So the increase in stabbings, shootings, glassings, gang bashings, is that mma inspired too or is it just an increase in drugged up douchebags perhaps?
Your assumption that there's been an increase in stabbings, shootings, glassings and gang bashings is actually wrong. All the relevant data suggest that violence is decreasing globally. Your chances of being murdered at the hands of another human being for example is at an all time low.
No, what I'm claiming is that the popularity of the UFC is certainly a factor in many morons who continue to assault people once they are on the ground/unconscious.
FTR I love the UFC, Im an amateur boxer and hold a purple belt in BJJ. I don't think the promotion of the UFC or MMA is a bad thing, I merely suspect that when the wrong people (aka pindick morons with a point to prove) are exposed to ground and pound tactics they don't realise the neurological damage they're potentially inflicting when they continue to strike a person's head when they're on the ground.
It's merely an observation i'm making, not a hysterical cry for the criminalisation of MMA.