps shut the more determined the media are to get to him

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