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Bye Bye Bailey Bye Bye

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
Well I like Bailey, however if he chooses to stay with Anderson, that is where he should be.
I personally want players who want to play for the Sharks. Vagana will be a good test, if he signed only because of Ando he can go too.

My point is, if they are only Sharks because of Ando, as far as I am concerned they can go with.

BTW if they leave because of no Ando, and Ando has no gig, where do they go?

Special K

Bailey doesn't like the drags (look at the photos from last year and they don't have any money left) and he left Manly as soon as he had a chance. I doubt he wants to move to Melbourne or play for another sydney team on crap money or a team like souths or the tigers. When he left Manly he had some offers from a few clubs but he choose us because of Opes.

Bailey made Bailey. He was always seen as someone who had great talent. But injuries and his tackling style kept he out of first grade for a long time. This was basically his first full year in the top grade and he makes the Australian team and NSW team. He would have been up for a upgrade anyway this year. He was signed for talent in 2001 and he would have wanted a new contract this year after making 2 rep teams. He might just take some more money now they we had hoped.

Bailey is my favorite player and if we lost him I'd be bloody upset. Bloody hell. 2001 we lost Rat, 2002 we lost Preston and if we lose Bailey in 2003 I'll kill someone :lol:


Hulkamanic 36 said:
Bailey is my favorite player and if we lost him I'd be bloody upset. Bloody hell. 2001 we lost Rat, 2002 we lost Preston and if we lose Bailey in 2003 I'll kill someone :lol:

They're my thought's also. :x


Lots of players seem to have clauses in their contract that they can leave if the coach or an administrator leaves. It is often threatened (or speculated in the media) but I don't seem to recall a case where someone has actually exercised this clause.


millersnose said:
El Garbo said:
I profess to being all of them. I know that this situation will sort itself out, that the players will all stay, that Anderson will get the arse without a massive payout, and Cronulla won't die. Just wait and see! ;-)

Sadly I can't see a Premiership through the mist...

my gut feeling and onlooker analysis is you will be right on all counts Z :cry:

Forum analyst?

Sorry but you walked into that one :)


Actually one's first loyalty should be to one's self.

When it's all said and done Bailey is a footballer. He wants to play. He can be loyal to Ando and walk but it will leave him Andoless unless Ando gets a gig in the UK and Bails follows.

He'll get a club if he walks, probably at a reduced rate of pay for 2004 but he won't get Ando. Equals misguided loyalty to himself.

He can stay with the club without being loyal to the club as well. He simply walks when his contract is up. But at least he hasn't put himself out financially and he hasn't made himself look like a wally.

IMO the best thing for Bails himself is to stay. Why rock his own boat? If he leaves in an act of petulance people with big eyes and long memories will be watching e.g selectors

I "think" he will stay but if he walks I won't be one bit surprised.


Hello Millernose,

I take it that you think I wish to portray myself as a "mindreader" due simply to the fact that I said Kimmorley has loyalties in the order that I listed ?

His own words have laid those loyalties out plain and simple, I did not have to read his mind.

At a motivational team talk during this past season, Kimmorley stood to speak after Bickerstaff spoke very well about "doing it for the team and the club".....

Expecting more moving, motivational words from the skipper, many in the team were left a little perplexed that the crux of his " speach" was ......." see that ring on my finger ? each morning I wake up and look at it and it makes me happy, because I know I got that, that was MY doing, if you guys lift your game I can get YOU one aswell"

Not word for word but very close to the mark. Other leagues club staff witnessed his words too, and the angry reaction from other players after Kimmorley left early to go home. The players feeling was that they are a TEAM and should play better as a TEAM in order to get results for everyone.

One player said that he thought he could offer more on the field if he got a little more ball on the blind side. Kimmorley responded by saying that he felt the player had no better chance than himself at breaking the line so he should not expect the ball much in the future either unless he made kimmorley think he had better options.

This was very early in the season after a few games, and set the trend for " team spirit" for the entire year.

When the player who was spoken to by kimmorley asked the coach for his opinion in front of the team, Anderson responded by saying, He is the halfback, he runs the show, he has the say and I'll back him.


Mr Angry said:
Well I like Bailey, however if he chooses to stay with Anderson, that is where he should be.
I personally want players who want to play for the Sharks. Vagana will be a good test, if he signed only because of Ando he can go too.

My point is, if they are only Sharks because of Ando, as far as I am concerned they can go with.

BTW if they leave because of no Ando, and Ando has no gig, where do they go?
Vagana's coming because of the money, he won't care who's coaching...he got the gig of the century


Jimbo said:
Frenzy said:
Forum analyst?

I thought that was Sullyfan's job?

:shock: :p :lol:

Hmm could be I've inadvertently coined a new politically correct word for.........ahem........nice person.

As in, "what are you? A raging "analyst"?

cross bar cam

millersnose said:
Morpheus said:
Kimmorley admits he wants to win for, himself, his coach, then his team..........the club and the fans come a long last and this feeling runs through many of the players currently.

this forum gets better and better

we have had forum solicitors

forum contract lawyers

forum clairvoyants

and now forum mind readers

Are these the same fans that booed kimmorley at the start of 2002 and then jumped on the bandwagon when suddenly the sharks started winning.
The reason Anderson has struggled in because of narrow minded ill informed imbeciles.
They scream lets get back to the glory days oh thats right we dont have any glory days except for a second rate midweek competition that nobody except a few nevilles who hate anything or anyone who has some new ideas.
The players who have signed from professionally run clubs like the bulldogs and roosters must be shaking their heads.
No wonder souths didn't want to merge, the real reason wasn't losing their identity but the fact that compared to the sharks they are a professionally run club.
Wake up the shire and get past the 70s , you may accept second rate competitions as glory but some of us would like to be able to see that premiership trophy replace that poor excuse for a trophy in the foyer.


cross bar cam said:
Are these the same fans that booed kimmorley at the start of 2002 and then jumped on the bandwagon when suddenly the sharks started winning.
The reason Anderson has struggled in because of narrow minded ill informed imbeciles.
They scream lets get back to the glory days oh thats right we dont have any glory days except for a second rate midweek competition that nobody except a few nevilles who hate anything or anyone who has some new ideas.
The players who have signed from professionally run clubs like the bulldogs and roosters must be shaking their heads.
No wonder souths didn't want to merge, the real reason wasn't losing their identity but the fact that compared to the sharks they are a professionally run club.
Wake up the shire and get past the 70s , you may accept second rate competitions as glory but some of us would like to be able to see that premiership trophy replace that poor excuse for a trophy in the foyer.



cross bar cam said:
The reason Anderson has struggled in because of narrow minded ill informed imbeciles.

The reason he has struggled is because he is abrasive, rude, egotistical, stubborn, stuck in a time warp, one dimensional & has no respect for authority unless that authority is a family member. i.e. a father in law.

ohh yeah, devoid of ideas & washed up

cross bar cam said:
They scream lets get back to the glory days.
Actually, most don't. Most want stability that the club used to have. Most also want a more financial & powerful club. No amount of money on any coach will bring that.
cross bar cam said:
The players who have signed from professionally run clubs like the bulldogs
Yeaahh right. You thought that one through.

cross bar cam said:
No wonder souths didn't want to merge, the real reason wasn't losing their identity but the fact that compared to the sharks they are a professionally run club.

It was the Sharks who did not want to merge. If Piggins had not been there, it would have been full steam ahead for the merge on their part.
cross bar cam said:
Wake up the shire and get past the 70s , you may accept second rate competitions as glory but some of us would like to be able to see that premiership trophy replace that poor excuse for a trophy in the foyer.
Why don't you wake up & see that a financially weak club has realised it made an expensive mistake in the hiring of Anderson due to impatience very similar to your own.
We have never been further away from the title than we are now. & we have never spent as much on three or 4 people either.
Speculators will tell you different however, about premier league players being able to come up & win a premiership.
But as the last tow years forums have shown, they are always wrong.


Post Whore
Morpheus said:
Hello Millernose,

I take it that you think I wish to portray myself as a "mindreader" due simply to the fact that I said Kimmorley has loyalties in the order that I listed ?

dont take offence

i didnt single you out

many on here have been making all sorts of wild assertions

His own words have laid those loyalties out plain and simple, I did not have to read his mind.

but you said:

fans come a long last and this feeling runs through many of the players currently.

there is a certain element of the supernatural in that assertion

At a motivational team talk during this past season, Kimmorley stood to speak after Bickerstaff spoke very well about "doing it for the team and the club".....

Expecting more moving, motivational words from the skipper, many in the team were left a little perplexed that the crux of his " speach" was ......." see that ring on my finger ? each morning I wake up and look at it and it makes me happy, because I know I got that, that was MY doing, if you guys lift your game I can get YOU one aswell"

astral travel got you into a team meeting?

The players feeling was that they are a TEAM and should play better as a TEAM in order to get results for everyone.

more assertions of players individual thoughts and opinions

can you bend spoons?

the rest of your rant is a political speech designed to bag brett kimmorley with further ventures into the world of the paranormal

sorry i am not buying it[/quote]


blacktip-reefy said:
Speculators will tell you different however, about premier league players being able to come up & win a premiership.
But as the last tow years forums have shown, they are always wrong.
I actually thought penriths premier league players performed quite well, dont you griefy?!


Read their team sheet again.

Lang 28
Priddis 26
Pula 26
Satttler 31
Gower 25
Girdler 30
Wesser 26
Watawuira 23
Campbell 26

What league?

Pretty dumb comment.


blacktip-reefy said:
cross bar cam said:
The reason Anderson has struggled in because of narrow minded ill informed imbeciles.

The reason he has struggled is because he is abrasive, rude, egotistical, stubborn, stuck in a time warp, one dimensional & has no respect for authority unless that authority is a family member. i.e. a father in law.

ohh yeah, devoid of ideas & washed up

cross bar cam said:
They scream lets get back to the glory days.
Actually, most don't. Most want stability that the club used to have. Most also want a more financial & powerful club. No amount of money on any coach will bring that.
cross bar cam said:
The players who have signed from professionally run clubs like the bulldogs
Yeaahh right. You thought that one through.

cross bar cam said:
No wonder souths didn't want to merge, the real reason wasn't losing their identity but the fact that compared to the sharks they are a professionally run club.

It was the Sharks who did not want to merge. If Piggins had not been there, it would have been full steam ahead for the merge on their part.
cross bar cam said:
Wake up the shire and get past the 70s , you may accept second rate competitions as glory but some of us would like to be able to see that premiership trophy replace that poor excuse for a trophy in the foyer.
Why don't you wake up & see that a financially weak club has realised it made an expensive mistake in the hiring of Anderson due to impatience very similar to your own.
We have never been further away from the title than we are now. & we have never spent as much on three or 4 people either.
Speculators will tell you different however, about premier league players being able to come up & win a premiership.
But as the last tow years forums have shown, they are always wrong.

I have figured out who you are Reefy!!

You are my mother. She is never wrong either. :lol: