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bye bye balmain and magpies

would u rather 1 team in the lower grades anyway

  • yes- with open arms

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • yes- but only just

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • no- but only just

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • no- ill have nothing to do with the team(this 1 is for tigger)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


i cant beleive it hasnt been brought up but sheens said the 2 clubs are talking about 1 team in the lower grades :D :) :D :) :D
go wests tigers 8) :twisted:

Bald Tiger

i am very happy with the joint venture but losing Balmains identity in Premier League would be a disaster. If its proposed we should fight it all the way at the Annual General Meeting of the football club.


i love wests tigers but if Balmain and wesats merge in lower grades... i will not be happy as wont my dad

Once Dead

Frankly i don't give a stuff if it would save money - our clubs caved in to the evil empire and now we don't have our teams although if we did stand and fight to the end we would still be wearing our Wests and Balmain jerseys right now.........to hell with Balmain and Wests bleating about costs - i don't care if its logical, my support for Balmain wasn't logical - i followed them because there lay a passion inside of me that i never knew the source of.............they can stuff their WESTS TIGERS PL team.......because THEY KNOW that if they merge these teams THEY WILL HAVE TOTALLY denied their members the opportunity to support any incarnation of the team they grew up supporting........at least now, people like some on this board have something left of the Balmain and Wests foundation clubs to hold on to and teach their kids about............

Leave Balmain and Wests alone - just like it should have been.........

Money, schmoney - they owe each and every one of us...........


It isn't going to happen. The same kite gets flown every season (by the Balmain board) only for it to be shot down (by Wests). It's kinda like a ritual.

King Tigerman

& explain how they could afford it impoeliteri wed be in a worse position than manly & wed probably have had to sell up to crazy johns


Got some mail on this.

Tim has been flying this kite (with plenty of support from the Tigers side). It seems he's coming to the next Magpies board meeting to put his point of view. I'm assured once six Wests directors have finished pointing out a few facts to Tim, such as:
- Wests' members voted for the JV on the strict condition of stand alone lower grades
- Wests place a great deal of value on their 95 year history and traditions as embodied in the black and white and the Magpie
- such a decision is one for the members only and the chances of it being approved are very very poor
- You (Tim) are an employee won't be around for long
- we'll be the ones deciding the future of our club etc etc

that we won't hear any more about it from him.

Once Dead

King Tigerman said:
& explain how they could afford it impoeliteri wed be in a worse position than manly & wed probably have had to sell up to crazy johns

Stuff them, who cares where they have to get the money from - its their inept management that has got us here today..........we are owed

simon says

First Grade
yappy said:
Got some mail on this.

Tim has been flying this kite (with plenty of support from the Tigers side). It seems he's coming to the next Magpies board meeting to put his point of view. I'm assured once six Wests directors have finished pointing out a few facts to Tim, such as:
- Wests' members voted for the JV on the strict condition of stand alone lower grades
- Wests place a great deal of value on their 95 year history and traditions as embodied in the black and white and the Magpie
- such a decision is one for the members only and the chances of it being approved are very very poor
- You (Tim) are an employee won't be around for long
- we'll be the ones deciding the future of our club etc etc

that we won't hear any more about it from him.
Lol,i love your magpie propaganda.....so strong and staunch,lol.Funny enough i hear things a lttle different to your story.True about Sheens meeting your board,but im not so sure of the outcome,stay tuned.

Bald Tiger

Thing is Simon both Magpies and Tigers Boards - asusming they backed the idea - would have to convince their respective Annual General Meetings and I cant see that happening. I have the greatest respect for Tim Sheens but I doubt he understands the pride and feeling that exists amongst the football club members about keeping some history, spirit and independence alive.


mabe if they merge we might lose the idiotic fans that try and destroy wests tigers, have fun supporting parra next year tigger

Once Dead

tigerdan said:
mabe if they merge we might lose the idiotic fans that try and destroy wests tigers, have fun supporting parra next year tigger

Sorry mate but these people aren't trying to destroy Wests Tigers.......they are actually funding them and the respective clubs by paying money when stand alone PL games are on.......when "true" Wests Tigers fans are sitting at home doing nothing and waiting for next season


Lol,i love your magpie propaganda.....so strong and staunch,lol.Funny enough i hear things a lttle different to your story.True about Sheens meeting your board,but im not so sure of the outcome,stay tuned.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
That would be from the same people who told you Tigerdome would be up and running in just a few months is it Simon? 8)

(sorry buddy but you asked for that one.)

I know what the result on it is gonna be - the same as the last three years. No need to stay tuned.


First Grade
Impellitteri said:
tigerdan said:
mabe if they merge we might lose the idiotic fans that try and destroy wests tigers, have fun supporting parra next year tigger

Sorry mate but these people aren't trying to destroy Wests Tigers.......they are actually funding them and the respective clubs by paying money when stand alone PL games are on.......when "true" Wests Tigers fans are sitting at home doing nothing and waiting for next season

besides which its the balmain and wests members that are shareholders in your club - not the other way around. The joint venture exists for no other reason than to suit the interests of balmain and the magpies.

Bald Tiger

I think it would be good if this issue came up at the Balmain and Magpies Football Club AGMs are it got settled once and for all. And I am confident that the result will be to keep our separate Premier League sides.

Mighty Tiger

The deciding factor will be the tax on pokies.

To be honest if the JV is going to survive then the lower grades in time will have to be merged for cost cutting purposes.

But in saying that, nothing will stop both Balmain and Western Suburbs trying to obtain the NRL license as a stand alone identity if the appropriate funding became available.


we are the minority on here. Financially and for most wests tigers fans getting rid of balmain is a good decision. How many people show up to lower grade games? It all comes down to that, doesn't it? Sure, they could advertise the matches better but if people really cared about showing up the information is only a phone call away. I've never missed a match because I didn't know where it was. The fact is balmain and the magpies are dead to the fans, the majority who attend first grade attend it to support the wests tigers and would support wests tigers in first division as well.

Yappy, you go on about magpie not giving in but thats just a load of crap. If your football club was so passionately supported by the magpies board and the magpie members then firstly magpies functions would not be held at wests closest rival, you would get more then a handful of supporters at wests stand alone matches and the club would have stood up with souths four years ago and not accepted this f**king merger. But they gave up and they would do so again.

We can go on about how much balmain means to us, and it means a f**k of a lot to a lot of us but we are what....12 or so people? A lot of people at balmain claim they wouldn't support the club if balmain wasn't there but they don't even bother to show up when balmain play and that is just poor. I'm sure eventually balmain could get the support of a merger, as could wests. It's,unfortunately, only a matter of time. If people actually bothered to show up to lower grades it would be a different story, but very few people give a shit, thus why spend an extra 300k on something that doesn't matter to the majority?

Bald Tiger

B_Tiger: I think you are being too pessimistic. Will limit my comments to Balmain as I dont know the details of Magpies. Taking Balmain I reckon lots of the voting members of the football club dont go to games at all but we should not discount them as they would have a vote.
There was a strong minority who opposed the JV (200 or so). I am sure we can build on that and other members who dont want to see Balmain disappear completely but who support the JV. Sure on here we are only a few and we care passionately but the onus will be on us to make a strong and convincing case.