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Congratulation Mario... Youve created a DUD!!!


I am sick of everyone trying to talk up this game.... I will put it simply, compared to all the hype, this game is a dud.

To be honest with you, i even prefer the Rugby 2004 game more than this.

The foward pass flaw is just tragic. What were the programmers thinking there?

Flat footed runners just piss me off.

The fact that Andrew Johns sits on the left wing the entire game whilst Rudder dominates the play is ridiculous! Whilst Robbie O plays dummy half distributing the ball to hard running hit up men like Tahu & Buderus!

These creaters said that they were football fans, but they must be watching a different game to the one i know and love!!!!

This isnt the crappiest game in the world, i am not saying that, but compared to all the fanfare and the expectation placed upon it it has hardly lived up to my expectations.

The game play is simplestic crap and the lack of time spent on defence is woofull! I dont want to have to tap my x button all day to go any good.

To put it simply the game is, depending on what level you play, too easy or too hard.

The game in my opinion has some great features... The kicking option is great... but it spoilt when i often pass the ball to front rowers at first reciever who get tackled before i get to kick it.

This is a really dissapointing effort and i hope there is another release soon to make up for all the crap has wrecked this version.

I think i speak for most when i say poor attempt Sidhe, really poor.

PS: Does anyone want to buy NRL 2004 its going real cheap?


I am sick of everyone trying to talk up this game.... I will put it simply, compared to all the hype, this game is a dud.
Everyone is entitled to an opinion.

To be honest with you, i even prefer the Rugby 2004 game more than this.
Rugby 2004 was a dud. It was simply repetitive and boring past the first 2 hours of purchase.

The foward pass flaw is just tragic. What were the programmers thinking there?
Try not holding forward whilst pressing pass....................

Flat footed runners just piss me off.
Then you obviously can't play the game properly. It only happens off a quick pass and is actually good to use on the last tackle.

The fact that Andrew Johns sits on the left wing the entire game whilst Rudder dominates the play is ridiculous! Whilst Robbie O plays dummy half distributing the ball to hard running hit up men like Tahu & Buderus!
Andrew Johns directs play for me. Rudder isn't even on the starting lineup.......... Robbie O plays from dummy half for RUNS.

These creaters said that they were football fans, but they must be watching a different game to the one i know and love!!!!
Have you seen the animations? The stadiums?

This isnt the crappiest game in the world, i am not saying that, but compared to all the fanfare and the expectation placed upon it it has hardly lived up to my expectations.
It is the funnest game I have ever played.

The game play is simplestic crap and the lack of time spent on defence is woofull! I dont want to have to tap my x button all day to go any good.
Then press the big hit buttons...

To put it simply the game is, depending on what level you play, too easy or too hard.
Not neccasarily. On my experience, I came 6th in the NRL on Legend. Which means I won a decent amount and lsot to the good teams...

The game in my opinion has some great features... The kicking option is great... but it spoilt when i often pass the ball to front rowers at first reciever who get tackled before i get to kick it.
I admit this is a fault, but try passing to the short side more often! And don't let the play maker take the ball up in the latter tackles.

This is a really dissapointing effort and i hope there is another release soon to make up for all the crap has wrecked this version.
The only dissapointing thing is your stupdity.

I think i speak for most when i say poor attempt Sidhe, really poor.
A majority enjoy this game.

PS: Does anyone want to buy NRL 2004 its going real cheap?

What console?

But dude, many people have said things like you and then they realise, this game isn't for a conservative type of play, chip the ball often, pass it heaps, run straight at gordon tallis, do things like that, it is fun!


Alright then hero's.... Answer me this question. Why are you nob jockeys on the the net and not playing this "GREAT" game?


The game has it's faults, but most sports games get really boring playing by yourself, this one's still a challenge, League God mode is so damn hard, but it takes real effort... and also it's a lot of fun to ply with your mates (if you have any).

The problems with the game don't outweigh the good... but there's a fair way to go for the next version to make it perfect, but I'd still rather be playing this than no NRL game.


Well I wouldn't say its a dud, I think it is a great game, it just gets me on PS2 when it freezes all the time, but for their first attempt at a game that no-one has thought of, and if they did they done the job poorly, I think we should thanks Mario and SIDHE. =D>

Great game, lets just hope the next version has all the minor bugs out of it :D/


I can see Reladiths points and why he individually doesnt like it, i think that you can look at Rugby league 2 ways:

a) A simulation

b) A Video game

As a simulation its probably only a 6/10, but as a damn fine arcade video game its 9/10 for me and most hardcore Rugby League fans. Its bloody fantastic fun if you forget being pedantic and just play the game.

I recall Mario/Sidhe/HES (cant remember exactly whom) saying it was always going to be more video game first , simulation second.

The people who are disapointed seem to be very picky and are probably dissapointed this game wasnt a pure simulation. If and i god HOPE so SIDHE release a sequel i'm sure they will be able to dedicate more time for those of you who want more realism in terms of player positioning etc

Thanks SIDHE For making the best RL game ever thus far. Theres only one way to make everyone happy and thats to make another one ;) One thing i'm sure we'll all agree on is the next one will be even better.


Mario said:
Thanks for your feedback, reladith.

Sorry to hear you aren't enjoying the game.


Its unfortunate these people aren't happy with it, i personally dont understand why they arent, but that is their opinion and i always say...each to their own!

I rate this game as the best i own, the best sports game i have played in a long time...all i can say is top job!! :D There is alot more people out there loving this game than there is hating it. Keep it up!!

Shaun Hewitt

First Grade
Im just like Tadpole, i rate this game as the best i own. Not only that but the best game i have ever played.

Mario, you guys at Sidehe have done yourselves proud, good on ya mates you deserve every cent of profit for giving us this wonderful game :D


Yep, same as the majority here - It aint perfect, sure - and some of the bugs are BLOODY annoying I'll grant you that!!...But I am a sports video game NUT - particularly soccer games - of which there are DOZENS - and I cannot point to ONE single 'live action' sports game that IS perfect!!...Not one. And I dare you to - It's just impossible!!

The groundwork SIDHE have laid is fantastic though, and all I can say is BRING ON NRL 2004!! :D

Don't u even DREAM of not bringing out a sequel - or hopefully sequels, Mario - you'd be MAD not to!!! :oops:

But in multiplayer mode, when some of the dodgy AI is taken out of it somewhat - Mannnn THEN the fun REALLY begins!!!

Much room for improvement here, but as some have also said - considering this had 2 be built from scratch - not bad - not bad at ALL!!...Kills EA Cricket for eg - which is a franchise that's been going on for years!!...And is STILL garbage - even in two player mode!

Youve got a deadset winner on your hands here - Bring it on SIDHE!! :)


Have to agree with Dog-E here. Sure the game ain't perfect, but no sports game is and rugby league is damn fun.

My only request. Even though it sounds obvious, if/when a sequel is made please make sure it actually improves the game. I've seen several franchises suffer because later versions not only don't add too much to the previous game, but remove good stuff as well.


First Grade
It's the first team related game I've bought. I'm having difficulties with the keyboard, but will have a controller set up next week.

All up, I think mario and the team have done a good job for a first go. Even though I'm getting hammered in most games, I'm enjoying it.

I'm looking forward to the next version.

Raiders Rock

As the overwhelming majority of people in this forum have said, I agree that there are a few points that need to be ironed out, as there are in any new game, but overall I find Rugby League totally fun and it has great gameplay which is rare for a first attempt!! To Mario and the guys at Sidhe, Tally Ho Gents!! I personally would buy anything you guys develop, preferably to do with the game I love, Rugby League. It's a breath of fresh air to see a small company like Sidhe taking on the big boys like EA etc. AND KICKING THEIR BUTTS!! EA's Rugby 2004 was boring but then Yawnion is boring when you compare it to League so if they were attempting a simulation then they've achieved their goals and good on them!! There is an old saying, "You can't polish a turd..." Good work Sidhe!! Let's see a sequal soon!!

:D :D :D


Congratulations Reladith. Hopefully, you will pick up some tips on how to play the game as a result. O:)