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Broncos and drugs, NRL investigating


I'll let him be and leave this posts in this thread, I think he invests way too much anger (as evidenced in his posts) on this topic.

I can ignore him fairly easily, whereas he cannot do the same. That says it all really, he's an angry man/boy/child.

CJG 182

I think the unfortunate part is one or two people at the Broncos will now become a scapegoat protecting many others who are less than innocent.


First Grade
_Johnsy said:
I think so, he loves debating with only factual information when posting, yet he is more than happy to post his own opinion. I take it his opinion is fact.

He gets a bit testy when someone says anything against the broncs in any way shape or form. I would have thought you just ignore it, or maybe it's a bit of a raw nerve, or too close to the bone.

If we had established the rule that no-one can offer an opinion of the broncs that is not complimentary you cant post it. At least Sal would be happy.

No I get "testy" when you post unfounded rumour, speculation and innuendo which is against forum rules. Go figure.

As for your the rest of it, for someone who can apparently ignore me that's 2 long winded posts dedicated to me now. I'm really flattered.

fightingirish69 said:
its amazing he hasn't got the whole gang on to you

Lol you talk of ganging up and proceed to gang up on me with Johnsy. Don't interpret that as me giving a sh*t as you clearly have nothing of substance to offer here.
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But hey I found another one that didn't:


No I get "testy" when you post unfounded rumour, speculation and innuendo which is against forum rules. Go figure.

As for your the rest of it, for someone who can apparently ignore me that's 2 long winded posts dedicated to me now. I'm really flattered.

Lol you talk of ganging up and proceed to gang up on me with Johnsy. Don't interpret that as me giving a sh*t as you clearly have nothing of substance to offer here.

ooooh :sarcasm: :lol:


_Johnsy[/B said:

This article reminded me of a conversation I had with a former bronco captain, qld captain several years ago at the paddo. This player sat out his last year of another contract, and he told me he was paid by a group of people associated with the broncs. I can only summise this was the "thoroughbreds". If this did occur and is still occuring why has the nrl not been able to uncover these "secret" payments ?

This is the last response I'll give you sal, it's like trying to talk to a 5 year ld child who has had his playstation confiscated.

This above quote is the result of a conversation I had with the un-named player, you know who that is. I undersdtand I can't name him for legal reasons, afterall you love stating the obvious. That is not unfounded, nor is it rumour, it is information I was told by that player.

I can ignore you, however when we are discussing something, that would well, outright rude. The posts are not long winded, just attempting to respond to points of difference.

Again, you are wrong, have misunderstood something or lying. I did not/have not mentioned you ganging up and/or proceed to gang up on you.

I see dishonesty and/or confusion is a characteristic of yours.

Thanks for your precious time Sal.


First Grade
This is the last response I'll give you sal, it's like trying to talk to a 5 year ld child who has had his playstation confiscated.

This above quote is the result of a conversation I had with the un-named player, you know who that is. I undersdtand I can't name him for legal reasons, afterall you love stating the obvious. That is not unfounded, nor is it rumour, it is information I was told by that player.

I can ignore you, however when we are discussing something, that would well, outright rude. The posts are not long winded, just attempting to respond to points of difference.

Again, you are wrong, have misunderstood something or lying. I did not/have not mentioned you ganging up and/or proceed to gang up on you.

I see dishonesty and/or confusion is a characteristic of yours.

Thanks for your precious time Sal.

You know that post I quoted you on and provided a link for was actually a deleted post so El has had to edit it out of my post and yours. So actually it was you again posting unfounded bullsh*t that mods had to delete.

As for the ganging up bit, that was directed to fightingirish69, you knew that by the fact I quoted fightingirish69. Oops there I am giving you the benefit of the doubt again...


The post you quoted was information I had been told by the player. Not unfounded, nor is it an allegation, it is information I was told by the Cpt of the Brisbane Broncos.

Again, thanks so much for your precious time.
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First Grade
The post you quoted was information I had been told by the player. Not unfounded, nor is it an allegation, it is information I was told by the Cpt of the Brisbane Broncos.

Again, thanks so much for your precious time.

Which only had your word to back it up and an account which didn't match what the same player wrote in his biography hence why it was deleted. So again unfounded rubbish.


Don't worry, this will all be covered up, like Webcke's drug test and the Bronco allegedly snorting coke during the gangbang session in the toilet.
LOL @ Razor...I mean Johnsy.

I thought you said you weren't going to reply anymore, like 3 posts ago.

*waits for johnsy's 4th reply*


LOL @ Razor...I mean Johnsy.

I thought you said you weren't going to reply anymore, like 3 posts ago.

*waits for johnsy's 4th reply*

If you could read scrotum breath, I actually said I could ignore him, however that would be rude when discussing a point of difference.

Dont you have another "Leave Brisbane alone" thread to post ?

El Diablo

Post Whore

Broncos chief Cullen slams allegations
August 3, 2009 - 4:49PM

Brisbane Broncos chief executive Bruno Cullen has slammed allegations one of the NRL club's players has a drug problem, describing it as "scurrilous and untrue".

Cullen says the Broncos are investigating legal action after a Sydney newspaper report claimed the club was aware of the player's drug problem but was hiding it.

Two days after the club's humiliating 56-0 loss to Canberra, the club has been forced to deny the drug allegations which surfaced over the weekend but which did not name the player.

"We're seeking legal advice on it," fumed Cullen.

"It's scurrilous, it's ridiculous and it's totally untrue."

Cullen said the player named in the allegation had been tested "a number of times" over a long period with the club including the recent State Of Origin series where he played for Queensland.

"The major content of the story is totally incorrect," Cullen said.

"This club is not hiding anything from anybody with regards to drug testing.

"I wanted to make sure the ground I was coming from was solid. I've done that today (Monday) and the ground I am coming from is very solid."

El Diablo

Post Whore

Broncos may sue over reports of drug cover-up

Phil Lutton
August 3, 2009

The Brisbane Broncos are considering legal action after News Ltd reports suggested one of the club's stars is battling a serious drug problem.

A furious Brunco Cullen, the club's chief executive, fronted the media this afternoon and strongly denied there were any drug problems within the club, hitting back at suggestions the club was covering up a drug scandal.

Cullen said he had been consulting with lawyers and would consider taking the matter further as the club endured another horrible week after its 56-0 flogging at the hands of the Canberra Raiders on Saturday.

"We're seeking legal advice on it,'' fumed Cullen. "It's scurrilous, it's ridiculous and it's totally untrue.''

Cullen also said he would support any players who were considering independent legal action after the suggestion that one of the club's representative stars was taking drugs.

Cullen said the player named in the allegation had been tested "a number of times'' over a long period with the club, including the recent State Of Origin series where he played for Queensland.

"The major content of the story is totally incorrect,'' Cullen said. "This club is not hiding anything from anybody with regards to drug testing.

"I wanted to make sure the ground I was coming from was solid. I've done that today (Monday) and the ground I am coming from is very solid.''

Cullen also backed embattled coach Ivan Henjak but said there were some problems with the attitude of some of the playing staff that needed to be rectified in a hurry if the club was to make the NRL finals.


Tut Tut,It's a big awful goddamn ugly mess up in brisbane these days,Cullens sat on his throne like nero and is watching it all burn.


Johnsy how many posts have you made in this thread? I think you've said about everything you needed to. In fact 0 would have been more than enough since most of it was just your usual sh*t anyway. You really do have an abnormal interest in this topic. Your a truly sad individual to devote so much effort into negative opinions are speculation on the Broncos and Queenslanders in general. Have you not got better things in life to worry about?

Ive said this before but you would have to have rocks in your head if you believed every sports star was clean (including NRL players). Andrews Johns and Wendell Sailor are just two blokes who were named publicly thats the only difference.

I dont believe the public has the right to know every aspect of sports peoples lives. Some people think its their god given right. And before people jump on me and say ohh drugs are bad bla bla bla, tell that to the 50,000 people aged 20-30 who go out and do them every weekend, they are a better audience.
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Hari Kari

And then for that matter, why is it ok for rockstars, movie stars, models from around the world to not even hide their drug problems, they are much bigger role models on the big scale than what rugby league players are, yet no one stops their children from buying their cd`s and watching their movies do they ???

Nobody you know maybe.

People expect rockstars to live a party lifestyle.

It's long been said any publicity is good publicity for those types.


I think you've said about everything you needed to.

Who the f**k are you to tell me what I should or should not say on a public forum?

Typical obnoxious know all Bronco fan, here is an idea go and pick up your sides candy, will ya. Go on, that's a boy.