Articles like this are like lawyers asking leading questions.
Journalists have an angle or an agenda and with articles like this a lot of you buy into the style of writing that's employed and start developing your own lines of thought to how situations went down.
Fact of the matter is this:
Unless any of you were involved with any of these preceedings and know the full details of this scenario, than feel free to cast your opinion. However even if you did know, why would you share it in a public domain such as the internet?
It is a legal matter between the former employee and employer. It therefore should remain private.
Sure there is the arguement that as stakeholders of the club we should know what's going on and I agree that we should, but not until the matter is resolved.
We don't know the details and we shouldn't be casting judgement of any kind. There is no doubting the dismissal of Anderson was handled very poorly and publicly, however every situation involving our club should be judged on its merits rather than as one big witch hunt and conspiracy theory.
Some of you are grown men and women, stop being so childish and carrying on. If any of your children behaved in the manner some of you do on this forum, you'd punish them. There are more effective ways of communicating your views.