Currently Inu is only in first grade because Grothe is injured. If Inu lived up to his potential he'd be in first grade anyway with Grothe on the other leaving Lukey boy playing at Wenty. It's only Inu's bad form that's put him out of first grade before Grothe got hurt.
Stagger Eel exactly my point a fit Grothe & and Inu in good form would have left Lukey at Ringrose Park. Of course you don't have 3 wingers in a squad. Right mud guts because I know you're a fat turd.
Stagger Eel exactly my point a fit Grothe & and Inu in good form would have left Lukey at Ringrose Park. Of course you don't have 3 wingers in a squad. Right mud guts because I know you're a fat turd.