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Cssc - Showdown In Panther Town - Details


:lol: I am just digging myself into a hole here aren't I?

Everyone has a seat! That's the main thing!!

The Nulla

Yes Carch.

Obviously i can't reveal these peoples names but its well over 40 with a few punters meeting us out there.

Should be a cracking night. Cannot wait.

The Nulla #2

The Nulla
nth cronulla local
The Attorney

Cant think anyone else off top of my head sorry people hahaa


sweet mate, we've def got ticks for you since you called earlier. I didnt know bluto was not coming anymore, so you've got two ticks for sure, we'll see you there


Hey nulla#2 have you got me and cronullashark down for the bus and tickets to the game? I am sure it is okay but just confirming before I get down to the bowling club tommorrow.


So what's the latest for those of us who are meeting you out there? What time are you aiming to arrive at the stadium? Which entrance should I meet someone at?


Macca said:
All depends on traffic

Should be there by 7pm at the latest

I'll aim for 7 also, but may be struggling. I will give you a call on the way out there.


Well it's up to us. If more people wanna get dropped off in Menai then that's what we'll do.

Personally I think you should head back to the Taren Pt Bowlo for ales.


Macca said:
Well it's up to us. If more people wanna get dropped off in Menai then that's what we'll do.

Personally I think you should head back to the Taren Pt Bowlo for ales.
Menai or beverlly hills is easy for me.
I have a sh*t load on tomorrow morning so I doubt I will be staying out.

I have to go to my fuggen X missus's kids b'day ..like I fuggen need that like a kick in the nuts.
Her Husband hates my guts.

PLus my house is a disaster zone.
My missus decided we needed a new $2000.00 mongolian antique buffet for a tv cabinet.
It was originaly $45000.00 we got it cheap through a friends mum who is an importer.
My spotless $600.00 freedom special was not the look she is after.

So after much pain I unplug all the Tv/DVD/VIDEO/AV SENDER/FOXTEL/STEREO so I can put it all into the new cabinet.

Anyway the buffet gets delivered and the garage door wont open all the way because my surfboard cover is getting snagged on it.
So my missus ( god love her ) makes this skinniest chinaman in the world and his wimpy little wife carry it under the half opened garage door.
Moving the surfboard, (a job of about 10 seconds) is not an option for these 3 Einsteins...( I was at work).

So the buffet is sitting in the middle of loungroom/kitchen floor and I cut 3 holes in the back for all the bloody cables.
Then the missus decideds to spray it with Baygon.

Then what happened do you think?

Yep! fuggen wood borers start dropping out all over the joint.

Naturally I walk out of the room and go to the beer fridge in the laundry to calm down.

So ....the ten tonne buffet has to go back to some joint to get fumigated.

I am having all these thoughts that I've introduced some dodgey bug into Australia.

Anyway...the missus goes out in town last night for a b'day party...because school teachers can't go out on a Fri or Sat nights.
It's always some fugged up sunday night or mid week sh*t I get dragged to.

Last night however I stay home and get blind by myself...and then unplug all the sh*t again.
Of course I dont label any of the cables.

So this morning at 5.30 am my bro-in-law and I ( hungover like a dog) do some lifting of the buffet.
It has to go outside for them to pick up because my missus won't be there today....
Once it is outside she informs me she has changed her mind and is not going out today after all.


I then attempt to get foxtel Tv DVD you name it, all working again.
Cables everywhere, head pounding , kid screamming.
Finally I get it all plugged in.

Now somewhere between this morning and last week it was decided that all the furniture in the place that is the wrong shade should be stained dark to match the new buffet.

It was also decided that "that" was my job.

So last weekend I get half of it done and then it rains all week so I can't get it finished.

So when I left for work this morning this was the last thing I saw.
New $2000.00 Buffet on driveway
TV now on the floor.
DVD/Video on the floor
Foxtel now on the floor
cables everywhere on the floor
backless and seatless chairs at breaky bar
Makeshift coffee table ( a plastic bin and a piece of wood) on floor.

Old spotless $600.00 freedom special now sits in the sun room of the bloke I work withs mother.
All TV equip is plugged in no probs and looks fine.

tomorrow morning before fuggen kids b'day party I will be up early sanding and staining furniture to match wood borer riddled buffet that we don't have.

and that is why I don't think I will press on to the Bowlo after the footy tonight.


Um, ok, I think you should get out at Menai . . .

Poor bastard

I have to be honest, mate, my co-workers want to know what I am laughing at.