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Buderus may be gone


Live Update Team
darkness said:
I would like to take a friendly wager with you on this one. I can't see any strengths in the signings for next season. There is plenty of strengths in Gids, Mullen, Walsh, Simpson, Patto, but unless they take the field all year, I doubt the knights will be much of a threat, especially if Buderus isn't there. My hopes were dashed after seeing that puddin Danny Wicks in PL, gimme Perry or Tanner any day.
That's what Brian Smth does. He recruits "lesser-known", young, talented players to play for him. He then moulds the whole team together and gets them playing like a team. This is something which we haven't done for a long, long time. Usually, whenever one player is out, the rest all of a sudden forget how to play.

Most of the clubs Brian Smith has coached, haven't had the superstar players in their ranks, they've had a good core group of experienced players and around them, the lesser, young, talented blokes come in. Look at Parra in 2001 and 2005 for example. You wouldn't say they had many superstar players in their ranks, yet they still got to the grand final and preliminary final respectively.

I would be quite shocked if we're not top six at least next year.


Geez we're rolling over on a loyal servant in a hurry and accepting the gospel according to Smith like it's some revelation. Buderas was in the wooden spoon winning team two years ago, there is a good chance that he will get it again this year and based on our gains and losses for next season I can't see us doing much better then either.

Plus he's under a boss he doesn't like, his two best mates are gone and the club he loves playing for has changed. I thinks most people in any profession would start looking for another job if in the same situation. And as Knights fans we keep getting told that loyalty is dead in this game and we should just move with the times.

Thats if the rumours true and in my experience where there's smoke there's fire.


Live Update Team
Spitty, I think ppl not really caring whether Bedsy goes is because all of a sudden, there's a little bit of change and now he is rumoured to be running away like a spoilt brat. If, say we didn't have these "internal" problems at the moment where Bedsy has supposedly come out and had his say, and he just wanted a different lifestyle, I think ppl's opinions would be different.


I take your point Jobdog but I think that anyone in that position would want to leave.

However having thought further about the rumour itself it does seem funny that this has come up under a week after Matthew Johns posed the hyperthetical situation of Bedsy going to England on the footy show forum. This option coming up twice in one week can say either there is a substance of truth to it. Or that someone has heard Johns say that on the footy show and then heard Bedsy complain in the paper and put two and two togethor and got 5.


last year our jersey flegg team made the grand final

now most of those players have translated to reserve grade, and guess what? we are running 2nd

just because the first grade team is full of a pack of whinging be-yatches is no cause for concern

they will be gone next year, and we will be a force again

no doubt about it IMHO


Parki said:
last year our jersey flegg team made the grand final

now most of those players have translated to reserve grade, and guess what? we are running 2nd

just because the first grade team is full of a pack of whinging be-yatches is no cause for concern

they will be gone next year, and we will be a force again

no doubt about it IMHO

well said


Parki said:
last year our jersey flegg team made the grand final

now most of those players have translated to reserve grade, and guess what? we are running 2nd

just because the first grade team is full of a pack of whinging be-yatches is no cause for concern

they will be gone next year, and we will be a force again

no doubt about it IMHO
on a small side note - i would imagine a lot of our players that have translated to first grade this year would still be eligable to play in the reserve grade finals too? at the very least i'd say we'd have the most 1st grade experience of any team going into it


Parki said:
last year our jersey flegg team made the grand final

now most of those players have translated to reserve grade, and guess what? we are running 2nd

just because the first grade team is full of a pack of whinging be-yatches is no cause for concern

they will be gone next year, and we will be a force again

no doubt about it IMHO

That's if Smithy plays the flegg players over his star recruits. Already this year we've seen him choose to play Taia over Patto.

Historically Smith tends not to play the top line juniors and instead focus on his recruits.

He kept on filling Parra with brought player after brought player and since he left look at all the local talent starting to filter through to the top grade and look at all the players that left Parra because they couldn't get a game in first grade.

Whenever any young player is ready to make the jump to first grade, Smith buys a ??star?? player to hold that young guy back.


Spitty. TA. said:
That's if Smithy plays the flegg players over his star recruits. Already this year we've seen him choose to play Taia over Patto.

Historically Smith tends not to play the top line juniors and instead focus on his recruits.

He kept on filling Parra with brought player after brought player and since he left look at all the local talent starting to filter through to the top grade and look at all the players that left Parra because they couldn't get a game in first grade.

Whenever any young player is ready to make the jump to first grade, Smith buys a ??star?? player to hold that young guy back.

Feel free to name these ?
No worries we can replace him with PJ. That guy hits like a truck for his size. Brilliant defender and awesome from dummy half. He nearly stole the grand final from us in 2001. His dummy half runs killed us in the second half of that game.


First Grade
I think he's coming to conclusions over the fact that Pato has been named on the bench the last two weeks and Taia starting. That's stupid though, Pato is struggling with injury, fatigue and rebounding each week. I also believe that Smith is experimenting with Pato's effectiveness as an impact player. Something that has worked quite well from time to time. In all fairness, Taia copes with the work required of him a lot better than Pato does. He just isn't as brilliant.


First Grade
Newie is God's Country said:
No worries we can replace him with PJ. That guy hits like a truck for his size. Brilliant defender and awesome from dummy half. He nearly stole the grand final from us in 2001. His dummy half runs killed us in the second half of that game.

I always loved PJ as a player, phenomenal dummy half runner.


Danny bleeds blue and red, Smithy is a hired hand who has been there for 2 minutes.

To think you guys are turning on Danny makes me want to puke.

Get some spine and stand behind your captian you simple minded mush heads.


I was getting quite worried about Smith's impact on the team earlier in the week. But after reading his weekly column in the Newcastle Herald I am beginning to lose some of this worry. He is totally right when he says that next year there will be a team of players excited about the direction that the club is heading and their chances in the competition. The majority of the players who have been very vocal against him in the media (whether they be named like Buderus, or 'anonymous') will be cut from the club, and we will be left with the guys who are willing to put the club before mateship.

My only hope is that the club doesn't implode in the next 4-5 weeks. There is no doubt that a lot of people on this forum are dead against Buderus' attitude, but there can be no doubting the sway that he holds over the rest of the players. They HAVE to get Buderus back onside before the rot spreads.



I must admit i was a little surprised by the comments regarding danny on here

he is our captain and always puts in 100% for the team

Can't you knights fans see that Smith DID insult danny or am I the only one that feels that way?

some might say it's justified as danny spoke out first,but i don't think Bedsey deserved it or the backlash on here

Note:I don't believe in 1 thing danny has done and that is to stick up for his mate Reyno ....he's just not 1st grade material and needs to go


Rexxy said:
Danny bleeds blue and red, Smithy is a hired hand who has been there for 2 minutes.

To think you guys are turning on Danny makes me want to puke.

Get some spine and stand behind your captian you simple minded mush heads.

Perfectly said..This is one of the only posts in this thread worth replying to. Danny is a legend of this club so pull your heads in and back your team up. These are tough days but it's going to get better and it's going to make the good times even more sweeter. It is still only early days, smithy has not even been here a full season I have alot of faith in what he is doing and am confident that it's only a matter of time until we are back at the top. It seems very unloyal though to turn your back on Danny after all he has done for us. Its not the Newcastle way. Stand by your team but have faith in the coach too because im sure we are going to be fine.


First Grade
I never questioned his loyalty to the club, or the respect he deserves, but I don't agree with what he did nor the manner he did it in. I don't want him to go, and I don't back Smith unflinchingly, but I similarly won't unconditionally accept everything Danny does merely cos I've been a huge fan of him for years.


Perfectly said..This is one of the only posts in this thread worth replying to. Danny is a legend of this club so pull your heads in and back your team up.

last time i checked thats what we were doing

the club is bigger than danny buderus or anyone who wants to sook and whinge and carry on like a bitch

part of the reason we are in so much sh*t is because there has long been a history of favouritism as opposed to form

and now the players are crying about it

boo f**ken hoo.... i want to win another comp, i dont want to be like bloody souths who propped up the table for years on end


Staff member
Rexxy said:
Danny bleeds blue and red, Smithy is a hired hand who has been there for 2 minutes.

To think you guys are turning on Danny makes me want to puke.

Get some spine and stand behind your captian you simple minded mush heads.

And what if he walks out on the club like the rumour says? While it's only a rumour, it still exists. That's what people are basing the dislike on, and if you had actually read the topic, they are saying 'if this is true'. I don't think any of us are really ready to judge him upon a rumour.

It is bad enough he can't see how sh*t his friends are, leaving because of this crap would just make it hard for US to be loyal to him.

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