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BK - Want Cheese with your Whine ?

Mr Saab

I am not of the belief he took a dive. The throat is a sensitve area and if you cop an elbow on it from 110kg prop you will be gasping for air.


Why are we arguing this? What's the point in targeting this incident when there are dives in just about every game. I understand Kennedy and Hasler were angry at the time, but theres no point in continuing to talk about it. The media should be talking about the issue as a whole and coaches should worry less about dives and more about their players tackling high.

Raider Ultra

Why do NRL refs allow captains to talk to them in instances where they are blatantly trying to slow the game down. Piss them off, and if they dont go restart the game with them still bitching.

Mr Saab

BK was very smart when he wanted a ruling on the Mattai off side penalty.
IF that was Steve Clarke he would have told BK to go away, but Hayne is a nuff nuff and was suckered in and thus allowed BK and the eagles to have a rest.


Mr Saab said:
BK was very smart when he wanted a ruling on the Mattai off side penalty.
IF that was Steve Clarke he would have told BK to go away, but Hayne is a nuff nuff and was suckered in and thus allowed BK and the eagles to have a rest.

I was at the game yesterday and believe me that the Broncos wanted to slow the play down just as much. There were some occasions where I thought that the rules from 3 games ago have gone and the refs now do not want to give any penalties, even if they are warranted. I can only remember one penalty in the second half and it was for a dive which practically gave the game to the Broncos.


Mr Saab said:
BK was very smart when he wanted a ruling on the Mattai off side penalty.
IF that was Steve Clarke he would have told BK to go away, but Hayne is a nuff nuff and was suckered in and thus allowed BK and the eagles to have a rest.

Thank you for repeating, almost word for word, what the commentators said.


Mr Saab said:
BK was very smart when he wanted a ruling on the Mattai off side penalty.
IF that was Steve Clarke he would have told BK to go away, but Hayne is a nuff nuff and was suckered in and thus allowed BK and the eagles to have a rest.

The fact that a team needs to adjust the way they play to suit a particular referee shows that they have NFI.


First Grade
I didn't have a problem with the Lockyer 'dive', but that penalty for Mattai pushing Thorn was a joke. Thorn had a few words to Mattai and Mattai pushed him and played the ball:roll: . Hayne was just pissed off that he f**ked up and missed the Broncos playing at the ball and couldn't handle the Manly players cracking up at him.

Not that it's any excuse for Manly letting the Broncos score of the next set but AAARRRRGHH:x .


First Grade
Paullyboy said:
Yes and so do most hot-headed people (thats not meant as an insult - just a generalisation - im a hot-headed fan also, and most loyal supporters are) - a captain should be the calm one though.

Back to the point though. It was quite poetic that Kennedy's team was on the receiving end of a dive. His dive in origin was disgraceful, Lockyer's yesterday wasnt quite as bad - but to suggest it wasnt a dive is to suggest merely that you are a biased Bronco fan.

You mean like when the Raiders and their fans denied any dives their players took?


Mal Meninga said:
It deserved a penalty, Bryant led in with the elbow.

Point is that it would not have been a penalty if he did not take the dive. The NRL are promoting player simulation as that is one of the main ways to get a penalty. If you don't take the dive, then it will not benefit your team. Let the NRL review these incidents after the game. It will still be a detterent.

circling eagle

bottom line is did the better team win on the day?? Answer, YES! We could haver pulled something out at the death, but we didnt deserve it.... say it again, the better team won end of story.


First Grade
CharlieF said:
Point is that it would not have been a penalty if he did not take the dive. The NRL are promoting player simulation as that is one of the main ways to get a penalty. If you don't take the dive, then it will not benefit your team. Let the NRL review these incidents after the game. It will still be a detterent.

Seriously, have another look at the footage. There was no dive. Lockyer copped an elbow at full speed to the throat. No one could have stood up to that. And if you still believe there was a dive, you obviously have never copped a hit to your larynx.


Lockyers a cat a sook a diver!!!!!!!!!!!! (Stung a little.....please) Thiaday is like Mason should be tearing teams apart if he had a heart. Kennedy is passionate, thats why he gets upset.


QldEagle01 said:
Lockyers a cat a sook a diver!!!!!!!!!!!! (Stung a little.....please) Thiaday is like Mason should be tearing teams apart if he had a heart. Kennedy is passionate, thats why he gets upset.
Your stupidity is astounding.

You label Lockyer a diver, yet your "passionate" hero BK pulled off a similar dive in last years Origin. That's a bit rich, don't ya think?