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Brad Fittler


Oh and don't think that I am being ungracious because he has clearly had a great career. He turned it on plenty of times at Olympic Park that I have seen.


Was great that I met the bloke after this years encounter.


First Grade
Face up to it Roosters supporters.. Fittler never would have captained Australia or NSW except for Super League...... he was a great player... but not in the immortal class, not even close.


Being a pom I've not seen the amount of club games you chaps have, but personally speaking Freddy's the best player I've ever seen play the game.

World Cup 95 he was the strength of the Aussies, he lifted 'em in 2000 World Cup (against Wales he was the man who the green and golds turned to) and was the linchpin in Ashes of 2001 and 2003.

I remember being in Bolton for 2nd Ashes Test last year. Some of the goalline tackles he was pulling off were outstanding.

I can't comment on the Immortals issue as I only saw the end of Wally's career and never saw Sterling, Changa, Churchill etc play, but Fittler is in my opinion still the best RL player in the world.


Well done Freddy, outstanding player with a sidestep that has won his teams games consistently for 15 years

Congratulations on a great career. He would not be out of place as an immortal at some point in the future. Overrated? lol, are you serious?


Fittler was a champion player. I dont think he was a consistently good as say Lozza or Langer over his whole career but his last 4 or 5 seasons have been outstanding.


Staff member
What a shame for Brad Fittler to finish his career never having out-played Anthony Mundine head-to-head...

Ben S.


greeneyed said:
Face up to it Roosters supporters.. Fittler never would have captained Australia or NSW except for Super League...... he was a great player... but not in the immortal class, not even close.

Wake up to yourself greeneyed-he outshone one L Daley that many times it almost makes me crook. Your constant reference to Goulds "agendas" have little relevance to Fittlers standing in the game. From being our youngest rep player to captaining all rep teams - superleague or otherwise - Fittler most certainly posseses most credentials required to become an Immortal. It remains to be seen if he will receive that honour but I can guarantee he is in the line before most players of the last 25 years - including Brad Drew or any past or present members of the Green Machine. Maybe there are some of your own "agendas" at work. Better still, why dont we start a poll on how many times you have written the word agendas in this and all other threads.


Sea_Eagles_Rock said:
Pigskin said:
xwizit said:
true champion. that wanker on here who says "brad fittler, 300+ average games and counting" needs a few uppercuts.

that would be me .... many confuse longevity with greatness

he has been a solid player for many years, and more recently has learnt to speak

an immortal of the game ? get real, he wouldn't tie Wally's shoe laces

Oink !

Judging by Wally's commetary he'd be lucky to tie his own shoe laces.

:lol: :lol: :lol: good stuff!

Fittler's a great, but he's no Wally. As for an immortal, I doubt it - there are many very great players who are not yet immortals (e.g., Sterling, Kenny, Lazarus, Clyde, Daley, Langer, Meninga, etc etc), and I don't know that Fittler's done anything to surpass them. But a great career nonetheless


First Grade
A dead-set legend and an immortal in the waiting.

Likeminded fools would think otherwise, but then that's why they are fools!



Chook said:
A dead-set legend and an immortal in the waiting.

Likeminded fools would think otherwise, but then that's why they are fools!


there are a lot of immortals in the waiting as you put it - Fittler wouldn't be at the top of the list - although he's undoubtedly a great


JJ said:
Sea_Eagles_Rock said:
Pigskin said:
xwizit said:
true champion. that wanker on here who says "brad fittler, 300+ average games and counting" needs a few uppercuts.

that would be me .... many confuse longevity with greatness

he has been a solid player for many years, and more recently has learnt to speak

an immortal of the game ? get real, he wouldn't tie Wally's shoe laces

Oink !

Judging by Wally's commetary he'd be lucky to tie his own shoe laces.

:lol: :lol: :lol: good stuff!

Fittler's a great, but he's no Wally. As for an immortal, I doubt it - there are many very great players who are not yet immortals (e.g., Sterling, Kenny, Lazarus, Clyde, Daley, Langer, Meninga, etc etc), and I don't know that Fittler's done anything to surpass them. But a great career nonetheless

You can take Kenny :lol: off that list, along with Daley, Clyde and Sterling. Fittler has been without peer in his chosen position for the past 7 years. Most of these blokes had rivals who could at any given time replace them and the (Australian) team would lose nothing. Freddy has been a regular in the Oz team for a decade. Few, if any have made the same impact on the international scene. Lazarus was special but would only ever be considered because he played in so many winning Grand Finals. Meninga is the one most likely but must have porked some immortals selectors mother - he is never considered for some reason. He and Fittler had the same dominance in their favourite position.


When did Fittler ever "outshine" Daley? The two hardly went head to head and Daley was a much better club and rep player up untill about 1999.


Edwahu said:
When did Fittler ever "outshine" Daley? The two hardly went head to head and Daley was a much better club and rep player up untill about 1999.

Hardly went head to head?

Werent they playing in the same comp?

Loz didnt have the leadership or the ability to turn the game in the internationals.


Cant agree with you on that. Daley virtually won the series vs England in 97 on his own for starters. He also shone in Origin, which is tougher to do then peform in internationals.

The Business

Daley was also a great player but due to injury he didn't play at a high level as long as Freddy. From 1996 onwards he was a passenger.

^ Pando

Apparently Fittler couldn't be bothered showing up for a press day for the Finals Captains today.




swineape said:
JJ said:
Sea_Eagles_Rock said:
Pigskin said:
xwizit said:
true champion. that wanker on here who says "brad fittler, 300+ average games and counting" needs a few uppercuts.

that would be me .... many confuse longevity with greatness

he has been a solid player for many years, and more recently has learnt to speak

an immortal of the game ? get real, he wouldn't tie Wally's shoe laces

Oink !

Judging by Wally's commetary he'd be lucky to tie his own shoe laces.

:lol: :lol: :lol: good stuff!

Fittler's a great, but he's no Wally. As for an immortal, I doubt it - there are many very great players who are not yet immortals (e.g., Sterling, Kenny, Lazarus, Clyde, Daley, Langer, Meninga, etc etc), and I don't know that Fittler's done anything to surpass them. But a great career nonetheless

You can take Kenny :lol: off that list, along with Daley, Clyde and Sterling. Fittler has been without peer in his chosen position for the past 7 years. Most of these blokes had rivals who could at any given time replace them and the (Australian) team would lose nothing. Freddy has been a regular in the Oz team for a decade. Few, if any have made the same impact on the international scene. Lazarus was special but would only ever be considered because he played in so many winning Grand Finals. Meninga is the one most likely but must have porked some immortals selectors mother - he is never considered for some reason. He and Fittler had the same dominance in their favourite position.

That's just rubbish:

Kenny was obviously in Wally's era, but he dominated at club level, NSW had a winning record when he played at 5/8 (I'm pretty sure that nobody else during Wally's tenure could claim that), and versatile enough to always be the first centre picked for Australia.

Sterling was without peer as a half - Mortimer was a good player, but let's be honest, Sterling was clearly the best half around (to my mind he should be the next immortal if there are to be more).

Daley was always rated above Fittler - but injury affected his career. His leadership was a big part of NSW becoming the domimant SOO team in recent years (recall - he was the 5/8, not Fittler)

Clyde IMO is the greatest lock ever - a complete footballer - again injuries hampered him.

As for your comment on Lazarus - isn't the game about winning??? Was it a coincidence that Canberra, Brisbane and Melbourne all won premierships with him?? And NSW dominance?

On Meninga, I disagree - Kenney and Miles were always rated more highly than him - great player, but not an immortal IMO.

Again, Fittler like all those players is an all-time great - but he has always been prone to going missing in games, something nobody could ever acuse Daley and Sterling of doing. He's had his great matches, but he's also had dismal failures - he was captain when Vautin's no-names swept a strong NSW team and he did very little.

Moreover, he has never really been rated as the best player in the game. Early in his career Langer, Daley, Clyde etc were all rated more highly. While in recent times Andrew Johns and Darren Lockyer have laid claim to being the best in the game

I'm a big fan of his, but he's no immortal. That is a very exclusive club, to me Sterling is closest next.

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