Man, the episode about Chris Kanyon was tough. Hard to watch his friends break down when talking about him.
I gotta say though, this trend of twitter mobs going after wrestlers after these episodes air is getting annoying as f**k. Ric Flair is now copping it over his comments to Chris on the Howard Stern show. I find it hard to take Chris seriously that he was fired for being gay when Pat Patterson was Vince's right hand man for so long. Ric may have been harsh to Chris, but I don't think he said anything uncalled for.
I did have some issues with some of the narrative here. Now I suspect there's a lot of editing going on here and people's words are being spun into a different narrative, but there's a part where DDP and Vandenberg are talking about the nWo coming along and killing off the Mortis gimmick. The problem with this is the Mortis gimmick didn't appear until 1997, long after the introduction of the nWo, and lasted a year.