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can gb win the tri nations?


GB have no halfback. Long couldn't kick into open space if he was kicking in zero gravity. Deacon can kick but isn't in form. Burrow looks OK but may get bashed up with his small frame.

GB get a halfback and they get competitive. I cannot see it happening (unfortunately).
carlnz said:
I agree with most things you said LF though I thought wellens was one of the players of the Tri Nations...i think it will be a GB and Aus final again and hopefuly they would have learnt their lesson..who knows though

I think Wellens helped cause GB's downfall.

Constantly out of position in defence, he either missed critical tackles, or simply wasnt in a position to make a tackle because he was out of position.

Look at the game where Rooney won in the last second by scoring in the corner. Mason steamrolling him like he wasnt there.

On kick returns he took the ball on the bounce most of the time and didnt make a great deal of yardage on the returns.

I though he was terrible.


LF, you really need to stop whacking off.

It gets you in such a mood of disillusion and melancholy that you become a blabbering dribbler. You're such a negative goose when it comes to anything non Australian.

Just once I'd like to see you, instead of constantly knocking everyone, come up with some constructive ideas on how your "enemies" could infact improve. You're such a disgrace to the show Futurama carrying on like that with that avatar.


Wellens is tough and skilfull and intelligent and positionally sounds.....but he's slower than our props, well, at least one, Fielden, and our second rowers. That kind of negates any amount of skill and speed of thought IMO. He can get away with it in SL, where everyone acknowledges the standard goes up and down from week to week, but in the Test arena he's already been shown up.

As for HBs, I've not watched much SL this season due to work travels but I'm no Long fan. McGuire needs to play 6 and I'd be tempted to whack Briers or Burrows there or get the Home Office to grant Johns a passport on residency grounds, then do a Brazilian govt a la Pele, class Johns as 'a national treasure' and forbid him leaving the island.


Staff member
On the wing you have nothing. Nothing at all.

LF, you really need to pull your head out of your arse. I'm an Australian, and I can give credit where credit is due for the English. When fit, Carney is easily the best winger in the world.

Sinfield and McGuire are two very good players, who would walk into almost any starting outfit in Australia. For you to say the likes of Morley, Fielden, Ellis, and Sculthorpe are soft just illustrates your own utter ignorance of the game outside of Australia.

Hell, I've even got my doubts on that.
Isnt it funny how all of these people love to attack me (very personally as well) because I dare to suggest that teams that have not beaten Australia in a series of any kind....IN MY ENTIRE LIFETIME....are not up to standard.

Carney when fit....give me a break.

McGuire was good last season and has been over shadowed by his Leeds team mates this season.

Sinfield ia very very solid player, but not near the class of a Johns or Lockyer.

Wellens....Im not even goping are argue this one. Take a look at his performance through last season....its there on tape.He is one of the major reasons GB lost the series.

As for what other teams need to do to beat Austyralia..;..start a topic on it and I'll reply to those posts as well.


LF, everything you have said is quite stupid - I admit they have a rubbish kicking game, but they have good players, why can you not recognize that? They beat us once last year, and they will be better prepared this year, I find it hard to take what you say seriously at times...


Staff member
GB will be more experience than last year. They could be a real threat if they click. I can't wait to see how a Johns Lockyer combo goes

Jackal Dog

Gb don't stand a chance if the likes of Gasnier, Lyon, Lockyer, Johns and Mini tour even a full strength kiwi side (Hunt, Williams, Marhsall, Jones etc) would probably get flogged if we select our best team at the end of the year!


nospam49™ said:
Isnt it funny how all of these people love to attack me (very personally as well) because I dare to suggest that teams that have not beaten Australia in a series of any kind....IN MY ENTIRE LIFETIME....are not up to standard.

Carney when fit....give me a break.

McGuire was good last season and has been over shadowed by his Leeds team mates this season.

Sinfield ia very very solid player, but not near the class of a Johns or Lockyer.

Wellens....Im not even goping are argue this one. Take a look at his performance through last season....its there on tape.He is one of the major reasons GB lost the series.

As for what other teams need to do to beat Austyralia..;..start a topic on it and I'll reply to those posts as well.

If Lockyer and Johns played for GB, it would go an awful long way towards levelling the teams up. IMO, and i havent watched much ESL at all lately. It is the halves and forward depth that really sets the two sides apart. I think that GB need to be a little bit more aggressive in their selections and gamble a bit more on youth. The non selection of Danny McGuire last year was a joke. When he was young and easily the form 5/8 going around, he was selected on the bench, from memory he was replaced by an old out of form Iestyn Harris. Now, this year he will be probably be expected to play a leading role even though he is not in the same sparkling form as last year, just because they didnt want to throw him to the wolves as their saying goes.

Looking at their side, LF is right. Fulback is their first problem.

Raklinski hasnt been up to scratch in all his games and Wellens is not in the same class as the Aussies and never will be. Both are solid players and can be called on in a crisis but they need a better fulback. Mather is apparently young (i havent really seen him). If his form is good enough, i think they should take a gamble. He wont do any worse than the above 2. Horne is another option who should be a certainty, although i think he will play halfback instead of fulback. Maybe a gamble on someone like Leon Pryce might not be out of the question

The wing options are solid. Carney and some of the younger players wings going around seem to be good players and more than capable of holding the Aussies. Centre is a position where there seems to be little depth or class although GB centres do traditionally seem to lift and match Australian counterparts. Ellis and Gleeson did well previously and should be picked unless someone has a purple patch of form.

Halves is a major problem for GB. Long was once a wonder kid but he never lived up to the hype. IMO, GB need to find their best two young players and gamble on them. I would have thought that McGuire and Horne would be the logical selections, but if the form of Sinfield, Burrow, Thorman or anybody else is there, then maybe they could replace either. Particularly since McGuire is apparently playing halfback now, which is my understanding.

The British Backrow is pretty solid and does match australia if they are on form. Sculthorpe, Peacock,Seinfield but there are only really one or two players i can think of who could replace those, if there are injuries. The front row of Fielden and Morley seems to pick itself, with probably a Ryan Bailey on the bench. Hooker is a strange one. I wouldnt rule out Cunningham if he is playing well but realistically it will probalby be between Alkers and Diskin who both shouldnt let the side well.

To summarise, my side to meet NZ first up (assuming all players fit and in form):

1. Mather
2. Pryce
3. Ellis
4. Gleeson
5. Carney
6. McGuire
7. Horne
13 Sculthorpe
12 Sinfield
11 Peacock
10 Bailey
9 Diskin
8 Morley
14 Fielden
15 O Laughlin
16 Gilmour
17 Walker

And for the record, i think they will make the final but wont win it.


I think GB have less chance than they did last year. I think the Kiwis are a chance of they get everyone on deck.....which they have no chance of doing so.

Johns or no Johns, this is one helluva an Aussie side. GB are better than when they were under the Waite, who made one basket case selection after another, but Noble's seeminlgy favouring a few players.

Wonder if he'll introduce Cooke into the picture after his weekend excesses?

I hate Sinfield, who can't tackle to save his life, but admittedly I've not seen him this season and everyone's been raving about him at lock. But if he plays for GB there's no way Noble would play him at lock. He'd stick him at 6 and put McGuire at 17. I come from the camp that a stand off should be selected to play the whole game and not subbed.


Really GB should have won 5 of the last 6 meetings between the two sides. I think the side is capable of winning, but in all likelihood they won't. They don't have anywhere near the depth, and their style of play is such that they don't do the little things like getting over the gain line, quick play the balls etc that aren't pretty but allow Australia to win matches.
griff said:
Really GB should have won 5 of the last 6 meetings between the two sides. I think the side is capable of winning, but in all likelihood they won't. They don't have anywhere near the depth, and their style of play is such that they don't do the little things like getting over the gain line, quick play the balls etc that aren't pretty but allow Australia to win matches.

Thats just stupid. :roll:

Australia have had a 30 years winning run....in their last meeting with GB they THRASHED them, Australia has handed GB its biggest loses in the history of Rugby League at home and away in the last three years.....but GB shoulda, woulda, cooulda won 5 odf the last 6 games because....



.....because Griff says so!


Did you even see the games? GB should have won them. One of them they did win pretty convincingly, and they were winning in the other four up until the last couple of minutes of each game when they threw it away.

The reason they didn't win them is they have no experience knowing how to close out and win matches. Playing France more often would give them experience learning how to win matches.
griff said:
Did you even see the games? GB should have won them. One of them they did win pretty convincingly, and they were winning in the other four up until the last couple of minutes of each game when they threw it away.

The reason they didn't win them is they have no experience knowing how to close out and win matches. Playing France more often would give them experience learning how to win matches.

Actually.....now that you mention it, you are right.

Come to thing of it, Penrith SHOULD have won ever game they played this season too.

Oh....and, I should have won Lotto about four of five times by now.

Do you see where Im heading with this.....or SHOULD you just drop off this silly tangent.


Staff member

Your examples are slightly different. England dropped off and narrowly lost in the games last year. Penrith haven't shown a single sign of heat in a loss all year.