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steve, just out of interest did you have regular medical check ups before this scare. ?

i believe that what i dont know doesnt hurt me. probably asking for trouble but the thought of diet,excercise,lifestyle changes scares the crap out of me.
i guess a heart scare like yours would be motivation,but for some it could be too late.
quality, not quantity ????


ozbash: I had had my blood pressure checked about 6 months earlier when I went to my family doctor. He also had me wear a heart monitor for 24 hours because I thought I was feeling some irregular heartbeats. My dr. ended up saying my blood pressure was a little too high, I had a few more irregular beats than average (but most people have some apparently), and my cholesterol was the high range of normal. He didn't think I needed any medication, just said to keep monitoring things, and to cut back on coffee, which I didn't.
I don't know what to think about that now in light of my recent trouble. I'll know more Friday when I see a cardiologist for a stress test.
I advise everyone to get checked for peace of mind. But I'm sure with your healthy NZ farm lifestyle you'll be fine


I did well on my stress test this morning. It took 12 minutes to get up the target heart rate of 156 on the treadmill. It would speed up and raise the elevation of the treadmill every 3 minutes, so I was at a very fast walk "uphill" at the end of it. All the while I was hooked to an ECG monitor, which showed no problems or irregularities throughout. "Everything normal" said the cardiologist. So I am very thankful, and confident I can go on from here in good health, but left wondering exactly what caused the original problem


I saw my cardiologist last week for a followup appointment. He told me to do almost any normal activities I used to do.

He did advise against playing squash, shovelling snow (a frequent chore whereI live), and lifting very heavy weights. But most exercise is ok, he said.

I have lately taken up snowshoeing, something I bet few if any here have tried, as well as going back to an exercise bike and other exercise machines. I have also gone back to refereeing basketball games for the first time in 2 months, and have felt fine in all activities so far.



Somehow I daftly overlooked this thread and was blissfully unaware of the drama unfolding for you. Sounds like you've had a scare and a half, which you could well have done without but -- on the positive side -- it doesn't hurt to get a clearer sense of one's own mortality (assuming that sense is by and large the worst end result to come out of it).

I watched Men With Brooms the other night and after seeing an old coot like Leslie Nielsen on the ice curling then I could easily envisage a mere lad like yourself out there with a rock or a broom.

Good news for the board to still have one of its better posters present and accounted for.



Thanks Kev. I've only tried curling once, and didn't really like it. Many of my countrymen love it though. I want to see that movie, I've heard it's funny.


Assistant Moderator
Steve, I've just started a new NFL quiz at The Front Row forums and I wondered of you'd be good enough to moderate it.

Its just needs someone to ask the first question to get the ball rolling and like the footy quiz here, just keep an eye on it.

I'm also going to ask Roopy to get onto it as he knows a few American forummers.

Let me know what you think.

The direct link to TFR is: http://www.leagueunlimited.com/forumx/forumx01.asp
...then click on the Footy Quiz forums.



May the force protect you Steve.;)
Seriously mate, ipray the Lord will keep an eye out for you man. Best of luck.:)


I will try it Willow, when I get time. I haven't been on TFR much, preferring LWOS. And lately I haven't been on LWOS as much as I used to be, a combination of being busy with other things and not having much to say. In fact I'm concerned that my meagre output of late will cause me to lose my International Poster of the Year status.

Anyway, do I have to join TFR, or get a password, etc? I may have already done that but can't remember.


Well, I registered, logged in, and posted a reply on the NFL quiz. Maybe it's just me, or my computer, but it seems slow and cumbersome to get around on that site. Tell me again the advantages of LU, and the point of having it in addition to LWOS. Maybe I'll get used to it, but I still like this MSN format better.


Assistant Moderator
"Tell me again the advantages of LU, and the point of having it in addition to LWOS"

The main advantage is that we have more control over it. We have no control over the back-end tech stuff on the Nine Msn forum.

TFR also has and edit option so you can edit your post without deleting it. I recall that you were once concerned about the deletions on LWOS when most were just people deleting thie own threads because of typo errors.
TFR doesnt have this problem.

It also creates a one site / one forum situation. All the news and live scores etc are within the same site and very easy to access.

Maybe it's just me, or my computer, but it seems slow and cumbersome to get around on that site
Sometimes the site loads slowly while other times its quite fast. I heard the same complaint about LWOS and other Nine Msn forums before as well. Its an internet thing.
Cant see how it is cumbersome... perhaps you need to get used to it. We've all become very familiar with the Nine Msn format.

I'll make you a moderator of that forum Steve. Thanks and et me how you go. :)

To talk about the game, click HERE - "The Front Row forums"



The main advantage is that we have more control over it
Hahaha, all you anarchists are the same, it's just someone else's control you complain about



Assistant Moderator

On the contrary justme, we are taking control away from the all powerful Nine Msn and gaining self-management. The true basis of anarchy is to bring down authority... and Nine Msn are like Mussolini in that regard.

That, and deep down, we're all control freaks. ;)


Okay, I posted again over there with a new NFL question.

Willow, what do I do as a moderator? Do I have any new powers to edit, delete, etc? I'm not familiar with the functions of the buttons and symbols there.

I should add that my participation at LU does not constitute an endorsement of any anarchist plot to replace or supercede LWOS.


Assistant Moderator
You do whatever you like Steve.
Yes, you do have new powers to edit and delete etc.

I can understand how some get a little carried away and see it as new found power and then rush in deleting stuff or laying down the law... but imo, thats not the objective.

The whole notion of being a moderator is to promote and encourage discussion. I asked you because I know you like to get involved.

Give it time. In the next few months, TFR will be going gang-busters.

To talk about the game, click HERE - "The Front Row forums"
