Also never take your job for granted K because I thought the only way I would lose my job is if I did something illegal. A total shock this was yesterday so always keep your wits about you
I'll tell you a funny story about job security Robo.
Back in 1990, believe it or not, I was in charge of passenger security at Rocky Airport. I worked for Wormald and had a staff of approximately 8 - 10 I was in charge of. Back in those days the only passengers that had to be screened prior to boarding were those boarding jets to Brissie. Not the prop planes just the bigger jets.
Now Wormald had the contract for all the airports along the east coast including Brissie and I believe along NSW too.
My job was to screen for Ansett and Australian Airlines. Two companies.
Out of the blue I got a call one day from Wormald HQ that I wasn't to worry but the airlines were advertising our jobs for Rocky airport, Mackay Airport and I think the 3rd one was Prosperpine Airport. HQ reliably informed me that they were only seeing how munch they could get private security to do "our jobs"
What I did find out was that the airlines had Wormald by the balls and if they squealed they threatened that they would advertise all of the security along the entire east coast. In other words they were only greasing the pole to insert it just a little bit.
Long story short, I was "sort of" directed that I would open my books up to anyone who had expressed interest in taking over our jobs. I refused point blank. Those books had private content of my staff in them and I was not showing them to anyone.
I also made it blatantly clear I was not going to show any prospective mob how it all works.
The airlines got shittier and shittier with me. They sent their reps up to chat with me about opening my books as technically the airlines owned the books.
You should of seen some of the cretins I was expected to deal with. My subordinate was great too. We both dug our heals in.
Wormald kept asking me to be nice with them and not upset the airlines. I did everything by my book.. looked after my troops. It was fun.
Anyhow long story short... guess what and this was not because of my actions ... the airlines appointed private security to do the three airports.
We only had a couple of weeks left on the payroll and I still would not show the new mob the books or how we worked the equipment.
Guess how they got rid of me. TRUE STORY.
On my last day of employment (not know to me at the time) we had just screened the two morning flights Rock to Bne and was relaxing in my little airport foxhole office. I got a call from Wormald HQ - think it was from Sth Aus office.
I was advised that I had to immediately leave the airport premises. Just take my immediate personal effects. I was directed to get my offsider in and he was to take control of the "ship" until our (wormald) services were terminated. End of that week. Mick (my offsider) was to pack up all my gear and property and he was paid to convey it to my residence on the coast some 44k away.
Now at the time of my sending off I was at the time ARMED. I was licenced to carry a firearm.
The airlines had informed Wormald that in their opinion I was no longer fit to hold the position and was in effect a threat to the security and safety of their airlines. They directed Wormald to have me vacate the premises.
I had to hand my gun into the Wormald Security Rockhampton Town Patrol Supervisor. The bloke that did the security for Rocky - a whole different div of the company.
To this day it was one of the proudest things I have done in my working life. Stood my ground and batted for my workmates and their jobs. Farkkkk the airlines. Both of them went broke anyway.