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Canterbury Fans


Kelly Patrol said:
The mindset of the average Canterbury fan can be evidenced by the handles they use on internet message boards e.g. Dodgy,Lebanese Forces and Dogs of War.Its all in the name.

Lol, now you're attacking thier usernames?
This is getting quite boring, I better not fart


gregstar said:
i may be wrong (it might have already happened, in which case apology offered) but maybe a canterbury fan out there could surprise us & UNCONDITIONALLY condemn the behaviour.

Have you ever been RIGHT Greg?

That's the the more pertinent question! :lol:

Because you will find VERY few fans doing anything but utterly condemn the stupidity of that fan/fans that let off that bunger on Friday night!

Because I think you are making the grave & thoroughly ignorant mistake of confusing people defending that idiot - to people trying to defend THEMSELVES from dome of the total & utter GARBAGE that has been flung around since then - Was letting off that bunger an act of terrorism, as some hysterical skirts are bleating!?? Uhhhh - NO! 'Terrorism' - Oh PLEASE!!...But was the act stuuuuupid, childishly counter-productive act, and are the fans absolutley LIVID that it occurred?? And that stadium security failed to act when the culprit was pointed out to them, hence allowing him to 'get away' in the first place??? Ohhhh - YES.

And anyone that says otherewise, is just a spotty, 12 year old keyboard hero, being a dumbarse spotty 12 year old kid.

But they are few & far between...


When they showed the replay of the bomb going off (aparently it wasn't just a fire cracker), did anyone else notice all the dodgy doggy fans cheering? One in particular was yelling "wooooh!!!!"


Kelly Patrol said:
The mindset of the average Canterbury fan can be evidenced by the handles they use on internet message boards e.g. Dodgy,Lebanese Forces and Dogs of War.Its all in the name.

:roll: PLEASE... Get a life! I Can use whatever name i like, whenever i like!
30,000 against a out of Sydney team (Over 30,000 if you count the free tickets) AND ONE OR TWO People let off a banger.. 0.0006666666 of a percent caused trouble! YES WE ARE ALL SCUMS OF THE WORLD:roll:...
Bulldog supporters have been nothing but helpful to the Poilice and club with there investigations... We have all condemned the bangers (Which might i say is to easily bought by anyone from any age)! We haven't been in the media since the start of last year for crowd trouble and EVERYONE within the club has done there part, and it has worked... We average almost 20,000 and when you consider we play 4 or so games at the Showground which average 7 thousand it is amazing (IF all our games are played at Telstra we would be over 25,000)...


strong_latte said:
When they showed the replay of the bomb going off (aparently it wasn't just a fire cracker), did anyone else notice all the dodgy doggy fans cheering? One in particular was yelling "wooooh!!!!"

lol @ use of the word 'bomb'

And - Yeah...Well, I only remember ONE bloke from the footage, looking happy about the bunger - but sadly...there's a couple in every bunch mate! : /

For instance...if you don't know they are in your OWN supporter group...well - then by process of elimination - it's YOU!!! :D

Wouldn't surprise me... ;-)


Not blaming all Dogs fans, but that girl with the scarf on her head acting like a smart ass on the footy show last night should be banned for life for being a ****wit!!!


gregstar said:
is there a single canterbury fan alive who is capable of recognising the problem with its club's supporters?

are they capable of saying "we have a problem" FULLSTOP?
and NOT "we have a problem BUT your club does this & your club does that"?

no wonder this crap hits the headlines year in year out! no one seems to deal with it in any other way than a teenager would. it's the old "yeah.....but it's your fault & not mine!" routine.

and it's obviously NOT "1 or 2" troublemakers otherwise the problem would have been solved years ago! "1 or 2" can't be that lucky and escape capture year in year out. in any case, they've been f*cking busy!

i may be wrong (it might have already happened, in which case apology offered) but maybe a canterbury fan out there could surprise us & UNCONDITIONALLY condemn the behaviour.

when the salary cap rorts hit the headlines, all we heard was "every club does it" or "your club will get caught". did anyone come out & say "YES we f*cking cheated & i'm ashamed of my club"?

i'm hoping that every scandal that befalls our game courtesy of the dogs will receive stronger condemnation in future from the club's own fans and not the childish lashing out at other supporters in the hope of throwing a smokescreen over the existing problem.

I'm still waiting to read one post in which you don't bitch. Please don't continue, or else I will find myself in the strange position of supporting the Roosters tonight.


Rammo said:
I'm still waiting to read one post in which you don't bitch. Please don't continue, or else I will find myself in the strange position of supporting the Roosters tonight.
there's plenty of light-heartedness throughout this forum with my name on it - you're just too plain dopey to see it.

support the roosters by all means - glad to see the influence i have


Kelly Patrol said:
The mindset of the average Canterbury fan can be evidenced by the handles they use on internet message boards e.g. Dodgy,Lebanese Forces and Dogs of War.Its all in the name.


gregstar said:
is there a single canterbury fan alive who is capable of recognising the problem with its club's supporters?

are they capable of saying "we have a problem" FULLSTOP?
and NOT "we have a problem BUT your club does this & your club does that"?

no wonder this crap hits the headlines year in year out! no one seems to deal with it in any other way than a teenager would. it's the old "yeah.....but it's your fault & not mine!" routine.

and it's obviously NOT "1 or 2" troublemakers otherwise the problem would have been solved years ago! "1 or 2" can't be that lucky and escape capture year in year out. in any case, they've been f*cking busy!

i may be wrong (it might have already happened, in which case apology offered) but maybe a canterbury fan out there could surprise us & UNCONDITIONALLY condemn the behaviour.

when the salary cap rorts hit the headlines, all we heard was "every club does it" or "your club will get caught". did anyone come out & say "YES we f*cking cheated & i'm ashamed of my club"?

i'm hoping that every scandal that befalls our game courtesy of the dogs will receive stronger condemnation in future from the club's own fans and not the childish lashing out at other supporters in the hope of throwing a smokescreen over the existing problem.

well for starters you obviously forgot what i wrote 6 days ago


Vicious said:
Not blaming all Dogs fans, but that girl with the scarf on her head acting like a smart ass on the footy show last night should be banned for life for being a ****wit!!!

i bet she aint been to a game in her life....

as for dogs fans, they have come out saying they are sick of these few idiots!

they are helping the club and police as much as they can... even ray hadley FFS came out and said the true dogs supporters are sick of this bullsh*t!!! and for him to say that... tells ya something.. he doesn't usually go so easy on the bulldogs!

i go to all games in sydney the dogs play... and i can tell you.. these idiots that come know sweet F'ALL about the Bulldogs, the opposition or league in general.... they cheer sonny bill on ffs... last i knew the guy has been out on injury 90% of the season....

same with last year... they were cheering utai on, yet he was on suspension...

two weeks ago a group of idiots were going on about how much they hated brisbane thinking we were playing against them.... i kindly reminded them we were playing the storm!!!!

but i think you need to step out into reality a little and realise that canterbury fans have been condemning this bullsh*t since day dot...


Moffo said:
well for starters you obviously forgot what i wrote 6 days ago
for starters moffo you are always a class above. you are always exempt from anything i level at the dogs.
i apologise unreservedly if i've upset you. ;-)