If you persevere and train hard generally the game looks after you, thats the strong quality hes got. You see it in his game as well, he hangs in there and keeps coming at you, says coach Tim Sheens.
Because hes been in the game for 10 years, he probably knows better than anyone. Hes a great talker on the field, he always lifts you and is very helpful.
Youll often see him during a training session at Concord Oval, pulling a colleague aside to give him some valuable tips or answer a request on the run.
He doesnt get the accolades because he doesnt score the tries or make the big runs, Sheens says.
What he does is the little things, the dirty yards, the extra tackle that has to be made, he talks well and constructs well, the little things that arent always obvious to the commentators. But as a coach you understand that hes doing what you ask him to do.
it is a pity most forum users here can't see it. :roll: