How's this for frightening?
Hey, you can do what you want man but don't touch me!
Mustn't be a lucky night!
Combat hip hopping is a way of life...with graffiti and rapping on the mike...hip hop lives down the street chucka chucka doo doo doo fuzzza fuzza voo.
If you watch Fat Boy Slims Rockafella whatever song ''funks own brother'' you'll see the dancers in this clip doing The Ozone dance moves as does a lot of other clones!
Ozone and Turbo were jealous of Special K's rich living and friends...remember in the dance class when Ozone got offended by all the professional dancers looking down at him and he breaks out into street?
Or Turbo going she ain't no street dancer!
If you want a great break dancing movie then watch the original and one and only BEAT STREET!
Comes with spit 'n all!
Beat street beat street beat street! Ya gotta believe in something you gotta believe it's all one you gotta get out and go for yaself but you knew that you always would! It's like a heart beat BS!
I still don't get how holding a concert celebration can bring back the dead in that film.
I have not seen "Beat Street". If it beats "Breakdance" , I'll be totally suprised. Those two breakdancers had so much talent, it's unbelievable.
St Brett, about that battle you talked about in "Breakdance". Those two wankers only won because they hired a chubby hispanic girl to kick her legs up in the air and sneer at Turbo and Ozone.
Good to see you remember Franco offending Turbo and Ozone. Franco never appeared in another movie after "Breakdance".
I saw that bad guy and Turbo dance together in the Lionel Ritchie clip "All Night Long".
I still watch "Breakdance" every now and again. I hated "Breakdance 2" though.