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Dave Taylor slipped and rolled his left ankle at Training

Robbie 12

Hi guys

I when to training at redfern on Tuesday, and I was watching the boys train and run around, The field looked very average on the edges,

well cut a long story short Dave Taylor rolled his left ankle, after runnig and beating his outside man on a set move drill, and i think it was because of the sh*tie grass on the edges of the field (maybe because of all that rain we have had recently ? ) some parts were in patches

Dave gave a couple of F....F....s as he laied on the ground ...The trainers went over and Langy too Dave limped off the field striaght away to the change rooms with a trainer, his knee looked good, i thought it was his knee, but I noticed that he was limping and trying not to move his left ankle while trying to get off the field ... never saw him again for the rest of the day ,

May not play this weekend in the return to refern game, i hope its not real bad new

On some Good new, John sutton was doing some streching at training and I spoke to michael crocker he said that john should be ok for the shield game and round one just that the surgery took a little longer to recover from, and sam burgess is massive and very friendly I was surprised that he said hello to me and extented his hand out to me, and Vai Vai is massive he has put on alot of buck and tone in the off season, one of his boobs was the same size of my head ...amazing .....and very exciting to see the players developing and making progress...

Get well Dave !!!!


Vai Vai is massive he has put on alot of buck and tone in the off season, one of his boobs was the same size of my head ...amazing

One of the funniest things i have read in a long time. :lol: I love how excited you are... Im absolutely pumped for the match on Sunday!!!!

But i do hope Taylor wasn't seriously injured... that would suck BIG TIME
Pretty certain Taylor won't be playing this weekend. He is touch and go for the allstars match. He didn't do any major damage, but rolled ankles take a while to heal, especially when you load 115+ kgs on top of it on a regular basis.


Is that according to what someone has told you other than in this forum? or is it just your opinion...
I wonder who would go into the All Stars match if Taylor doesn't play... Sam Burgess?

Dave Q

Hi guys

I when to training at redfern on Tuesday, and I was watching the boys train and run around, The field looked very average on the edges,

well cut a long story short Dave Taylor rolled his left ankle, after runnig and beating his outside man on a set move drill, and i think it was because of the sh*tie grass on the edges of the field (maybe because of all that rain we have had recently ? ) some parts were in patches

Dave gave a couple of F....F....s as he laied on the ground ...The trainers went over and Langy too Dave limped off the field striaght away to the change rooms with a trainer, his knee looked good, i thought it was his knee, but I noticed that he was limping and trying not to move his left ankle while trying to get off the field ... never saw him again for the rest of the day ,

May not play this weekend in the return to refern game, i hope its not real bad new

On some Good new, John sutton was doing some streching at training and I spoke to michael crocker he said that john should be ok for the shield game and round one just that the surgery took a little longer to recover from, and sam burgess is massive and very friendly I was surprised that he said hello to me and extented his hand out to me, and Vai Vai is massive he has put on alot of buck and tone in the off season, one of his boobs was the same size of my head ...amazing .....and very exciting to see the players developing and making progress...

Get well Dave !!!!

Good work Robbie, love your work.

During the regular season, show some discretion about reporting injuries, it may help our enemies.
His body couldn't cope with carrying all that weight so something had to give - his ankles- He should enrol in Jen for Men??

As for Sutton he should stick to his dad's car yard as he will have a wing year - spend most of it out injured
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First Grade

Marshall - gunning for Souths.
I find it funny that Marshall goes missing for a few weeks and then we have a glut of posts and then he goes missing again.

I'm sure he posts here on his break from the nut farm.

Sonic Star

He's 50/50 for allstars but won't play on Sunday.

Not worth the risk, he will be there though so fans can still meet him and say hi.

Dave Q

Stalingard, Stalin said "not one step back"

He dripped troops into the frontline to keep the Germans occupied whilst he built up a tremendous reserve force.

Then they surrounded Stalingrad and the German Armry (and their friends) eventually surrendered.

It was a terrible political blow for Hitler at home.

95% of German officers who survived Stalingrad made it through the war. For enlised men, it was almost the reverse.

The commander of the German army at Stalingrad, Feild Marshall Paulus, he later joined the ruskies and helped them invade Germany itself.

They estimate that 20 millions Russians perished in ww2. Thats an amazing figure.

Stalin used to send his political enemies to punishment regiments and they had to clear mines laid by the Germans. They used sticks and stuff. The survival rate was about 1%.

It was a brutal war fought in an amzing range of climatic conditions.

The Germans invaded Russia with about a million troops...but it wasnt enough.

Up the bunnies!
Stalingard, Stalin said "not one step back"

He dripped troops into the frontline to keep the Germans occupied whilst he built up a tremendous reserve force.

Then they surrounded Stalingrad and the German Armry (and their friends) eventually surrendered.

It was a terrible political blow for Hitler at home.

95% of German officers who survived Stalingrad made it through the war. For enlised men, it was almost the reverse.

The commander of the German army at Stalingrad, Feild Marshall Paulus, he later joined the ruskies and helped them invade Germany itself.

They estimate that 20 millions Russians perished in ww2. Thats an amazing figure.

Stalin used to send his political enemies to punishment regiments and they had to clear mines laid by the Germans. They used sticks and stuff. The survival rate was about 1%.

It was a brutal war fought in an amzing range of climatic conditions.

The Germans invaded Russia with about a million troops...but it wasnt enough.

Up the bunnies!

Completey wrong comrade

1)the five line defence method was used by the Great Soviet Russian Army against the german blitzkrieg method which overrun western and central europe.
2) yes the Great Soviet army surrounded the german criminals in Stalingrad- over 400,000 criminal germans captured and forced marched to Siberia- only 1500 returned to Germany when survivors were released in 1955.
3) Paulus did not join the Great Soviet army at all- he died in east germany in 1957 (released by Soviet Russia in 1953) never seeing his home or family again.
4) political blow?????- it was the first time the criminal germans had been defeated
5) you should know that over 80% of criminal german casualties were on the eastern front- after the criminal German surrender at Stalingrad over 24 generals were shot trying to escape and others took the cowards way out- there were very few officers who survived - most of the 1500 were nco's.

During the Nuremberg trials Paulus was asked about the Stalingrad prisoners by a journalist. Paulus told the journalist to tell the wives and mothers that their husbands and sons were well, even though he knew that over 99% of them were already dead. Of the 431,000 German prisoners taken at Stalingrad, half would die in a march to Siberian prisoner camps, nearly as many died in captivity, only about 1500 would return home.

6) much much less than 20,000,000 was the figure - western propaganda.
7) there were penal company's set up to clear mines and test criminal german fire power- these criminals were giving the opportunity to do some good for the country and if they distingueshed themselves and survived they may be consider for a reduction in sentence or release.
8) yes the conditions were brutal from the extreme heat of the Soviet Russian steppe's to the - 80 plus winters. The criminal germans and even the criminal us and uk thought that Soviet Russia would be defeated in 6 weeks- the criminal germans only had their summer uniforms - certainly no good for the harsh winters they would face.
9) the initial criminal invasion the criminal germans and their criminal allies (latvia/lithuania/estonia/slovenia/italy/finland/spain- blue division/romania/hungary/bulgaria/criminal ukrainians and russians) had in excess of 3 million troops.
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Dave Q

Completey wrong comrade

1)the five line defence method was used by the Great Soviet Russian Army against the german blitzkrieg method which overrun western and central europe.
2) yes the Great Soviet army surrounded the german criminals in Stalingrad- over 400,000 criminal germans captured and forced marched to Siberia- only 1500 returned to Germany when survivors were released in 1955.
3) Paulus did not join the Great Soviet army at all- he died in east germany in 1957 (released by Soviet Russia in 1953) never seeing his home or family again.
4) political blow?????- it was the first time the criminal germans had been defeated
5) you should know that over 80% of criminal german casualties were on the eastern front- after the criminal German surrender at Stalingrad over 24 generals were shot trying to escape and others took the cowards way out- there were very few officers who survived - most of the 1500 were nco's.

During the Nuremberg trials Paulus was asked about the Stalingrad prisoners by a journalist. Paulus told the journalist to tell the wives and mothers that their husbands and sons were well, even though he knew that over 99% of them were already dead. Of the 431,000 German prisoners taken at Stalingrad, half would die in a march to Siberian prisoner camps, nearly as many died in captivity, only about 1500 would return home.

6) much much less than 20,000,000 was the figure - western propaganda.
7) there were penal company's set up to clear mines and test criminal german fire power- these criminals were giving the opportunity to do some good for the country and if they distingueshed themselves and survived they may be consider for a reduction in sentence or release.
8) yes the conditions were brutal from the extreme heat of the Soviet Russian steppe's to the - 80 plus winters. The criminal germans and even the criminal us and uk thought that Soviet Russia would be defeated in 6 weeks- the criminal germans only had their summer uniforms - certainly no good for the harsh winters they would face.
9) the initial criminal invasion the criminal germans and their criminal allies (latvia/lithuania/estonia/slovenia/italy/finland/spain- blue division/romania/hungary/criminal ukrainians and russianshad in excess of 3 million troops.

Thank you comrade Marshall.

Some of the authors I have read diasgree with you, but I am not asserting one view of history over another.

Timoshenko looks doomed and soon the Ukraine will be back in Soviet hands! Then these pesky elections can be abolished!

I am still not sure where Stalin found all of his troops. The east, but where were they living in the east?

The ruskies moved whole aircraft factories from Moscow to siberia. Then they re-built these aircraft factories in a few weeks. They produced more than they did before. Quite incredible.

But they also estimate that the red army raped 25,000 german women on their way to Berlin. That wasnt very nice. The red army deny the figure. But plenty of german people committed suicide before the ruskies arrived and thousands headed West to surrender to the Allies.

A lot of german soldiers headed west to be captured by the allies. They couldnt expect much sympathy from the reds after their cruelty to them.

They hated russians, they were taught that they were sub-human.

That was wrong because if you go on you-tube there are some very nice russians featured.

And by the way, the first time the german military machine faultered and was stopped was in the The Battle of Britain.

War lads, its a fugging terrible thing for civilians. Justifiable only on the most serious and extreme grounds.
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Thank you comrade Marshall.

Some of the authors I have read diasgree with you, but I am not asserting one view of history over another.

Timoshenko looks doomed and soon the Ukraine will be back in Soviet hands! Then these pesky elections can be abolished!

I am still not sure where Stalin found all of his troops. The east, but where were they living in the east?

The ruskies moved whole aircraft factories from Moscow to siberia. Then they re-built these aircraft factories in a few weeks. They produced more than they did before. Quite incredible.

But they also estimate that the red army raped 25,000 german women on their way to Berlin. That wasnt very nice. The red army deny the figure. But plenty of german people committed suicide before the ruskies arrived and thousands headed West to surrender to the Allies.

A lot of german soldiers headed west to be captured by the allies. They couldnt expect much sympathy from the reds after their cruelty to them.

They hated russians, they were taught that they were sub-human.

That was wrong because if you go on you-tube there are some very nice russians featured.

And by the way, the first time the german military machine faultered and was stopped was in the The Battle of Britain.

War lads, its a fugging terrible thing for civilians. Justifiable only on the most serious and extreme grounds.

battle of britain was not an attempt by criminal germany and their criminal allies to invade britain nor is it considered a victory and or defeat- all knew the main game was Soviet Russia- the world criminal hitler refused to reinforce and re-supply rommel in africa for that reason all was needed for the criminal invasion of Soviet Russia.

Yes the criminal germans all attempted to flee west and surrender to us/uk military and then later deny any support for that world criminal hitler. there is no comparison to what the criminal germans and their criminal allies did in Soviet Russia to what alledgedly Soviet Russian military did in Germany- The criminal germans and their criminal allies considered Soviet Russians as lower than Jews- also there was no geneva convention adherence either. Soviet Russian restoration of law and order in these countries after the war was more than justified - (estonia/latvia/lithuania/hungary/slovenia/bulgaria/romania all were involved fully in the criminal invasion of Soviet Russia as allies to the criminal germans) - it was lucky that Italy and Finland swapped sides near the end or they would have been rightfully occuppied for having been involved in the criminal invasion too- the restoring of law and order in poland and czechoslovakia was vital - this does not happen overnight and took a long time which is why there needed to be significant soviet russian presence in these countries and also governments who would follow through with the required reforms.

These countries could not be trusted which is why Soviet Russia took control of east germany and built the very necessary wall as who knows criminal germany could rise again and with the criminal allies mentioned above plus the world criminal us and puppets uk once again invade Soviet Russia - Soviet Russia saved the world from a possible third world war as a result and all should be greatful to Soviet Russia.

The criminal usa is what should be stopped as they attempted to instigate another world war in korea and cuba and then vietnam - and now iraq and afganistan - they supported criminal governments world wide who have proved to be just that criminals- the world criminal usa must be stopped as their next victim is peacful Iran
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yeah but does that mean Dave Taylor will be out for longer than we thought

As i said if he was in the jen for men program he wouldn't put the strain on his body (especially knees and ankles)with all that weight he is carrying around. This player only has to look at food and he puts on 2 kgs.
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Hennessy, Its easier just to ignore marshall, he's just an attention seeking lollipoper who even the roosters supporters on this site are embarressed by.
The longer you frequent souths L.U., the more often you will witness his repetitive dribble.
Funnily enough, i dont remember seeing him here very often throughout the last season.... i guess thats to be expected of fair weather fans though.


First Grade
battle of britain was not an attempt by criminal germany and their criminal allies to invade britain nor is it considered a victory and or defeat- all knew the main game was Soviet Russia- the world criminal hitler refused to reinforce and re-supply rommel in africa for that reason all was needed for the criminal invasion of Soviet Russia.

Yes the criminal germans all attempted to flee west and surrender to us/uk military and then later deny any support for that world criminal hitler. there is no comparison to what the criminal germans and their criminal allies did in Soviet Russia to what alledgedly Soviet Russian military did in Germany- The criminal germans and their criminal allies considered Soviet Russians as lower than Jews- also there was no geneva convention adherence either. Soviet Russian restoration of law and order in these countries after the war was more than justified - (estonia/latvia/lithuania/hungary/slovenia/bulgaria/romania all were involved fully in the criminal invasion of Soviet Russia as allies to the criminal germans) - it was lucky that Italy and Finland swapped sides near the end or they would have been rightfully occuppied for having been involved in the criminal invasion too- the restoring of law and order in poland and czechoslovakia was vital - this does not happen overnight and took a long time which is why there needed to be significant soviet russian presence in these countries and also governments who would follow through with the required reforms.

These countries could not be trusted which is why Soviet Russia took control of east germany and built the very necessary wall as who knows criminal germany could rise again and with the criminal allies mentioned above plus the world criminal us and puppets uk once again invade Soviet Russia - Soviet Russia saved the world from a possible third world war as a result and all should be greatful to Soviet Russia.

The criminal usa is what should be stopped as they attempted to instigate another world war in korea and cuba and then vietnam - and now iraq and afganistan - they supported criminal governments world wide who have proved to be just that criminals- the world criminal usa must be stopped as their next victim is peacful Iran

So many criminals, so few executions.