It seems like the anti-Queensland force is strong here.
Skilled must hold 50000. No way on gods green earth there is that crowd
Thankfully there is another voice of reason here:
Looks pretty spot on to me. If you can tell me where there are more than 5k empty seats ill stand corrected
Let's have a look at the evidence. And before I start, I want to be perfectly clear and remind anyone who might be concerned that posting a handful of static screenshots is not an infringement of copyright as those screenshots do no constitute a
substantial portion of the program as broadcast. Furthermore, even if there was an infringement, it would nonetheless be allowed under s 103A of the
Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) which provides an exception for fair dealing for the purpose of criticism or review of audio-visual items.
Note: I am
not providing the above as legal advice, just getting it out of the way in case anyone is concerned.
Okay. Here are some grabs from the game as broadcast last night on Nine:
The western stand was essentially full. This stand holds 6290 people.
So we have to be able to find 5000 spare seats in the other three stands. Let's see how we go.
The southern stand is fairly full except for the bay on the far left and the corner on the right. This stand when full holds 5750 people.
The eastern stand has some patches. This stand when full holds 8985 people.
The northern stand was the patchiest. This holds 6185 people.
Those figures, by the way, come from the Skilled Park website:
Having looked at all of that, the southern stand could have got another 1000 in there, the eastern another 2000 and the northern (which looks half empty) another 3000. And that would give us the right crowd.
If anyone wearing sky blue-coloured glasses wants to do an individual seat count, or just launch into mindless "you're a merkin!" attacks because you don't like been shown up (again!) please go for it. Shoot the messenger by all means.
Amazing that at one stage they averaged over 20k a season. Surely it must be more than just poor form over the last two years keeping the crowds away?
Yes. Have we all forgotten the Searles "issues", how many contractors (and their family and friends etc) were touched by this and what all of this did for the fledgling team's reputation and standing? Seems we have.
Its 85% of capacity. Spare seats should be difficult to see. They aren't.
Because people on this thread apparently take it as a personal insult to be compared to Andrew Bolt when they have made an innumerate or mathematically ignorant statement, I will not say that you should take up a job as a columnist with News Limited.
Instead, I will note factually that when primary school children learn about percentages they are made away that the percentage of the total number is naturally reliant on the size of the total number. 85% of 100 leaves us with 15 seats spare. 85% of 100000 leaves us with 15000 spare seats. Probably spot-able. To give a figure (85%) and say that you shouldn't be able to spot spare seats is ridiculous.
Furthermore, the ability to spot spare seats will depend on the distribution of spares. If they are not evenly distributed (which they aren't) then empty spaces will be easier to spot.
I am sure that they teach mathematics in schools down south, but honestly, between this and the meaningless "per capita" argument, I do wonder.