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Darius Boyd cannot be fullback next year!


Im sure Bennet will know much more about each player now having spent a full season with them. I wouldn't be surprised if you see some changes but nothing wholesale, I would suspect. However, I think we do lack support up the middle. We have forward that can promote the ball and turn half breaks into real threats if they are supported. In my honest opinion, I think soward should be the person to do that with in the current team structure as Boyd is more of a ball playing fullback than a support-up-the middle type. Also, the bullet needs to be bit and sailor should pack it in and be our trainer and hornby needs to be benched :shock:. For the greater good of the team, I think he is the best utility player off the bench and he is 30, it's time to take a different role I think. My best 1-7:
1. Morris
2. Nightingale
3. Boyd
4. Cooper
5. Lett
6. Soward
7. Henry

Gas Panic!

First Grade
He lacked a bit in support play, but in kick returns and chiming in to the backline I thought he was really good.

How many times did he get his hands on the ball in plays where Brett Morris made line breaks or ultimately scored? Plenty. They're easy to forget.


We got Darius cheaply on the promise of a fullback spot.

Brett is more damaging a fullback but Bennett is true to his word. (That's the dilemma)

Hornby had some wonderful games and deserves one more year at halfback. Then onto hooker. His defence and ball skill would greatly improve the ruck.

Beau Henry should be blooded off the bench. 2011 starting halfback.

Nightingale is the obvious replacement for Dell. With Lett covering for Brett during Origin.
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Bath's Babes

Agreed, work Henry in halfback during the off season, move Hornby to fullback and Darius should go on the wing.


I dont think Boyd will be moved from fullback but honestly i would love to see Nightingale back there... his link and support play at fullback are superb...


I'd look at Nightingale to 3 & Lett/Tagive in 5.Dell to retire and Scott in 2nd row.
Boyd will remain at FB and Hornby at 7 with Henry to be eased in over the season.
Hooker is the real problem!


First Grade
hornby's days at fullback are over.
i dont think we could afford henry AND soward in the halves as there is no real stable head. with a pre-season under his belt boyd will improve on the skills he has now and learn to do new things.
hornby's days at Halfback are over as well


First Grade
Bennett doesnt seem to like change (not before finals anyway), but my feelings are:

Boyd - I reckon in the off-season, try him at centre or wing, and see if he is more effective when he is attacking closer to the defence, right now he is more scared about being tackled when running back 20metres at full flight.

Morris - Leave him at wing, you need quality finishes. Hayne is a potential 5/8 of the future, Morris is a good winger.

Dell/Scott - have to make room, full credit to both players, great work in 2009, but we have to get new talent in.

Hornby - Hornby is the X-Factor, we need to find room for him, and where he goes dictates the others, id still like to see him at 9 personally.

Nightingale - Starting spot in 2010 is a given, he has already proven himself at this level

Lett/Tagive - If I was Lett, I would expect some games early 2010, or I would be asking for a release, I know young players need to be patient, but a league career can be short, and he really cant go 2 years straight out of 1st grade. Tagive i've never seen, so reserve comment.


I have this gut feeling, nothing concrete, but it may well come to pass that Boyd may not be at the Dragons next year, despite his contract.



1. Nightingale/Hornby

Lett can be put anywhere on the wing or at FB.

Oh and btw...

9.? Surely not Young any more!
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i think michael lett should play fullback.he is a great talent!
in all the games he's played this year his done nothing wrong


Hornby is done at fullback can't believe people want him there he is not fast enough.

My 1-7 (+9) would be:

1) Morris
2) Lett
3) Boyd/ Tagaive
4) Cooper
5) Nightingale/ Boyd
6) Soward
7) Henry/ Hornby
9) Hornby/ Fien


People can't forget about Peni Tagive, I mean he wouldn't have signed with us unless Bennett just about guaranteed him a starting spot with Dean Collis leaving the Tigers. If Bennett is open to trialing players in different positions I'd suggest;

1. Nightingale: Pretty sure he played most of his younger league in this position, makes sense and he has this uncanny ability to push defenders off, is quick and has relatively safe hands. Can play abit of footy at the line aswell.

2. Morris: Probably would have had him at Fullback but he had such a good year and has become a great finisher. Not sure if he can link at fullback for sweeping plays either. His speed allows him to get around edge defenders, keep him here.

3. Tagive/Boyd: Hardest position to pick and crucial to our left-side defence which includes Soward. I haven't seen much of Tagive but he's built strongly and can run. Boyd for mine would make an ideal centre; quick, can pass and defends strongly. My only concern is that he seems to run sideways rather than straight.

4. Cooper: No brainer. Didn't have a great year by anybodies standards, but when fit can be damaging and as everyone is well aware defends like a champ.

5. Lett/Boyd: I like Lett..a lot. It's a shame he hasn't had more chances. He is quick and good under and attacking the high ball. Boyd has played Wing at representative level so he goes alright supposedly.

Gun to my head I'd go with Nightingale, Morris, Boyd, Cooper, Lett. Tagive can cover both Centre and Wing and knowing Cooper he wouldn't have to wait too long for a chance. Ofcourse if you were to say bazooka to my head I'd replace Cooper with Tagive, but hey that's just my thinking.

big pat

i can't believe people are getting so worked up over this, bennet said he had a 3 year plan, starting off with a junior base to work on, maybe he see's potential in guys like merrin, henry, and other under 20s guys to think that maybe they are the future of the club, before evryone goes off half cocked lets see what happens, some people seem to get to far ahead of themselves.