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Brett Stewart - Has a go at David Gallop


Manly have brought it up ad nauseum recently!

Sorry, plans up to the end of FY 2015 was as close as I could find. I think the point was made though that there are plans in place on a long term basis whereas the current NRL administration couldn't tell you what they are doing for lunch today.
OK. Maybe I should have asked you to find the NRL listing on the ASX, seeing as tough you cant tell the difference between a company and a joint venture.

Of course he has weight. If he doesn't then it shows how ineffective he is.
Hes a CEO, not God. He is answerable to a board of directors, one of whom funded the rort. Can I make it any clearer you toothless git?

Well if its not their (and by "their" I assume you mean the NRL) responsibility to deal with the players in that situation why the hell does Gallop step in and overrule clubs on decisions they make about their players?
This is my third go at explaining the difference between "News LTD being blamed for players not coming forward" and "News LTD being responsible for ensuring players come forward"

All players are contracted to the NRL of which Gallop is the CEO so of course he has the power to get the players to testify in an NRL sanctioned and commissioned investigation. He could have threatened them with deregistration of their contracts if he wanted to for thumbing their noses at everyone.
Geez it would free up a lot of internet space if you realised that the NRL is part owned by News Ltd - who get to tell their CEO what to do - and what not to do.........

hahahaha you idiot. I am not implying Gallop is the reason the NRL is dwarfed by the AFL. You said that league is the biggest sport in Australia and I questioned how the hell you measured that claim. I said that by crowd numbers, club membership numbers, corporate sponsorship, TV deals etc we are not the biggest sport by any stretch. They are facts (unfortunately). I was asking you the question of how we are this biggest sport. I didn't mention Gallop so get your panties out of their knot and stop making shit up. And you are a redneck. I don't give a f*ck where the caravan park is that you live in.
I apologise. I assumed you were one of those limp wristed apologists who assumed League was nothing compared to AFL, despite us outrating them. I also assumed by your irrational Gallop hate (based on the fact that you dont know what his job is, whop employs him, or why he doesnt wear a cape and save the world)

I should have just realised you were an inbred f*ckwit with dreams of being a Victorian.

Come up with a list of things that other previous NRL CEO's have done that make them better than Gallop. Or pick a credible replacement. Or crawl back into your psych ward and shut the f*ck up.

Bit precious about Gallop aren't we? With the exception of the Independent Commission issue that I agreed with you on, he is responsible or does have input into all of the other "demands" that I wrote.
You defend him like I'm having a go at the sport itself when all I want is a leader who can make the game greater. Personally I don't think Gallop is that person. You do. You're the one who started the bile and viciousness when I asked my initial question so that in my book makes you the maggot no matter which side of the fence you're on.
Have a nice day.:D
Again, do you have any idea of the things that constrain him?


This is ridiculous. He was mucking around and David Gallop was stupid enough to respond. There was nothing wrong was what he did, the NRL were wrong to suspend him, especially given how they've handled such allegations in the past and since.

The rule for everybody but Brett appeared to be innocent until provan guilty. People generally don't get over being wrongly accused of sexual assault and they generally remember who believed in them and who didn't.


This is ridiculous. He was mucking around and David Gallop was stupid enough to respond. There was nothing wrong was what he did, the NRL were wrong to suspend him, especially given how they've handled such allegations in the past and since.

The rule for everybody but Brett appeared to be innocent until provan guilty. People generally don't get over being wrongly accused of sexual assault and they generally remember who believed in them and who didn't.
Exactly what has happened, It was really nothing, but Gallop had to have a big cry and get all upset


Dessies using it as an ''us'' & ''them'' motivational tool, while its working you can be sure they'll continue to use it
Gallop should ignore them


This is ridiculous. He was mucking around and David Gallop was stupid enough to respond. There was nothing wrong was what he did, the NRL were wrong to suspend him, especially given how they've handled such allegations in the past and since.

The rule for everybody but Brett appeared to be innocent until provan guilty. People generally don't get over being wrongly accused of sexual assault and they generally remember who believed in them and who didn't.

Manly have been bringing this up all season. It's become a "have a go at Gallop" soap opera. Had they not have done so, Snakes actions would have just been seen as a random post try celebration, like Piggy applauding in the stands of Tahu's slam dunk. It's Manly's constant whinging which made it obvious.

And just like Hasler midweek, Gallop was merely responding to a question.

Its Manly having the big sook, not Gallop.


The NRL wronged Stewart, All Gallop has to say is two simple words "I'm sorry". That is it and all this ends, it doesn't have to be publicly.

But we know that Gallop would never do this, even though he left him out to dry when he was going through the roughest period of his life.


Stewart wasn't just mucking around, he was sending a childish message to the NRL, hence his comments "it was good to get out there and have a Gallop" after the game.

Stewart, by his actions, brought it up. Dessie then demanded an apology from Gallop during the week.

But yeah, the NRL brought it up.

f**king hell, how dumb are people from the Northern Beaches? Seriously f**king stupid.



Northern Beaches>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>x1million>>>>>>>Red Hook Projects>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Forster>>>>>Wagga Wagga>>>>>>>>Lismore>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Orange>>>>>>>>>Ballina>>>>Dubbo>>>>>>>>>>>>>Bathurst>>>>>Campbeltown>>>>>>>>>>x 1million>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Canberra & Queanbeyan


Stewart wasn't just mucking around, he was sending a childish message to the NRL, hence his comments "it was good to get out there and have a Gallop" after the game.

Stewart, by his actions, brought it up. Dessie then demanded an apology from Gallop during the week.

But yeah, the NRL brought it up.

f**king hell, how dumb are people from the Northern Beaches? Seriously f**king stupid.
Really, no one from the Manly camp came out pubicly and said anything, Stewart was just mucking around, if Gallop didnt bite back, no one remebers what happened.

Still believing in those ref consiracy theories? f**king Canberrans



Why do manly and Brett Stewart feel the need to keep carrying on like a bunch of 4 year old girls over this issue? It happened years ago, get the f**k over it.

Cronulla and Bird didn't feel the need to cry like women despite being deregistered for a year and sacked from the NRL.

Just get on with your lives you wankers


Stewart wasn't just mucking around, he was sending a childish message to the NRL, hence his comments "it was good to get out there and have a Gallop" after the game.

Stewart, by his actions, brought it up. Dessie then demanded an apology from Gallop during the week.

But yeah, the NRL brought it up.

f**king hell, how dumb are people from the Northern Beaches? Seriously f**king stupid.

I agree with you here Skeepe and thats a rare thing being a Knights supporter.
If you look back to the incident he was suspended for his behavior that night due to him being the face of the game. It was also an official function and it was not the only incident that night. Personally the Manly club should have been dealt with as a whole. If theres one club Newcastle supporter are born to hate its Manly just like Manly fans are born to bitch and moan.


you know what I don't get, what Brett Stewart did wrong. I understand hating Manly and using any excuse to shovel dirt on them as a team, but not Brett Stewart. He has been a great sport through all of this, he is entitled to hate the systems which wronged him the way they did but he has been an incredibly good sport. His post try celebration was very good humoured given the situation and I would say proves his taken it like a man and gotten on with his career.


Staff member
Penn & Gallop will sort this out behind closed doors.

As they should.

Not everything has to be played out in public.

Oh and LOL @ Bourbon Bec. Great moral compass there.


Man this thread sucks. I'm a manly fan and I'm sick to death of hearing about this shit.. Lets just play some god damn football!! f**k the media


Staff member
So, pardon my ignorance, but what brought this on all of a sudden? It seems as if Stewart's 'go at Gallop' came out of the blue.