gregstar said:
i may be wrong (it might have already happened, in which case apology offered) but maybe a canterbury fan out there could surprise us & UNCONDITIONALLY condemn the behaviour.
Have you ever been
That's the the more pertinent question! :lol:
Because you will find VERY few fans doing anything
but utterly condemn the stupidity of that fan/fans that let off that bunger on Friday night!
Because I think you are making the grave & thoroughly ignorant mistake of confusing people defending that idiot - to people trying to defend THEMSELVES from dome of the total & utter GARBAGE that has been flung around since then - Was letting off that bunger an act of terrorism, as some hysterical skirts are bleating!?? Uhhhh -
NO! 'Terrorism' - Oh PLEASE!!...But was the act stuuuuupid, childishly counter-productive act, and are the fans absolutley LIVID that it occurred?? And that stadium security failed to act when the culprit was pointed out to them, hence allowing him to 'get away' in the
first place??? Ohhhh -
And anyone that says otherewise, is just a spotty, 12 year old keyboard hero, being a dumbarse spotty 12 year old kid.
But they are few & far between...