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cooper cronk an offseason target for the dragons


ive heard from a reliable source (won't name for legal reasons) who is a family friend and who is a former dragons great. that the dragons have told matt cooper and ben hornby to look over to england for playing contracts next year, and with that money that plan to sign gaz and their number 1 target is cooper cronk

now ive been thinking an maby this is a good thing we would have a real halfback an gaz back and have some left over to retain players

the only thing i dont like about it is the fact that their telling life time dragons ben and matt to piss off

what are your thoughts
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Dragon Dave

I've heard this too, but wasn't brave enough to post about it.

Adding Cronk to our team would result in premierships, I have no doubt.
Firstly, I don't know if you should be naming your source so blatantly - you could get into trouble if it's considered slanderous or proven wrong etc.

Secondly, I don't believe it for a second that they'd boot Hornby or Cooper out like that. Although I'd be super happy to have Cronk, it shouldn't be by tearing out the heart of the Red V.


First Grade
Cooper Cronk wont leave Melbourne, especailly to the Dragons were he would be in constant danger of being penetrated by Kiki.


First Grade
seriously Ben Hornby has been Great for us without setting the world on fire. But we need a Premiership winning Half.
Cooper will be 32 years old next year, we need to Built smartly and quickly.
And we cant forget the Juniors coming through.
Gas will be good for two to three years But I do prefer Josh Morris.
I love both these players and will never forget them but we need to move on and if they are smart get some English cash to set them up financially is whats needed by both of them
Love the thought only if we won it this year cause at least then we are sending the boys out on a good note... but i rekon the story is b/s
Yeah i agree mate, but honestly it's best to protect yourself. Plus, if it gets out in the public, your source won't be impressed, esp if he's a good family friend!


i think its good for everybody invloved matt and ben would both get some money to take away from football to start their new life after footy


First Grade
Cooper Cronk wont leave Melbourne, especailly to the Dragons were he would be in constant danger of being penetrated by Kiki.
Cooper Cronk wont complain about that and now the money is drying up in Melbourne(freezebourne) who wants to stay there.
Cooper Cronk wont leave Melbourne, especailly to the Dragons were he would be in constant danger of being penetrated by Kiki.

Get used to the avalanche of players that WILL leave your club, not even halfway through the season and your number 1 prop Toleman has signed with the dogs, there's talk Manu and Blair will follow him or go to the Warriors... you guys are 1 million dollars over the cap! you HAVE to shed players you dam cheaters!

Cagey Mac

In a perfect world
Gaz will come back in 2010 for 50k plus 3rd party sponsorship of whatever up to 150 plus 5K per game
We'll win the premiership in 2010
Coops and Hornby would get the premiership ring they so richly deserve this year
Get offered fat contracts in the UK and make some dosh at the back end of their career
JMoz will come back in 2012 (we want him and he wants us)
I know this because I'm incredibly smart
Oh and I picked 0 from 5 on the weekend (Doh!)


I would love to see Cronk under Bennett. I dont think Melb would let him go. If anything he will be their first priority IMO

84 Baby

ive heard from a reliable source (won't name for legal reasons) who is a family friend and who is a former dragons great. that the dragons have told matt cooper and ben hornby to look over to england for playing contracts next year, and with that money that plan to sign gaz and their number 1 target is cooper cronk

now ive been thinking an maby this is a good thing we would have a real halfback an gaz back and have some left over to retain players

the only thing i dont like about it is the fact that their telling life time dragons ben and matt to piss off

what are your thoughts
I've heard this rumour too and that Cooper and Hornby won't be the only ones. The deal with Melbourne to release Cronk may include a player or two being traded, top of that list being Jeremy Smith.

Also if the rumour proves true, don't expect Hornby to go to UK


Lol J Smith for Cronk?

Take that up fo sho.

Where does that leave Hornby? Sad for him to leave, hes a good solid player. But we need a true halfback.
Yeah we should consider offloading Smith, is this his final year?
if we got rid of Coops, Hornby and Smith that would free up a sh*t load of dosh!

Como Connection

First Grade
Some weeks ago I posted the story of Hornby and Cooper not being with us next year.
I really hope it is true, their time has come to move on!!

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