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Carney must start!!


Surely Elliott must start Carney with Mclinden, at least we will have one real half in the game.
At the moment our attack is atrocious, I'm a big Mclinden fan but his organisational skills are non-existent.
Gafa is not a stand off for mine (maybe a lock).
We don't have a problem getting field position but once we get there we are clueless, last year the kick for Monas and the grubber for Lolesi worked great, but you can't do the same sh**t every year and expect it to work.
Sorry for the rant but last night was terrible.


First Grade
I am also a big macca fan but have to admit I have been disallusioned with his performances n the past two weeks.

Macca playes best when he attempts to take on the line himself but at the moment he seems to be content with passing. Late in the game against the Knights he started to take on the line and we looked a better team for it with some quick play the balls subsequent to him being tackled.

Look, imo he is following the coaches orders ... what player would not use his best attribute, even if its just for self gratification.


Agreed, I also think with Carney there it will give the defence someone else to think about and maybe give Maca more opportunities to run the ball.


lemme guess....in Thursdays paper:

"Raiders management have decided to go with the same 13 that lost to the storm last Saturday...." :roll:

The team wont change, Carney wont start, (lucky to get a bench spot).


First Grade
It's McLinden.

I am a big Macca fan, but clearly the role he should be used in is as a brilliant attacking 5/8th - the sort of thing Preston Campbell does at Penrith. He should be running at the line and running into gaps he has been put into.

The season is over. The coach should bring Carney up to the halfback role. We should be trying to build that combination for next season now.

The coach won't do this however, as his big plan for next season is to have Jason Smith play halfback........ Sounds about as good as signing Brad Drew to play halfback to me...... :(


First Grade
greeneyed said:
It's McLinden.
The coach won't do this however, as his big plan for next season is to have Jason Smith play halfback........ Sounds about as good as signing Brad Drew to play halfback to me...... :(

I think the words "plan" and "Elliot" dont go well in the same sentance unless you preceed them with "bad" or "stupid" or "atrocious" or something like that.

Maybe we can dedicate the rest of this thread to suggestions from people of other words or phrases that could preceeed "plan" and "Elliot" in the same sentance. :lol: :lol: :lol:
I don't think Carney would be able to start and last most of the game. I agree that he should play and get a good 30 - 40 mins. But I think he needs a bit more time before he can start first grade matches.
How much Longer is Campese out for, we could start him at half/5/8 with bCarney on the bench then bring him on after 20-25 min after the forwards start to get a bit tried, then move Campo to the bench or Lock. Campese also has a big kciking game and can put those long torpedo kicks down the field, cos at the moment there is just too much pressure on Macca to do all the play making.


I am a big Macca fan, but clearly the role he should be used in is as a brilliant attacking 5/8th - the sort of thing Preston Campbell does at Penrith. He should be running at the line and running into gaps he has been put into.
- He's not a gap runner, he makes his own gaps. But I get your general point.
- What's the bet that Drew will be in the 17 this week? I'd put my money on it. That said, I hope I'm wrong.It seems that everyone, except our coach, knows that we need another creative half in the team.
lemme guess....in Thursdays paper:
"Raiders management have decided to go with the same 13 that lost to the storm last Saturday...."
- The coach picks the team, not the management,


First Grade
kris_man said:
I am a big Macca fan, but clearly the role he should be used in is as a brilliant attacking 5/8th - the sort of thing Preston Campbell does at Penrith. He should be running at the line and running into gaps he has been put into.
- He's not a gap runner, he makes his own gaps. But I get your general point.
- What's the bet that Drew will be in the 17 this week? I'd put my money on it. That said, I hope I'm wrong.It seems that everyone, except our coach, knows that we need another creative half in the team.
lemme guess....in Thursdays paper:
"Raiders management have decided to go with the same 13 that lost to the storm last Saturday...."
- The coach picks the team, not the management,

That is why I said "he should be running at the line AND running into gaps he has been put into".

Um Jammer Lammy

I feel sorry for McLinden, over the years he's been shoved from pillar to post and he clearly isn't gettin the nessasary coaching he needs from Elliott and co hence Mathew Johns, but Carney to play 7 till seasons end McLinden to 6, Bulagarelli to be shot.

Mal Meninga

Bringing Macca on as a utility when the forwards start getting tired with Carney playing the full 80 minutes would be my preference. He's young, so mistakes will happen, but there's no true value in giving him 10 minutes at the end of each half, because he's not gonna run rings around tired fowards. I'd rather he go through the growing pains of first grade now, not 2 or 3 years down the road when most of our players will be at the now or never point of their careers.


The age old question: where to play McLinden???????? I've weighed into this debate many times and still don't have the answer.

Last year I thought he was a halfback. Now I'm dead set against him in 7.

He could still be a brilliant 5/8 if only we had an organising halfback inside him. That would let Macca simply float around and hit holes and only kick or pass as a back up.

I've always thought he could play off the bench as an impact sub. But he would need to interchange with Woolford and for all his speed out of DH he would be a liability in defence.

So my latest theory: with Schif possibly leaving at the end of 2005 with a huge contract elsewhere (gold coast) we have a ready made replacement in Macca. It would allow him space on kick returns to use his footwork and speed (ala Bowen and Slater) and he would be dynamite trailing behind forwards offloading in traffic. He could also chime into the backline at first or second reciever to do a bit of ball playing when opportunity arises (ala Minichello and Hodgson). Could work.

DJ Raida

carney starting sounds good, i hope schif never leaves, but if he does leave i spose mclinden could play there, but im not sure how hed go under the contesting a highball, or if someone big breaks the line.


- this stuff about mclinden starting on the bench is crap crap crap. he's our best freakin player!!! (well, in attack anyway). but thankfully, i know that elliott won't do it. i know it works with the sharks and sullivan, but i dont want to see us do it. mclinden i believe is our best kicker, so to have him off i believe would cause problems. bowen is not the kicker for nth qld, and i dont think sullivan is for the sharks either.


My hope is that the reign of Todd Carney will begin within the next couple of years. Once Marty has a decent halfback to work with he should be shifted to his favoured position of 5/8 and then my friends, we will be in possession of one of the most lethal halves combinations in the NRL!!

Did I mention I'm an optimist?

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