That's my concern. He was tolerable enough in small doses and was suitably bad-ass, but not sure how much I'll like having to see him every episode.
A lot of it will depend on the villain and the supporting cast. Jessica Jones was hardly my favourite character, but the (largely Aussie) supporting cast helped.
That and Killgrave being arguably the best villain ever.
Yep, Killgrave was f**kin' awesome!
When he really started to be featured in the show is when it got interesting. The fact he seemed almost unbeatable made him terrifying.
One thing though that bothered me throughout the entire series - it was established that Killgrave's power is that he can control your actions by talking to you, meaning you have to hear what he says to be under his control.
The first thing I thought was "Well, why don't they just wear ear plugs. Or earphones blaring loud music." Then sure enough in the LAST episode, they have Trish wearing headphones - and it works!!! How did they not think about that earlier?
Also, that scene was just completely stupid as a whole. They set up Trish walking in pretending to be Jessica, and everyone falls for it...then for no reason she just takes off her hood revealing herself to Killgrave before Jessica even gets a chance to sneak up on him. It was completely pointless.
Apart from that stuff, I really liked the show.