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Broncos and drugs, NRL investigating


If you could read scrotum breath, I actually said I could ignore him, however that would be rude when discussing a point of difference.

Dont you have another "Leave Brisbane alone" thread to post ?

I am only new to this forum, and it seems like a lot of fun! All these insults flying all over the place. I have just read the banter between you and Sal and I must say " I agree with Sal " You get all nasty and throw your toys out the cot if anyone dares to disagree, and I gotta say mate you throw more spin than a V8 Super Car. Your childish sarcasm, and down right insulting nature ie "scrotum breath" does nothing to win you points (yeah I know,I know you dont care about winning points) But it is obvious to all.....you are a Bronco hater, and mate........your an idiot!
Oh Yeah Go the Cowboys lol


First Grade
I wonder if he woke up the next day with a kebab in his bed and felafel in his hair like I've done on many occasions.

El Diablo

Post Whore
from Rothfield's blog http://blogs.news.com.au/dailyteleg...aph/comments/newcastles_knightmare_continues/

Hey Buzz

Is it true Bruno Cullen and the Broncos are seeking legal advise over your Sunday Tele drug scoop?

They should put their efforts into winning a game of footy!

Phillip Gregory (Reply)
Tue 04 Aug 09 (11:03am)
Hi Phillip. I spoke to Bruno this morning and it is true he is considering his legal options. He admitted to me that he made a mistake in answering a very important question at yesterday’s press conference. For legal reasons I cannot discuss the details here. I’ll just say this. The story was given the green light by our legal advisers and we will vigorously defend any action. I agree, If I was running the Broncos, I’d be far more concerned about the scoreline last Saturday night.
Phil Rothfield
Tue 04 Aug 09 (01:42pm)


I've lost count of the amount of times you've tried to speculate about the thoroughbreds "true" involvment with the club over the years.

I am happy to concede that my word is not good enough.

Would you take the testimony, under oath in the Brisbane District Court of Donald NISSEN, a chairman of the Broncos (Nov 2001- Oct 2004) ?

July 6, 2009
A mining magnate embroiled in corruption claims levelled against a former Queensland Government minister also gave cash to Brisbane Broncos players, a court has heard. Former Macarthur Coal chief Ken Talbot was today described as a generous person who gave money to people without the expectation it would be repaid. Among the beneficiaries of his kindness were Broncos players and former premiership-winning coach Wayne Bennett, who was to receive $1 million from Mr Talbot via a fund set up to help Mr Bennett's two disabled children, the Brisbane District Court was told. Mr Nissen said as a "through-and-through" Brisbane Broncos fan, Mr Talbot often "made generous gifts of money to a number of players" and for the past five years had contributed $100,000 each year to a fund set up for the two disabled children of former Bronco's coach Wayne Bennett.
He was committed to donate the six-figure sum each year for 10 years, he said. Asked by Nuttall's barrister if Mr Talbot ever asked for any cash he gave to Broncos players back, Mr Nissen replied to his knowledge, Mr Talbot had not.

El Diablo

Post Whore

Severe penalties ensure clubs won't hide positive drugs test results

By Matt Marshall
August 04, 2009

The price to be paid by NRL clubs for hiding positive drugs test results from players is so severe that it defies logic to do so.

That was the verdict from the game's headquarters amid explosive allegations that Brisbane are hiding the drug problem of a prominent player.

Clubs are obliged under the code's two-strike policy to inform NRL authorities if a player has returned two positive tests. Failure to do so allows the game's authorities to strip the club of all points earned while any such offender was in the side.

Brisbane Broncos have steadfastly denied reports that they are aware one of their players has a drug problem, with chief executive Bruno Cullen saying the club is seeking legal action.

The NRL, while refusing to comment publicly on investigations into the allegations, outlined the fallout should they be proved correct.

"A player with two positive tests is deemed to be an unregistered player," NRL spokesman John Brady said.

"It would be very doubtful a club would risk playing a person with two positive tests as it would be stripped of all competition points in which that player is involved."

Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority officials refused to comment on NRL testing, citing commercial confidence, but NRL officials confirmed there were two different brands of drug testing in the NRL.

The code adheres to the World Anti-Doping Agency policy, enforced by ASADA.

The NRL also has a separate testing system solely for illicit substances (so-called "recreational drugs").

Clubs are required to conduct a minimum of 70 illicit substance tests per year, while ASADA is also armed with a 365-day, 24-hour power to conduct game-day and out-of-competition testing. ASADA's test extends to illegal performance-enhancing drugs and illicit drugs.

Brisbane claim they conduct 300 tests per year, 230 above the NRL's requirements.

NRL chief executive David Gallop said the code's two-armed policy was stringent.

Gallop said the framework provided an effective system to deter the taking of illegal stimulants - including cocaine and ecstasy - which are only traceable for 24-48 hours.

"Nothing is foolproof but I'm satisfied we've got the best system in place," Gallop said.


First Grade
What's stopping a club from telling certain players to stop taking a drug for a bit because they'll test them soon?

I mean, Andrew John's allegedly took drugs his career...how did he get past all the testing?


Karmichael Hunt, Justin Hodges named as Origin curfew-breakers

James Phelps and Josh Massoud
August 03, 2009 06:34am

BRONCOS Justin Hodges and Karmichael Hunt allegedly were at the centre of Queensland's party-fuelled preparation for State of Origin III.

A report in today's Sydney Daily Telegraph says Broncos CEO Bruno Cullen was tipped off about two players breaking curfew and misbehaving on the Friday night before the July 15 interstate series finale.
Instead of investigating himself, Cullen passed the claim to Maroons team management.

One player was alleged to have been in a ``comatose state" on the Gold Coast party strip and Hunt has admitted to partying at exclusive Broadbeach nightclub East on the night.

It is claimed he was with Hodges, who is also alleged to have broken Maroons curfew by returning 24 hours later.

Two workers from an all-night kebab shop below East said they served the firebrand centre just before 2am on the Sunday and say they have CCTV footage to support their claim.

Although there was no evidence to suggest Hodges caused any trouble, claims he sneaked out of Camp Maroon to go nightclubbing on the Saturday night have infuriated Queensland coach Mal Meninga and put the 27-year-old's future Origin selection in doubt.

Under-pressure Brisbane coach Ivan Henjak last week questioned the condition in which his Origin stars returned from Queensland duty.

``We always like our players to come back in the state that we sent them," Henjak said.

``That's all we expect from (the QRL) - I thought they probably could have come back in a bit better state."

His side has since suffered three straight defeats and conceded a whopping 134 points, culminating in the club's darkest hour on Saturday night - a 56-0 drubbing against 12th-placed Canberra.

Questions are being asked about how deeply the Maroons' party-fest has infected Brisbane, whose season was already showing signs of unravelling after Hunt's defection to AFL and Joel Clinton's $50,000 fine for bringing a woman back to the team hotel in May.

Staff at Surfers Paradise nightspot Melbas also said several Maroons players drank at the Cavill Ave bar over the weekend after the Maroons shifted base to the Gold Coast following a XXXX Club luncheon in Brisbane on Friday afternoon.

Hodges and five teammates were also seen drinking at 3am the day after Origin III on the roof deck of Brisbane hotel, The Exchange.

Cullen received the anonymous tip-off about the drunken state of two unnamed players on Sunday morning, July 12.

According to Cullen, the informant did not give him any names.

Cullen admitted he did not ask for their identities.

``I got the phone call on the Saturday morning from a man who said he was a Brisbane fan," Cullen said.

``He didn't give me any names, but did allege that one player was in a comatose state."

Asked why he didn't feel the need to investigate, Cullen replied: ``Because the players were on Origin duty so it was a matter for the QRL boss."

Cullen passed the report on to QRL managing director Ross Livermore for further investigation on the Saturday, which was a ``free day" for the players.

``Bruno contacted me with some allegations during camp that I passed on to team management," Livermore said.

``The allegations were followed up during the camp and it was found no players had a case to answer.

``But we certainly don't want to see players out at 2am at any time, whether or not they have training the next day."

Sources said Meninga questioned a number of players, including Hodges, about breaking team rules.

The Daily Telegraph says it has CCTV footage from a Broadbeach fast-food stall which claims to have vision of Hodges in the early hours of Sunday, July 12.

The QRL has requested a copy of the footage, which shows a man resembling the fiery Queensland centre buying kebabs and flirting with two women below East nightclub between 1.45 and 1.50am.

Two kebab shop employees alleged Hodges ordered a kebab before being hassled by a vocal passer-by.

``After he bought the kebab, a bloke in a Gold Coast Titans shirt walked past and gave him a gobful for playing for Brisbane," said one of the kebab shop workers, Sam Koch.

``He said something back to the guy and they had a bit of an argument. Hodges looked like he'd had a big night, but there was no trouble or fighting or anything like that."

Hodges' manager, George Mimis said he could not reach Hodges for a response and a Broncos spokesman declined to approach him because the matter related to Origin duty.

Hunt admitted through his manager, David Riolo, that he went to East on the Friday night.

A female partygoer at East has also told friends she saw Hodges and Hunt over the same weekend. Hunt has denied going out on the Saturday night.

The owner of East did not answer or return calls.

Meninga is understood to be furious over the ``disrespect" shown to his team values during the shoddy camp.

A Maroons insider was adamant the flippant preparation derailed Queensland's dream of a clean sweep, and Meninga has publicly lamented the team's lack of intensity at their match-eve training run at Suncorp Stadium.

``It was like something from a school camp, like kids sneaking off in the dead of night behind their teachers' backs," a Maroons insider said.

``You could tell about three days into the camp that something wasn't right. We did want to reward them for winning the series, but they were told not to abuse that. It seems some couldn't help themselves."

The QRL last week finalised its investigation into the camp, announcing two players would be reprimanded for breaking camp on the Sunday night before the game.

Livermore has confirmed he acted on an email tip-off from a person claiming to be a taxi driver, who said he drove two players 20km from Jupiters Casino to their Sanctuary Cove resort in the early hours of Monday morning.

The QRL has come under fire for refusing to reveal their identities, and failing to hire an independent person to investigate disturbing claims that some players mixed sleeping tablets with energy drinks.


Oddly enough the two players I "picked".

f**k him. He's the Gold Coast's problem now!

El Diablo

Post Whore
today this was in Rothfields blog http://blogs.news.com.au/dailyteleg...elegraph/comments/leagues_10_biggest_chokers/

Unrelated. Is all this talk about being sued by the Broncos mean the story was false? If so, why run it to start with?
Vatutin (Reply)
Wed 05 Aug 09 (01:59am)

I’ll think you’ll find the Broncos are not proceeding with legal action. I’ve had two long discussions with Bruno Cullen over the past couple of days and we’ve agreed to disagree, basically. He knows the story was only raised last week in the hope that the player could get help, if needed. That’s all I can say about it.
Phil Rothfield
Wed 05 Aug 09 (12:53pm)

El Diablo

Post Whore
today this was in Rothfields blog http://blogs.news.com.au/dailyteleg...elegraph/comments/leagues_10_biggest_chokers/

Unrelated. Is all this talk about being sued by the Broncos mean the story was false? If so, why run it to start with?
Vatutin (Reply)
Wed 05 Aug 09 (01:59am)

I’ll think you’ll find the Broncos are not proceeding with legal action. I’ve had two long discussions with Bruno Cullen over the past couple of days and we’ve agreed to disagree, basically. He knows the story was only raised last week in the hope that the player could get help, if needed. That’s all I can say about it.
Phil Rothfield
Wed 05 Aug 09 (12:53pm)


What's stopping a club from telling certain players to stop taking a drug for a bit because they'll test them soon?

I mean, Andrew John's allegedly took drugs his career...how did he get past all the testing?

He would have done most of it in the off season.