The club will need to get in touch with the company they use for mailing lists and get this fixed
Interesting, also considering today's evidence where I got an email from the club, my Mother (who's EEL-XXXXX ID, my account is under) got the e-mail the same email from the club and a new email address we added for my Aunty in Victoria, got the same email from the club.
The Emails from the Blue and Gold army actually come from the FC, they are formatted and put into the NRL's CRM as almost pure HTML.
It just feels like a transition period at the club, we had this a few years ago when Ross Smart turned up and it took him a while to get a handle on the tech. I remember Hellsy and I having a bit of a heated debate about contacting him, but last year after February we heard almost nothing about people not getting emails. The same with the girls who have to work with CRM from the membership department, we have a new bunch of people in membership and they have to learn CRM all over again, at least that is what it feels like to me.
Hopefully the shift to ticketed membership etc will lead to improvements in members getting emails. No need to worry if it's an email for FC members, B&G Army or season ticket holders etc as it's one big membership family now.
Yeah, and pretty much that means the same Emails that went to B&G army members, and Season Ticket holders last year, go to the same people, apart from the rare cases like Suity and some of the others that signed up during the on-line push most of them were B&G Army or STH. Interestingly, Suity has said he has signed up, so he would have been getting the email now as well.
As for Leagues Club emails. I never get them. Ever. Not complaining though and not surprised. I'm a perpetual member and have been since the pre internet days. As such, while they have my address, I'm not sure I've ever given them an email address - certainly didnt (vos I didnt even know what one was) when I joined up.
The Form is on the back of the Address information sheet in your Quaterly Bulletin. The same form to update your details if you have moved. Alternativly, I signed up when I filled out the form to Purchase gear from Parra Footy Heaven, (The GF DVD's Box set) and it asked for your membership number and if you would like to add your email address to the clubs database.
So there is an error again then?
Can I ask if people received today's email update about Trials and the delivery of the membership packs? The only problem I have with that Email is that under MS Outlook the Graphic of Joel and Eric, goes over the Important Text about when the membership packs and / or vouchers will be arriving. It works fine under Mozilla Thunderbird, Windows Vista's Windows Mail, Outlook Express on XP.