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Brisbane Bombers Bid


The NRL’s empty words on expansion are holding Queensland rugby league back

NICK Livermore is the human face of the NRL expansion debate.

His personal story, amid the half-baked promises and millions of dollars wasted, is why the NRL must choose its words on expansion carefully as pressure builds on the governing body to give Queensland a fourth NRL team.

Exactly a month ago, new Australian Rugby League Commission chairman Peter Beattie had a simple message — the NRL must expand or die.

Last Friday, Livermore, the chief executive of the Brisbane Bombers NRL bid, conceded his faith in rugby league’s expansion dream had died.

He informed Bombers directors he is walking away. After eight years of toil, having invested an estimated 8000 hours and more than $100,000 of his own money in a passionate quest to get the Bombers into the NRL, Livermore is sick of waiting.

“I’m out,” said the son of the late, great former Queensland Rugby League chief Ross Livermore.

“Peter Beattie says expansion could happen but I won’t be holding my breath.

“I can’t justify any more of my own time in pursuing something that may or may not happen.

“We keep hearing Brisbane will get a second team and it’s not a matter of if, but when.

“But the reality is we are eight years down the track and we are still waiting.

“It was a really tough decision to walk away. I have given nearly a decade of my life hoping to be part of a Brisbane Bombers team in the NRL ... but I can’t see it happening for a long time.”

Livermore’s personal experience is a cautionary tale for rugby league’s decision-makers.

Beattie’s sentiments on expansion are understandable, and undoubtedly well-intentioned, but it is becoming increasingly pointless for the code’s heavy hitters to mention the ‘E’ word if they aren’t serious about doing it.

The NRL is caught in a problematic no-man’s land on expansion.

Geographically, the code must expand, but NRL and ARLC bosses face the difficult task of juggling the need to grow the game with placating bratty, self-absorbed Sydney clubs who continue to haemorrhage millions.

Like dole bludgers sucking cash out of Centrelink, Sydney clubs are content to rot in a world of welfare where annual handouts from League Central are their liferaft to NRL survival.

The code will never truly flourish unless Beattie and NRL CEO Todd Greenberg play hardball with Sydney clubs.

The biggest loser is Queensland. And the impact is felt in good men like Livermore, Ipswich bid chief Steve Johnson and Central Queensland’s Geoff Murphy, who for too long have been fed empty rhetoric by NRL bosses who tickle and tease the expansion bids.

Livermore claims the NRL has, on three occasions, indicated the Bombers were close to being added to the big league.

First, in 2013. Then 2015. Then 2018. Now the code is considering expansion for 2023, in line with the next TV rights deal.

“Todd Greenberg has been the most honest of any NRL CEO,” Livermore said.

“He had the guts to say to me that at times the NRL has misrepresented to the bid teams where the game is going on expansion.

“I’m not bitter. I’m just disappointed in the lack of honesty.

“We launched our bid in December 2010 and in that time, I’ve had talks with eight senior figures.

“I’ve said to the bosses several times — just give us all an exact time frame (for expansion) and announce which teams are getting an NRL licence.

“Unfortunately, the powerbase of Sydney clubs is holding back the game’s growth, which is a great shame.”


And guess who were the CEOs ATT ,that misrepresented the expansion to teh prospective bidders??????

Try: Mr Uuuummmm aaaaagh Gelloper
Mr Long Lunch Smiffy.


First Grade
That's assuming the game is as popular as we like to think it is, which it probably isn't. You could pretty much say the same for every club in the NRL, they should be drawing more, but they aren't.
When the Dockers came in they said it would cannibalise the Eagles crowd and corporate support in Perth. In reality it spurred the Eagles on to become an even bigger and better club. Both clubs now have 50k plus members and Eagles still don't have enough room in the new stadium for everyone who wants ticketed memberships. I can see a second Brisbane club doing similar for Broncos, giving them a kick up the backside so to speak.

That's true - I can see that happening too. The Broncs will definately be more proactive with a second team in town. I think the game is extremely popular here (well, at least popular enough to have a game each round drawing 30k + at Suncorp). I can see Brisbane NRL being in a situation that Perth or Adelaide AFL are in if done right - two super clubs that dominate the sporting landscape.

They have to get the club right though - a Broncos clone doesn't provide a point of difference and there are no real geographical rivalries in Brisbane which is why I suggest that the new club focus on community engagement which the Broncos do, but not as effectively as they could.

axl rose

That's true - I can see that happening too. The Broncs will definately be more proactive with a second team in town. I think the game is extremely popular here (well, at least popular enough to have a game each round drawing 30k + at Suncorp). I can see Brisbane NRL being in a situation that Perth or Adelaide AFL are in if done right - two super clubs that dominate the sporting landscape.


Right, though I wonder if there will ever be a point where the Broncos/News Ltd actually realise that a genuine Brisbane derby would be good for their bottom line/shareholders. Or is it just that they are scared shitless of losing players to a rival Brisbane club. Especially those who take 'unders' to stay in Brisbane to avoid Sydney.

Perth Red

Post Whore
Right, though I wonder if there will ever be a point where the Broncos/News Ltd actually realise that a genuine Brisbane derby would be good for their bottom line/shareholders. Or is it just that they are scared shitless of losing players to a rival Brisbane club. Especially those who take 'unders' to stay in Brisbane to avoid Sydney.

No business actively welcomes a competitor. But the good ones accept it when it happens and use it to motivate improvement of themselves.

Perth Red

Post Whore
That's true - I can see that happening too. The Broncs will definately be more proactive with a second team in town. I think the game is extremely popular here (well, at least popular enough to have a game each round drawing 30k + at Suncorp). I can see Brisbane NRL being in a situation that Perth or Adelaide AFL are in if done right - two super clubs that dominate the sporting landscape.

They have to get the club right though - a Broncos clone doesn't provide a point of difference and there are no real geographical rivalries in Brisbane which is why I suggest that the new club focus on community engagement which the Broncos do, but not as effectively as they could.

Whilst I don't disagree, a "battlers" alternative to Broncos with some level of geographical differentiation wouldn't hurt capture those in Brisbane who haven't hitched their trailer to the Broncos, any new club HAS to have serious financial backing and big plans to compete. We cant see a small localised grass roots effort with limited appeal, player attraction power or financial supports or they wont last any longer than the crushers. Whoever gets the gig in Brisbane has to be a powerhouse from day one off the field

Perth Red

Post Whore
And guess who were the CEOs ATT ,that misrepresented the expansion to teh prospective bidders??????

Try: Mr Uuuummmm aaaaagh Gelloper
Mr Long Lunch Smiffy.

Yep, just about the only good thing you can see about the current mob is they have been very clear there will be no expansion, if you can call that a good thing! But now we have Beattie coming in once again dangling the carrot of hope.


Yep, just about the only good thing you can see about the current mob is they have been very clear there will be no expansion, if you can call that a good thing! But now we have Beattie coming in once again dangling the carrot of hope.

Well no they haven't been clear ,there will be no expansion.Any expansion decision would not be likely til 2020.For a 2023 season under a new TV deal.So don;t get your t*ts in a knot yet.


First Grade
Sad news to hear from Livermore but the Bombers are a plastic Broncos clone and won't be loved any more than the Broncos are (and the Broncs are very polarising in Brisbane).

We need a member-owned rugby league club. Not a corporate franchise, to offset the Broncos and create a real rivalry. Fans would jump on the back on a resurected BRL brand like Diehards or Brothers instantly. Even if it is a completely new brand - make it a real RL club owned by the members and watch it take off.

What about the Crushers!!!!

Perth Red

Post Whore
Well no they haven't been clear ,there will be no expansion.Any expansion decision would not be likely til 2020.For a 2023 season under a new TV deal.So don;t get your t*ts in a knot yet.

what you on about? when the new chairman comes in and says "we must expand or die" then Id suggest that is a pretty big expansion hope carrot being dangled! Compared to the last chairman who within a couple of weeks in position visited us in 2012 and stated "stop wasting your time, there will be no expansion and we have no plans for expansion" then id say it is a very different message about intent. Its probably BS like Gallop and Smith was and I am treating it the same until they actually do something about it above and beyond spouting rhetoric.


First Grade
Whilst I don't disagree, a "battlers" alternative to Broncos with some level of geographical differentiation wouldn't hurt capture those in Brisbane who haven't hitched their trailer to the Broncos, any new club HAS to have serious financial backing and big plans to compete. We cant see a small localised grass roots effort with limited appeal, player attraction power or financial supports or they wont last any longer than the crushers. Whoever gets the gig in Brisbane has to be a powerhouse from day one off the field

I guess so - I suppose I'm not really against private money with Brisbane 2, it's just that the Boncs at times feel a little too corporate and don't engage enough. I would like a second club to take advantage of that and really engage with the community - I guess that is the key to success for any club though.


what you on about? when the new chairman comes in and says "we must expand or die" then Id suggest that is a pretty big expansion hope carrot being dangled! Compared to the last chairman who within a couple of weeks in position visited us in 2012 and stated "stop wasting your time, there will be no expansion and we have no plans for expansion" then id say it is a very different message about intent. Its probably BS like Gallop and Smith was and I am treating it the same until they actually do something about it above and beyond spouting rhetoric.

He's said neither .That expansion will happen in 2023 or it won't.Pretty damn clear to me.On that basis you can't make a definitive statement,that it won't happen.Which you have a habit of doing so.
Last edited:


First Grade
What seems to work in Queensland is "regional rep" teams

What were the original SE Queensland sub-regional rep teams ?

Perth Red

Post Whore
He's said neither .That expansion will happen in 2023 or it won't.Pretty damn clear to me.On that basis you can't make a definitive statement,that it won't happen.Which you have a habit of doing so.

Neither did Gallop or smith. They simply dangled carrots to keep hope up. Wether that was to generate media or to string along fans in those regions to keep supporting the game, hard to say. Grant flat out said no expansion. Beattie has come in and straight away said we have to expand. Will we? who the frick knows, I very much doubt the NRL knows they are so clueless about long term strategies.


Neither did Gallop or smith. They simply dangled carrots to keep hope up. Wether that was to generate media or to string along fans in those regions to keep supporting the game, hard to say. Grant flat out said no expansion. Beattie has come in and straight away said we have to expand. Will we? who the frick knows, I very much doubt the NRL knows they are so clueless about long term strategies.

Wrong Gallop and Smith dangled carrots,by saying have your bids ready when the time comes, don't write expansion off.Livermore spelt it out.I mean what would he know, far less than you PR LOL.
I have zero idea what the expansion outcome will be.The difference is I admit it, you make assumptions because it suits your agenda.
The NRL cannot make a decision either way now till I suggest 2020 .The lie of the Tv land and other technologies could well change dramatically, and who knows whether Amazon et al ,may not come into the bidding or even a CBS backed ch10.
Giving if there was expansion approved, at least 2 years to gather personnel and management, would be required minimum.


Right, though I wonder if there will ever be a point where the Broncos/News Ltd actually realise that a genuine Brisbane derby would be good for their bottom line/shareholders. Or is it just that they are scared shitless of losing players to a rival Brisbane club. Especially those who take 'unders' to stay in Brisbane to avoid Sydney.

I think that the Storm have a lot to fear from a 2nd Brisbane team too - salary cap dodgyness aside, they built their Bellamy-era success on shrewd recruitment of Queensland (and to a lesser degree New Zealand) talent.

With a 2nd Brisbane team, there's going to be more options for Queensland's best to stay close to home.


What seems to work in Queensland is "regional rep" teams

What were the original SE Queensland sub-regional rep teams ?

Run me through the great gamut of QLD regional rep teams that have been popular in the NRL?

The Great Dane

First Grade
I think that the Storm have a lot to fear from a 2nd Brisbane team too - salary cap dodgyness aside, they built their Bellamy-era success on shrewd recruitment of Queensland (and to a lesser degree New Zealand) talent.

With a 2nd Brisbane team, there's going to be more options for Queensland's best to stay close to home.

Which would probably force them to invest more into Victoria, which would be a good thing, it might hurt their on field success a bit for a while but long term it'd be a good thing.


First Grade
These clowns have buckleys. It's gonna be the redcliffe dolphins a train line has just been finished down the road and they are building another grandstand right now on the eastern side on the ground.

It just makes sense. I would even go so far to say I reckon they've already been given the green light


These clowns have buckleys. It's gonna be the redcliffe dolphins a train line has just been finished down the road and they are building another grandstand right now on the eastern side on the ground.

It just makes sense. I would even go so far to say I reckon they've already been given the green light

Any 2nd Brisbane team should play out of Suncorp.