Update on my situation
I loaded the game this morning with no problems, but still couldn't open any saved games.
I re-created a custom player/team and competition, as the ones I created went bye bye's somehow.
When I tried to load a game, it worked again. I tried to open my custom competition, which relied on 5 custom teams i created initially, but I only created 1 team the second time around, and as I expected, the game crashed.
So, I deleted the custom season, and thankfully for me, my normal seasons didn't rely on any changes I made and somehow lost, and I have continued my season without problems.
Souths are equal first at 6-2.
I'm really hoping that this wont happen again, but seeing as I didn't fix anything, and still dont know what caused it, i'm not very hopeful.
As for the game, it's great. A few things need to be sorted for the next version, but I wasn't expecting a EA Sports style game first time around. This is a fantastic start and full credit to everyone involved.
Let's just hope my problems are goooooorrrrrrnnnnnneeeeeee.