Sorry but I don't want any player that needs to be 'convinced' to play for the Knights!
I'm at every home game and he is not a $600k a year player when it comes to commitment and heart (and the $600k should be enough 'convincing' to step up every week and at least put in 100%)
Personally I think he is the greatest scourge on the attitude at the club -
- he's constantly complaining behind the try line about others when a try is scored;
- is nearly always out of position or not seen to be the last line of defence most of the time himself;
- has significantly underperformed since the day he arrived (except for a few very rare good weeks), yet has never been dropped for his underperformance by Bennett
If you are going to try and establish a benchmark on personal performance of individuals but run double standards when it comes to leaving an underperforming sook on the field, then you (as coach) are to significantly to blame for affecting player unity and team performance.
And I find it really pi$$ poor that they time this around the Rise for Alex round...
Happy to see them both leave now, give Rick Stone the run for the rest of the year and hope the players stick it up Bennett and Boyd and scrape into the 8.