My Mum stupidl misplaced my 2001 season highlights dvd which i was going to watch tonight, so i dont have 1 anymore.
Does anyone have a copy? I wanna burn it so i have my own again. Let me know? Cheers
Mum's are NOT stupid...they are your best friend...Cherish them while you still have one.
Why didn't YOU put it in a safe place. It is you that is stupid, not your mother...
You should apologise to her for the outburst you made at her----and I am sure you would have made one. Shame on you!
]My Mum stupid[/B]l misplaced my 2001 season highlights dvd which i was going to watch tonight, so i dont have 1 anymore.
Does anyone have a copy? I wanna burn it so i have my own again. Let me know? Cheers
He did not say his mum was stupid.
And im sure he dealt with the situation in a calm and rational manner, taking actions which would only reep positive outcomes (i.e trying to get a new dvd instead of yelling at his lovely mother.
"My mum stupidly misplaced" is different to "My stupid mum misplaced".
Shame on you for judging this young man.
Mum's are NOT stupid...they are your best friend...Cherish them while you still have one.
Why didn't YOU put it in a safe place. It is you that is stupid, not your mother...
You should apologise to her for the outburst you made at her----and I am sure you would have made one. Shame on you!
Pete Pete Pete, first of all it says 'stupidl', meaning it should read 'stupidly', so your analysis is wrong straight away. Secondly i would never call my mum stupid, i simply said it was a stupid thing to do knowing how much i cherished that DVD.
Your right it is my responsibility and last but not least there was no outburst champ so YOU should go back under that rock you came out of![]()
i have a dvd copy somewhere that i will try and find, and then burn you a copy. Hoping i can find it.
Pete we didnt have a car, so i caught public transport and you are spot on, she would hold my hand and travel all over sydney right by my side. She is one in a million.
And as far as having a lend of me, champ i do have a sense of humour and enjoy a bit of banter ;-). Worst part is i usually give people too much ammunition through my stupidity, and run out of bullets to fire in return.