Just had a re-read of your old thread.
Pleased you are doing well and that the tests prove it.
Since this thread has been started I have had my own cardiac issues and been through the mill as well.Much the same, as you except my own father passed away aged 48 from a heart attack, and I smoke and drink and exercise is something that starts with e and can be found in the dictionary.Actually, make that nothing like you.
I'm still to fat and have a stomach that makes people request that I lie down so they can go absailing, my memory is on the way out and whilst my smoking and drinking are still not off my life agenda, they have been substantially reduced.
Also I'm about to start a bit of a fitness programme with the aim of walking the Kokoda Trail in mid 2007 with some mates and the last thing I want is to not succeed in that project.
Steve, look up Kokoda Trail on the net and you will find its historical signifigance to Australia.
Cheers mate and keep healthy.