Guys, this is not a situation of politics at all. It is a consideration of ASSETS from each organization.
What do you each consider an ASSET for moving rugby league forward with growth and development? What are they? Is it things like...
- Number of confirmed games played without forfeits?
- Youth development
- Grassroots growth with minor league teams who can progress to full team status
- Development of officials and coaches
- Open and transparent, democratic governance that provides equity in decisions thru member participation
- Marketing, advertising and media assets. (Website, social media, etc from both the Organization itself, and the member teams)
- Official documents such as adopted rules and regulations for both game play, and organizational structure, such as operating agreements, constitution, etc
- Basic protections for its members such as liability insurance, enforcing medical insurance for players, etc
- A minimum standard of operations that allows for some consistency for both the "perception" of the product that is seen in the field, as well as team operational standards
- What is the best “balance” in a national team when it comes to domestic and foreign players who are given the honor of the highest achievement that game has to offer? Where is the balance in domestic opportunity, and desire to perform?
I think you each get the idea here. So think about all the things you consider assets for an organization to operate at an acceptable standard.
Now think about what each organization offers in way of the questions you come up with.
Now consider how you join two organizations utilizing the best asset of each?
- What name do you use?
- Is there a value that one brand has in its name, in its online ability to promote the product, etc
- What parts of the organization are you prepared to give up based on the VALUE of that ASSET? Are you prepared to "start form scratch" and reinvent the wheel for the organization?
All I can say is that the Axemen approached this as a business deal where the organizations looked to "come together". We voted based on a feeling that the AMNRL offered us the opportunity to have more "locations to do business" and more "members to sell the product", while the USARL offered the business structure and professional governance to operate the administration of the product.
So we supported the idea for all teams and players (locations and salesmen) joining under the organization that offered the better administration, was the best way to growth the "sale" of Rugby League in the USA.
We are all "selling" the same product, and the more shops we get under the stronger brand, the faster we sell more of the product.
Just our thoughts on how and why.
Here is something very important to remember, and something that is at the forefront of the thought process for the executive members of the USARL:
As Rugby League grows in the USA, at some stage the national governing body for the game here, is going to be in charge of the sport of Rugby League for the entire USA. It will essentially become the ARL for the USA. Anytime the phone rings, from a team, a region, a player, anyone, who has ideas, wants help, or shows interest in being involved IN ANY WAY in Rugby League, we need to answer that call, and have systems in place to assist as much as possible, if the game is to succeed. From someone wanting to start a TOP Tier team, to a few guys that are looking to put together development that will see 2 games of 9’s happen during the summer, to someone who simply wants to add “Flag Rugby” to a youth organization. We need to start getting ready for all of it. (Makes it very daunting when you think about the groundwork the organization must set up NOW, to be prepared for what could be happening 10 years from now. We MUST have transparent structure and democratic visions