The tactics of the usual nuffies are getting incredibly boring:
1. Take a known fact - eg Cayless tribute is sold out without general public invitation / Osborne meets with Stephen Kearney / Dennis Fitzgerald sues the Leagues Club / A staff member has their employment terminated
2. Delve well beyond the known facts, and assert complete and utter speculation as fact - Board is fiunding tribute night to bribe Cayless into company line for expected application to Board / 3P have secret agenda to sack Anderson solely because he is a DF appointment / the Court case was prompted solely because 3P want to wrongfully terminate DF life membership as part of a personal vendetta / all staff dismissals related to same vendetta
3. Completely ignore the fact that "the Board" is in fact made up of diverse interests over and beyond 3P
4. Completely ignore all other possible logical explanations - Club supporting a registered charity, any expenditure being valid marketing and networking exercise; appointment of SK to do with on field performance not vendetta; Supreme Court proceedings instigated by DF and/or reflect genuine and serious claim; dismissal of employees related to serious breach of employment duties not personal vendetta;
5. Hysterical rhetoric as opposed to factual basis for argument
This way a gang of five or 6 people can actually turn every single thread into a political highjack.
Very very boring.